Use "ectopic pregnancy" in a sentence

1. Choriocarcinoma forms when cells that were part of the placenta in a normal pregnancy become cancerous. It can happen after a miscarriage, abortion, ectopic pregnancy, or molar pregnancy -- …

2. Detection of ectopic pregnancy is typically by blood tests for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and ultrasound.

3. Anuria and oliguria complicating abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy (O00-O07, O08.4) Anuria and oliguria complicating pregnancy ( O26.83- ) Anuria and oliguria complicating the puerperium ( O90.4 )

4. The newly fertilized egg might grow in a Fallopian tube (an ectopic pregnancy) or might travel into the womb.

5. For women who undergo reversal of tubal sterilization, the risk of ectopic pregnancy is high.” —Contemporary OB/ GYN, June 1998.

6. Teddy Agida Olatunde Onafowokan Ectopic pregnancy is a major public health issue and remains a major challenge to the reproductive Performance of women worldwide.

7. Atrial Ectopic and Premature Atrial Complex (PAC) These arise from ectopic pacemaking tissue within the atria

8. Low birth weight, small for gestational age, premature birth, congenital defects, abruptio placentae, spontaneous abortion, ectopic pregnancy, and perinatal mortality have been linked to prenatal smoking (1,3,5).

9. We show that ectopic expression of Apterous induces ectopic ventral expression of PS1 integrin and alpha PS1 mRNA, while loss of Apterous can induce the ectopic dorsal expression of PS2 integrin

10. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS – Cervicitis – Ectopic pregnancy – Adnexal mass with rupture or torsion (e.g. twisted ovarian cyst) – Pyelonephritis – Appendicitis – Inflammatory bowel disease – Diverticulitis COMPLICATIONS – – – – – – – Recurrent episodes (in 15% to 25% of cases) Tubo-ovarian abscess (in 15% of cases) Sepsis Infertility (prevalence of 12% after one episode) Chronic pelvic pain (in 20% of cases) Adhesions Increased ris k of ectopic pregnancy (four- to eightfold increase in risk)

11. HyperAmylasemia is associated with, but not limited to, other acute abdominal disorders, biliary tract disease, diabetic ketoacidosis, severe glomerular dysfunction, salivary gland disorders, ruptured ectopic pregnancy and macroAmylasemia.

12. Ectopic hamartomatous thymoma has to be distinguished from ectopic cervical thymoma, thymolipoma, ectopic salivary tissue, teratoma, peripheral nerve sheath tumours, malignant epithelial tumours with thymus-like differentiation, biphasic synovial sarcoma, and skin adnexal tumours.

13. Other articles where Ampullar pregnancy is discussed: pregnancy: Ectopic pregnancy: Ampullar pregnancies, which are by far the most common, usually terminate either in a tubal abortion, in which the embryo and the developing afterbirth are expelled through the open end of the tube into the abdomen; by a tubal rupture; or, less commonly, by absorption…

14. 63% of ectopic pregnancies present with an Adnexal mass

15. Atrial Beat an ectopic Beat originating in an atrium

16. Ectopic lymphoid tissues in Arytenoids are rarely reported

17. In special patients an ectopic parathyroid adenoma can be removed thoracoscopically.

18. A Cryptic pregnancy, also called a stealth pregnancy, is a pregnancy that conventional medical testing methods may fail to detect

19. Conclusion: Quadruplet pregnancy is an extremely race, curable and high risk pregnancy.

20. Faking a pregnancy.

21. Eclampsia/toxemia of pregnancy

22. Bigeminal rhythms may arise from ectopic firing or from failure of impulse generation or conduction

23. Most ectopic pregnancies (90%) occur in the Fallopian tube which are known as tubal pregnancies.

24. Oh, goddamn pregnancy hormones.

25. A Chemical pregnancy is an early pregnancy loss that occurs shortly after implantation

26. Pregnancy starts with Conception

27. Method of examining pregnancy toxemia

28. You're suffering from sympathetic pregnancy.

29. These methods prevent pregnancy.

30. Other sites of ectopic implantation include ovary, abdominal peritoneum, and cornual ( uterine ) portion of fallopian tube.

31. (2014) Position-specific induction of ectopic limbs in non-regenerating Blastemas on Axolotl forelimbs

32. Bump start Free Pregnancy Group

33. Constipation is common in pregnancy.

34. Contraception aims to prevent pregnancy

35. Voluntary therapeutic interruption of pregnancy

36. The breasts swell during pregnancy.

37. Pregnancy; Placenta praevia; Diagnosis; Treatment.

38. Maternity belt, pregnancy Belly band or pregnancy belt—no matter what you call it, we have the trusted support you need during and after pregnancy

39. 30 Objective To discuss the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapeutic approaches of ectopic ureter orifice.

40. Successful pregnancy depends on sufficient uteroplacental circulation. Placental thrombosis or infarction can result in adverse pregnancy outcome.

41. Home Remedies to Abort Pregnancy Naturally

42. Many women experience sickness during pregnancy .

43. PArents - Pregnancy, Birth, Babies, Parenting

44. Plan and prepare for pregnancy

45. Teen Pregnancy —A Global Tragedy

46. (Bimbo, pregnancy)- Cristina is a Bimbo writer (she also dabbles in pregnancy) with a style all her own

47. The pregnancy hormones that allow you to maintain your pregnancy also slow the digestive process considerably .

48. Anemia during or after pregnancy, pregnancy related infections, high BP, any such complication can have devastating effect.


50. Since ectopic Blastemas can be induced to form a limb de novo, they appear to be equivalent to …

51. Find out information about Ampullar pregnancy

52. 9 Hormone levels increase throughout pregnancy.

53. A Cryptic pregnancy — also known as a “stealth pregnancy” or a “denied pregnancy” — is when a woman is pregnant but doesn’t know it (or denies it) up until labor begins

54. A related tissue, inducible Balt (iBalt), is an ectopic lymphoid tissue that is formed upon inflammation or in …

55. Rectal bleeding, two positive pregnancy tests.

56. Endometriosis Adhesions, composed of ectopic endometrial tissue, inflammatory enzyme and old, pooled menstrual blood, can form

57. He became recognized primarily for his investigations on carbohydrate metabolism in pregnancy and on toxemias associated with pregnancy.

58. While it may be hard to imagine, there are many reasons why Cryptic pregnancies can happen including lack of pregnancy symptoms, irregular periods before pregnancy, and an inaccurate pregnancy test.

59. Ectopic expression of wild type Axin in dorsal blastomeres of Xenopus embryos causes ventralization (Zeng et al 1997)

60. Ectopic expression of wild type Axin in dorsal blastomeres of Xenopus embryos causes ventralization (Zeng et al 1997)

61. Specifically it works well when the beta-HCG is low and the size of the ectopic is small.

62. Smoking during pregnancy endangers your baby's life .

63. Many women go off coffee during pregnancy.

64. Ampicillin is considered safe during pregnancy

65. Births and Voluntary Interruptions of Pregnancy

66. The pregnancy itself was relatively uneventful.

67. Her first pregnancy ended in miscarriage.

68. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (which include pre-eclampsia) are one of the most common causes of death due to pregnancy.

69. Tables and advice of acceptable weight gain during pregnancy to avoid a lasting pregnancy weight gain after childbirth.

70. Pre-eclampsia predicted using test during pregnancy

71. Human Chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is sometimes called “the pregnancy hormone” because of its important role in maintaining pregnancy

72. Ectopic Blastemas and accessory limbs express the same marker genes for dedifferentiation and regeneration as do amputation-induced Blastemas


74. Amnionic fluid serves several roles during pregnancy

75. Pregnancy cravings and Aversions are incredibly common

76. News of her pregnancy soon got round .

77. Pregnancy causes many changes in your cervix .

78. She stopped working midway through her pregnancy.

79. Selective pregnancy reduction corresponds to the termination of one foetus in a twin pregnancy who has a serious abnormality.

80. Chromosomal Abnormalities may cause 50% of recurrent pregnancy losses; losses due to chromosomal Abnormalities are more common during early pregnancy