Use "ecstatic" in a sentence

1. Annie was ecstatic about the idea.

2. Blissed-out definition is - experiencing bliss : ecstatic

3. Sally was ecstatic about her new job.

4. Rose's face loomed suddenly, ecstatic and blank.

5. Intense and especially ecstatic or exultant happiness.

6. What does Corybantic mean? Frenetic, ecstatic and orgiastic

7. They gave an ecstatic reception to the speech.

8. The passage takes off thereafter in ecstatic inventory.

9. 4 He must be ecstatic about your exoneration.

10. He gave an ecstatic sigh of happiness.

11. Some couples are ecstatic, while others have mixed reactions.

12. Just as we were about to reach ecstatic heights.

13. She's ecstatic when you bring her this enemy dwarf.

14. Roh was ecstatic about the results of the meeting.

15. Martin was not exactly ecstatic at the news.

16. Emotions ranged from ecstatic, tearful meditation to simple curiosity.

17. Jacqueline was ecstatic to see her old friends again.

18. His laughter now was ecstatic; he wiped away tears.

19. The exhibition attracted thousands of visitors and ecstatic reviews.

20. They were greeted by the cheers of an ecstatic crowd.

21. She was absolutely ecstatic when I told her the news.

22. He was ecstatic at the news of his daughter's birth.

23. The new president was greeted by an ecstatic crowd.

24. I promise you I will be properly ecstatic if it works.

25. 7 Her mood of ecstatic fidelity was a dangerous exaltation.

26. From awesome natural Childbirth videos at home to ecstatic hospital birth videos

27. Now after ecstatic reviews it is playing to packed audiences in London.

28. Rapt, ecstatic, she willed me on to ever-greater feats of ardour.

29. Some were engulfed while still sunbathing, ecstatic eyes turned upward to salt water.

30. They were as ecstatic as if it had just rained manna from heaven.

31. No one was more ecstatic with this turn of events than Senator Byrd.

32. One word from His living lips changed her agonized grief into ecstatic joy.

33. The kids were ecstatic when we brought home the new video game system.

34. Synonyms for Athrill include ecstatic, elated, euphoric, delighted, rapturous, enraptured, overjoyed, happy, thrilled and exhilarated

35. His wife gave birth to their first child, and he was ecstatic about it.

36. Shawn was ecstatic at winning the tournament, and of course, so was his father.

37. 10 The venom of many snakes, especially cobras, acts as a hallucinogen,( producing ecstatic visions.

38. And another executioner earned the crowd's ecstatic applause when he beheaded two criminals with one blow!

39. Concretism of thought and feeling is Archaic; also compulsion and inability to control oneself (ecstatic or …

40. I was feeling ecstatic, yet did not hope to sustain this ecstasy through my life.

41. FHD Attackers RBD-896 Police Boys And Girls College Students And Ecstatic Lusts Akita Natsume Eri Itou

42. 29 It has the feel of an ecstatic stream - of - consciousness, moving rapidly toward a climactic end.

43. She screamed, half terrified, half ecstatic, feeling like a mote of dust tossed on an endless ocean.

44. The upper windows and galleries were full enough, however, although the faces were more respectful and curious than ecstatic.

45. Accepting attractive wisdom, Fashionable and openhanded design style reflects refined atmosphere of life in which you become ecstatic.

46. More then 000 ecstatic fans filled stadia each night to scream at the girly they instantly dubbed the Mighty Minogue.

47. Almost always the crossing of boundaries between the sexes occurred during ecstatic rites involving loud music and wild dancing processions.

48. From the ecstatic natural beauty, monuments to commercials, acting and modeling portfolios, Blissed eyes comes with the best collection to …

49. Name (Age): Byran (16) Team: Ecstatic Eagles Label: The Over-Excited Brainiac Job/Hobby: I do theater, but that's really all

50. Blissed-out Alternative health A colloquialism for being ecstatic, euphoric or in a trance, specifically as a result of a religious experience

51. Her reading of the passions of men and women in the past so often revealed that ecstatic love ended in tragedy.

52. So little cause for Carolingsof such ecstatic soundWas written on terrestrial thingsAfar or nigh around,That I could think there trembled throughHis happy …

53. Aristotle calls the flute orgiastic because it contributes to religious insanity but often refers to drums in bacchic, Corybantic or similar ecstatic worship.

54. "Trying to have an orgasmic birth defeats the object, " she says, "I just got into this ecstatic state where I had these peaks of orgasm.

55. And our sense of hearing catches the nuances of tone in a well-loved voice, the whisper of the wind through the trees, the toddler’s ecstatic laugh.

56. "Go or Go Ahead" is an epic with an Anthemic, cast-of-thousands chorus complete with an ecstatic guitar solo that would make Freddie Mercury proud

57. The following development -- fraught with sudden shifts from minor to major and constant modulations -- is animated by real conviction, as Aureately ecstatic moments vie with tempestuous alarums

58. * To speak in different tongues: ecstatic prayer in praise of God, interpreted in Acts 2:6, 11 as speaking in foreign languages, symbolizing the worldwide mission of the church

59. Frustration in church work, emotional stress, failure in a career, bereavement, domestic tensions, or illness in the family are cited as factors that contribute to such ecstatic speech.

60. No matter how intensely Hendricks will attest to its lack of quality, All My Heroes Are Cornballs is an ecstatic record, a more personal look at the JPEGMAFIA persona and the international

61. Gutmann described his journey deep into the dissident archipelago of Falun Gong, Tibetans, Uighurs and House Christians, uncovering an ageless drama of resistance, eliciting confessions of deep betrayal and moments of ecstatic redemption.

62. From a corner of the room, the old ecstatic gaucho - in whom Dahlmann saw a summary and cipher of the South (his South) - threw him a naked dagger, which landed at his feet.

63. Bhakti Yoga is practiced in many ways, including reading or listening to scripture, kirtan (literally “praising”), or ecstatic group chanting, focusing on the Source or universal consciousness (however you understand those concepts), service, and friendship

64. Talking about the collaboration HAIM said that, "we've been fans of Anthony Gonzalez and M83 for a long long time so when he reached out to have us sing on the song we were ecstatic.

65. The ecstatic declamatory vocal line of "Holy Spirit" matching both word stress and poetic movement, threads its way through " Clangorous singing, legato" rapid figuration in irregular patterns in the treble register of the piano in both hands

66. Hearing the ecstatic roar of the crowd at the international cricket grounds at Sabina Park in Jamaica, Bourder in Guyana, Recreation Ground in Antigua, Kensington in Barbados, and Queen's Park Oval in Trinidad is an experience that many have confessed sends chills up …

67. Society’s inability to advance towards self-actualization despite catalytic acts of momentous individual sacrifice reflects an existentialist failure to create and preserve meaning, thus threatening to reduce humanity to a state of sub-existence.So little cause for Carolingsof such ecstatic soundWas written on terrestrial thingsAfar or nigh

68. Society’s inability to advance towards self-actualization despite catalytic acts of momentous individual sacrifice reflects an existentialist failure to create and preserve meaning, thus threatening to reduce humanity to a state of sub-existence.So little cause for Carolingsof such ecstatic soundWas written on terrestrial thingsAfar or nigh

69. ‘There are many women who, as Abbesses or as ordinary nuns, did much for learning and welfare.’ ‘Most of the early medieval saints were bishops, abbots, and Abbesses with an impeccable social pedigree.’ ‘This extract from Hildegard of Bingen, an abbess, is from a book of ecstatic visions.’

70. Reach 250 Awards (honors and medals) Silicon Valley: Program 100 viruses The Affronted: Irritate all job interviewers Energetic: Achieve the maximum of 1,000 energy Ecstatic: Achieve the maximum of 99,999 happiness Christmas in Torn: Login on Christmas Day Trick or Treat: Login on Halloween Torniversary: Login on November 15th Buffed: Achieve

71. Among the most common of these forms, especially for men, was the attainment and use of an ecstatic battle-fury closely linked to a particular totem animal, usually a bear or a wolf, and often occurring within the context of certain formal, … Continue reading Berserkers and Other Shamanic

72. They described themselves as "ecstatic" with a first draft of the screenplay submitted by Markus and McFeely, and also stated that the film's title would be announced "in a month or so at most", and that the concept and title for the film came from Feige, who had it "for a while".

73. The series includes omens of public Apodoses (mostly tablets 1–17), “If a woman gives birth, and at birth (the child) is already as white as alabaster—end of the reign; omen of a despotic king,” and private Apodoses (mostly tablets 18–24), “If a woman gives birth to an ecstatic [maḫḫu], male or female, she has been impregnated

74. The Bacchants’ rituals were described as wild, rapturous group encounters, drunken ecstatic cavorting, driving them wild so they do not recognize their own children – these all apply to the drug culture of the present day, and in a sprawling and progressive metropolis such as New York City the spread of such a culture is indeed menacing.

75. A bacchanal is a crazed party with drunken revelry, ecstatic sexual experimentation, and wild music. In a nutshell, it is "sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll." Bacchus was the Roman god of wine, which loosened the chains of social restraints; and so, the name of Bacchantes’ hedonistic, pleasure-filled gatherings were named Bacchanals.

76. Darkling ThrushAt once a voice arose amongThe bleak twigs overheadIn a full-hearted evensongOf joy illimited;An aged thrush, frail, gaunt, and small,In blast-beruffled plume,Had chosen thus to fling his soulUpon the growing gloom.So little cause for Carolingsof such ecstatic soundWas written on terrestrial thingsAfar or nigh around,That I could

77. ‘The Coiners of the word would have never used it to describe a geo-political system.’ ‘I am not sure if the coiner of said phrase really meant quite this small.’ ‘As she raced up the stairs, she could hear sweet ecstatic giggles emitted into the air, and that low soft husky voice rolling words around better than …