Use "economic crisis" in a sentence

1. Lebanon: Economic Crisis Beleaguers Government, Parliament

2. After statehood, Israel faced a deep economic crisis.

3. 20 The economic crisis was interpreted in diametrically opposing ways.

4. 19 The recent economic crisis has led to massive layoffs.

5. "Zimbabwe: Labour Union Resolves to Strike Over Worsening Economic Crisis".

6. Its record in economic crisis-management does not inspire confidence.

7. Natural disasters have obviously contributed to the continent's economic Crisis

8. Profits have shriveled since the start of the economic crisis.

9. 23 The country is in the midst of an economic crisis.

10. 8 Financial crisis rapidly inflated to a nation-wide economic crisis.

11. Asia economic crisis started in 1997 and bottom out in 2000.

12. (21) The financial and economic crisis' impact on agriculture remains ambiguous.

13. The global economic crisis highlights the deficiencies of existing international institutions .

14. The global economic crisis is opening up the world as well.

15. WARWICK, UK – Is academic freedom affordable in a time of economic crisis?

16. Alexi, you know what an economic crisis that would be for Russia.

17. 2 The country's economic crisis had an unsettling effect on world markets.

18. [ + of] An economic crisis may have tremendous Consequences for our global security

19. The main story in all the Broadsheets today is the economic crisis

20. There will be an economic crisis at the end of this year.

21. Of course, immediate task or make every effort to resolve the economic crisis.

22. Because of the economic crisis, habits that seemed unalterable are suddenly being altered.

23. In the late 2000s economic crisis, the Slovenian economy suffered a severe setback.

24. “Because of an economic crisis, 20 years of hard work came to nothing.

25. Local stores and businesses are beginning to feel the pinch from the economic crisis.

26. In 1984, the Fourth Labour Government was elected amid a constitutional and economic crisis.

27. They exchanged notes on the global economic crisis and other subjects of mutual interest.

28. Responsable por, responsable de adj + prep : Is the government Answerable for this economic crisis?

29. Later the city fell into an economic crisis and people migrated to other regions.

30. A year later, the Asian Development Bank reported that Pakistan's economic crisis was easing.

31. During that same economic crisis, his final newspaper, The New National Era, failed in September.

32. It is quite apparant that natural disaster is the cause of the country's economic crisis.

33. Carnegie Mellon University Economics Professor Lester Lave says the economic crisis made the change urgent.

34. Key economic indicators which Gaidar cited in his speech illustrated the depth of the economic crisis.

35. During the last quarter of the 19th century, the newly united Italy suffered an economic crisis.

36. Nevertheless, these apprehension are in of economic crisis puissant and oppressive fell to become the history.

37. The unpopular war in Iraq was a key issue during the campaign before the economic crisis.

38. The economic crisis, known as the South Sea Bubble, made George and his ministers extremely unpopular.

39. Others fret that the system might not provide enough help in times of rural economic crisis.

40. Opponents fret that the system might not provide enough help in times of rural economic crisis.

41. The economic crisis was one of the main problems that forced Berlusconi to resign in 2011.

42. 27 The national economic crisis led to the removal of many of the subsidies on foodstuffs.

43. In recent years, the country has suffered a profound political and economic crisis, and depravation is acute.

44. The economic crisis has accelerated the number of poor who are falling below the social safety nets

45. The economic crisis has accelerated the number of poor who are falling below the social safety nets.

46. whereas the financial and economic crisis has greatly added to the underlying demographic challenge facing the EU,

47. “We cannot allow the economic crisis to deflect us from our commitment to the world’s poorest people.

48. The world faced an economic crisis that was potentially worse than the Great Depression of the 1930

49. We cannot allow the economic crisis to deflect us from our commitment to the world’s poorest people.

50. Toward the end of the 1990s, the demand in Japan decreased due to the long economic crisis.

51. Serious, important, dangerous, critical, crucial, alarming, severe, grave, sudden, urgent, decisive The war aggravated an Acute economic crisis.

52. The financial and economic crisis that started in 2008 has dramatically altered the context for cohesion policy programmes.

53. As a matter of urgency, it must also help companies affected by this economic crisis to stay afloat.

54. Any recovery from the current economic crisis would be incomplete if the related food crisis was not addressed.

55. Latvia points out the risks to this equipment at a time of economic crisis with reduced budget allocations.

56. * The Ministers noted that the process of recovery from the global financial and economic crisis had been uneven.

57. A currency crisis is a type of financial crisis, and is often associated with a real economic crisis.

58. The Asian Economic Crisis of 1997 has been cited as a major impetus for the constitution's successful approval.

59. The expansive fiscal and monetary response to the global economic crisis has also built up vulnerabilities in many countries.

60. This is the last thing President Mikhail Gorbachev needs( ), as he tries to contain a staggering economic crisis.

61. The Vietnam government has poured billions of dollars into the economy since the start of the global economic crisis .

62. Plagued by COVID-19 and an economic crisis, Italy is now facing the possible resurgence of the Camorra clan.

63. According to some accounts, Burma had the largest thriving prostitution industry in British India because of the economic crisis.

64. During the economic crisis of the 1990s, deforestation accelerated, as people turned to the woodlands to provide firewood and food.

65. All these also occurred after the onset of the economic crisis and after McCain's poll numbers had started to fall.

66. The weak housing market is largely responsible for an economic crisis that leading to new governmental steps in finical system.

67. The fighting generally favoured Louis XIV's armies, but by 1696, his country was in the grip of an economic crisis.

68. At a time of economic crisis, environmental measures are viewed as a threat to jobs or a brake on the economy.

69. In the latter part of the 1990s, government policies were loosened to combat the Asian economic crisis by encouraging foreign investment.

70. Political Bickering has stopped all of them from solving the country’s economic crisis and addressing the people’s social and developmental demands

71. Israel was financially overwhelmed and faced a deep economic crisis, which led to a policy of austerity from 1949 to 1959.

72. The devaluation or revaluation of a currency against the dollar was permitted only when a country faced a severe economic crisis.

73. And what is more, the global economic crisis that is going on now creates additional incentives to continue along this path.

74. The critical phase of the global economic crisis is behind us, but the process of recovery is still fragile and uneven.

75. Federalism Complicates the Response to the COVID-19 Health and Economic Crisis: What Can Be Done? Nicole Huberfeld; Nicole Huberfeld Boston University

76. From 1992 till 2001, the young country suffered its worst economic crisis that left most of the population below the poverty line.

77. Austerity measures introduced to combat the continuing economic crisis included cutbacks in the financial privileges enjoyed by government ministers and civil servants.

78. In addition, external factors linked to economic crisis made the absorption of the funds an even more difficult task for Member States.

79. The global trend towards multi-polarity and a more even distribution of power has been accelerated by the recent global economic crisis.

80. In the early 1980s, Kuwait experienced a major economic crisis after the Souk Al-Manakh stock market crash and decrease in oil price.