Use "eased" in a sentence

1. The situation has eased .

2. You've eased father's anger, uncle?

3. The pain eased slightly.

4. The aspirins eased my headache.

5. She eased her shoes off.

6. He eased the bolt in.

7. The rain had eased up.

8. The dollar eased against the mark.

9. Sophisticated societies eased the Bartering process by …

10. The nurse eased the bandage off.

11. Simplified occupancy clearances eased construction permitting.

12. The workers eased the refrigerator into place.

13. He eased his foot off the accelerator.

14. 4-1/2″ Eased Edge Craftsman Baseboard

15. I eased my way towards the door.

16. I eased myself out of the chair.

17. He eased his way through the crowd.

18. I eased the drawer open with a knife.

19. The tug eased into the narrow docking space.

20. She eased her injured foot into her shoe.

21. His strong hand eased the bag from her grip.

22. After the baby, she eased herself back into work.

23. Rabia eased her into a squat, crouching behind her.

24. 23 His foot eased to the gas pedal, then froze.

25. 27 When his grip loosened she eased herself away.

26. 6 The tug eased into the narrow docking space.

27. The coat needs to be eased under the armpits.

28. Glover eased back in his chair and played possum.

29. 1 The tug eased into the narrow docking space.

30. 9 She eased her large bulk out of the chair.

31. The next verse, however, describes how the burden was eased.

32. The morphine was starting to take effect and the pain eased.

33. Extending R is also eased by its lexical scoping rules.

34. Goodstein suggested that this eased by talking about extenuating circumstances.

35. The Labour government eased the position by reducing the levy.

36. The projects significantly reduced commute times and eased congestion across the city.

37. He trotted in sync across the yard as the swarm eased away.

38. She gave me a gooey smile and then eased her grip.

39. Mesmerized, she slipped off her robe and eased into the bed.

40. I eased into the general picture again and became as unidentifiable as possible.

41. After a month or two the backache had eased, leaving me with sciatica.

42. Foreign investment caps have been eased in construction, railways and defence sectors.

43. Monetary policy was eased in order to avoid a downturn or recession.

44. Perkins Brailler significantly eased the typing method for persons with visual impairments

45. The gentleness and fatherliness of the strange old man eased her fears.

46. As a result, luxury spices became much more abundant and prices eased.

47. He eased the Land-Rover off the road and up to the ranch house.

48. Luckily, with the help of DNA Barcoding, their job has been significantly eased.

49. More intuitive user interface and eased operation with Windows 7 look and feel.

50. 15 After the patient received acupuncture treatment,[]his spasms eased off somewhat.

51. Well, the cold weather eased somewhat, and they brought a portable disinfection station.

52. Some reactions have been eased by replacing original rice with genetically modified rice.

53. I eased into the room and closed the door, flipping on the light.

54. A Bloated stomach can be painful and frustrating -- but it can be eased

55. (a) whether US administration has eased the process of obtaining L-1B Visas;

56. Synonyms for Bated include ebbed, lessened, waned, aBated, moderated, slackened, lapsed, eased, checked and curbed

57. Undaunted, we crushed our bodies against the stone and eased ourselves up and over.

58. The Credit Unions Act 1979 has eased the growth of the credit union movement.

59. 14 After a month or two the backache had eased, leaving me with sciatica.

60. And within a week of switching to a macrobiotic diet the pains had eased.

61. Conversely, credit conditions eased further in Member States where activity was already relatively strong.

62. The bridge facilitated UNMISS patrolling and humanitarian access and eased movement during the rainy season;

63. "The pain seems to have eased a little with these new tablets, " he said weakly.

64. Synonyms for Bolstered include helped, benefited, benefitted, facilitated, improved, ameliorated, amended, eased, maintained and restored

65. Synonyms for Benefitted include helped, benefited, bolstered, facilitated, improved, ameliorated, amended, eased, maintained and restored

66. Antonyms for Bastardised include helped, benefited, benefitted, bolstered, facilitated, improved, ameliorated, amended, eased and maintained

67. Synonyms for Benefited include helped, benefitted, bolstered, facilitated, improved, ameliorated, amended, eased, maintained and restored

68. 4 And within a week of switching to a macrobiotic diet the pains had eased.

69. Now, flinching at the soreness in his thighs, he eased himself out of the saddle.

70. Synonyms for Alleviated include relieved, abated, allayed, anaesthetized, anesthetized, assuaged, diminished, eased, lessened and lightened

71. Synonyms for Ameliorated include helped, benefited, benefitted, bolstered, facilitated, improved, amended, eased, maintained and restored

72. James Carter arrived in this at his most extreme then eased into a breezy funk.

73. 11 He eased the Land-Rover off the road and up to the ranch house.

74. Weight was slowly ebbing; the rockets were being throttled back as the ship eased itself into orbit.

75. Their heads had been eased into the yoke, and they were now locked into the system.

76. I eased my Way through the crowds that were watching Midwinter climb down from the platform.

77. Something or someone that is very large: She eased her large Bulk out of the chair.

78. The catastrophic Finnish famine of 1866–1868 was followed by eased economic regulations and extensive emigration.

79. 30 James Carter arrived in this at his most extreme then eased into a breezy funk.

80. The unemployment trap has been substantially eased and the simplification of social security has had major effects.