Use "dystocia" in a sentence

1. 26 The ratio of cesarean section birth to dystocia delivery increased year after year, while that of forceps delivery to dystocia delivery decreased.

2. 29 The ratio of cesarean section birth to dystocia delivery increased year by year, with reverse trend of forceps delivery.

3. Spinning Babies ® asks a new question, “Where is baby?” Learn fresh solutions for long, painful labors, fetal malposition (posterior, asynclitic, etc.), or labor dystocia

4. They include a decreased number of implantation sites, interference with natural delivery (dystocia), an increase in visceral variations (renal pelvis ureter syndrome) and teeth abnormalities in F# offspring in rats

5. Given in high doses (> # IU/kg/day) follitropin alfa caused a decrease in the number of viable foetuses without being a teratogen, and dystocia similar to that observed with urinary hMG

6. Variable name Maternal variables Age Maternal length of in-hospital stay Case mix group Cesarean section Previous cesarean section Breech presentation Dystocia Fetal distress Severe preeclampsia and eclampsia Gestational diabetes Placenta previa Abruptio placenta Polyhydramnios Multifetal pregnancy CIHI manual: admission date—birth date CIHI manual CIHI manual CCPa: 86 ICD-9: 6542, 6606 ICD-9: 6522, 6696 ICD-9: