Use "dyskinesia algera" in a sentence

1. Dyskinesia was not increased in ZNS groups.

2. Dizziness Akathisia# Parkinsonism# Dyskinesia

3. Trauma leads to the dyskinesia.

4. You may hae heard the term tardie dyskinesia.

5. dizziness, headache, somnolence sudden onset of sleep, syncope amnesia, dyskinesia, hyperkinesia

6. dizziness, dyskinesia, somnolence amnesia, headache hyperkinesia, sudden onset of sleep, syncope

7. Types of antipsychotic-induced movement disorders include dystonias, Akathisias, pseudoparkinsonism, and tardive dyskinesia

8. Haloperidol may result in a movement disorder known as tardive dyskinesia which may be permanent.

9. A diagnosis of probable reaction to cyclizine causing a lingual - facial - buccal dyskinesia was made.

10. Results: None of recurred after the surgical removal except some of the sensory deficit and dyskinesia.

11. Athetosis and dyskinesia often occur with spasticity but do not often occur alone.

12. Other possible indications for BTX injection such as sphincter of Oddi dyskinesia or cervical achalasia remain to be further established.

13. Objective: To observe the clinical features and imaging changes of Paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia (PKD) and to explore its pathogenesy.

14. Serious side effects may include neuroleptic malignant syndrome, low white blood cell levels, and the potentially permanent movement disorder tardive dyskinesia.

15. What is primary Ciliary dyskinesia (PCD)? PCD is a disorder that affects the cilia in your body

16. The atypical Antipsychotic clozapine has also been suggested as an alternative Antipsychotic for patients experiencing tardive dyskinesia

17. As early as in its judgment in Algera and Others the Court ruled that any administrative measure granting unlawful advantage may in principle be withdrawn ex tunc.

18. I would first stress that, from way back since the judgment of 12 July 1957 in the Algera case, the Court has adopted the following principle:

19. The ADRs that appeared to be dose-related included weight increased, headache, salivary hypersecretion, vomiting, dyskinesia, akathisia, dystonia, extrapyramidal disorder, hypertonia, and Parkinsonism

20. Primary Ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an inherited disease that affects hair-like structures called cilia that line the airways

21. Primary Ciliary dyskinesia is a disorder characterized by chronic respiratory tract infections, abnormally positioned internal organs, and the inability to have children (infertility)

22. It is not uncommon for alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency, Marfan syndrome and primary ciliary dyskinesia patients to have pulmonary NTM colonization and/or infection.

23. Primary Ciliary dyskinesia is a disorder characterized by chronic respiratory tract infections, abnormally positioned internal organs, and the inability to have children (infertility)

24. It is used to treat Parkinson's disease (sometimes called "paralysis Agitans" or "shaking palsy") and its symptoms, including dyskinesia (sudden uncontrolled movements)

25. In a Parkinson's disease model, the researchers investigated whether a CB2 inverse agonist can improve movement or inhibit dyskinesia, involuntary muscle movements.

26. Dr. Kieran Breen, Director of Research and Development at Parkinson's UK, said: "We know just how distressing and widespread dyskinesia can be.

27. Primary Ciliary dyskinesia is a disorder characterized by chronic respiratory tract infections, abnormally positioned internal organs, and the inability to have children (infertility)

28. The Aims (Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale) aids in the early detection of tardive dyskinesia as well as providing a method for on-going surveillance

29. Athetosis >> Muscles that receive defective messages from the brain may be constantly contracted and tight (spastic), exhibit involuntary writhing movements (Athetosis), or have difficulty with voluntary movement (dyskinesia)

30. Schizophrenia-in a long term #-week controlled trial, aripiprazole-treated patients had an overall-lower incidence (# %) of EPS including parkinsonism, akathisia, dystonia and dyskinesia compared with those treated with haloperidol (# %

31. The clinical manifestation comprised the sudden vertigo or unconsciousness with disturbance of eyeballs, abnormality of pupils, dyskinesia, hemianopsia and chagnes in behavior are often seen.

32. The clinical manifestation comprised the sudden vertigo or unconsciousness with disturbance of eyeballs, abnormality of pupils, dyskinesia(, hemianopsia and chagnes in behavior are often seen.

33. Motile cilia are involved in the most prominent ciliopathy called primary Ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) that combines respiratory symptoms, male infertility, and, in nearly 50% cases, situs inversus.

34. 88 The applicant seeks compensation for loss resulting from the wrongful conduct of the defendant (Joined Cases 7/56 and 3/57 to 7/57 Algera and others v Common Assembly of the ECSC [1957] ECR p.

35. Primary Ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an inherited disorder of clinical and genetic heterogeneity resulting from mutations in genes involved in the transport, assembly and function of motile cilia

36. Primary Ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an inherited disorder which affects the movement of tiny hair-like structures on body cells, known as cilia. Cilia are present on many types of cells, and particularly on those in the respiratory tract

37. Primary Ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is usually an autosomal recessive genetic condition in which the microscopic organelles (cilia) in the respiratory system have defective function. Ciliary dysfunction prevents the clearance of mucous from the lungs, paranasal sinuses and middle ears.

38. Primary Ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare inherited disorder caused by defects in the structure and/or function of cilia. Cilia are tiny hair-like structures, which are required to move fluids and particles in various parts of the body, including the airways.

39. Dopamine Agonists are less potent than levodopa but are useful in treating Parkinson’s disease because they can overcome or delay a levodopa-induced side effect called dyskinesia (involuntary movement of the arms, legs, and other body parts), which can severely affect patients’ quality of life.

40. Adults The most frequently (seen in # % of patients) reported adverse reactions associated with the use of olanzapine in clinical trials were somnolence, weight gain, eosinophilia, elevated prolactin, cholesterol, glucose and triglyceride levels (see section #), glucosuria, increased appetite, dizziness, akathisia, parkinsonism (see section #), dyskinesia, orthostatic hypotension, anticholinergic effects, transient asymptomatic elevations of hepatic transaminases (see section #), rash, asthenia, fatigue and oedema

41. The invention involves the combined administration of an antagonist of the NMDA receptor and an antidepressant, for example a combination of amantadine and citalopram or venlafaxine, or an antagonist of the NMDA receptor and an anxiolytic agent, for example amantadine and buspirone or trazodone, in order to improve unwanted tremors, akinesia, dyskinesia or bradykinesia associated with one or more different disorders or diseases.

42. 68 Secondly, it follows from case-law that, while the principles of legal certainty and of the protection of legitimate expectations require the withdrawal of an unlawful measure to occur within a reasonable time and regard must be had to how far the person concerned might have been led to rely on the lawfulness of the measure, the fact remains that such withdrawal is, in principle, permitted (see, in particular, Joined Cases 7/56 and 3/57 to 7/57 Algera and Others v Common Assembly of the ECSC [1957] ECR 39, at 55 and 56; Case 14/81 Alpha Steel v Commission [1982] ECR 749, paragraph 10; and Case 15/85 Consorzio Cooperative d’Abruzzo v Commission [1987] ECR 1005, paragraph 12).

43. The invention relates to neuroreceptor active N-[(4-phenyl-1-piperazinyl)alkyl]-substituted heteroarene carboxamide of general formula (I) and to structure analogous 2-ferrocenyl compounds of general formula (II) and the utilization thereof for the treatment of CNS diseases, for example, schizophrenia, different forms of depression, neurodegenerative disorders, sexual dysfunctions, cocaine, alcohol, opiate and nicotine addiction, in addition to glaucoma, cognitive disorders, restless leg syndrome, hyperactivity syndrome (ADHS), hyperprolactinemia, hyperprolactinoma, locomotion disorders associated with Parkinson's disease, treatment of L-DOPA and neuroleptic-induced locomotion disorders, for example, akathisia, rigor, dystonia and dyskinesia, wherein the substituents are defined in the description.