Use "dyers" in a sentence

1. Bastard-Rocket, dyers-weed, or wild woad, a species of Reseda

2. Bastard-Rocket, dyers-weed, or wild woad, a species of Reseda

3. Also patron of dyers, knife sharpeners, swordsmiths, and weavers; he is invoked against gout.

4. Botanical Colors provides natural dyes to natural dyers and fashion brands that are sustainable, environmentally friendly and support farming communities.

5. When it first became widely available in Europe in the 16th century, European dyers and printers struggled with indigo because of this distinctive property.

6. Caustic soda Rather than give up Caustic soda and synthetic dye, dyers ignored the bans and continued to use both items surreptitiously

7. Barrelier's Bugloss (Anchusa barrelieri)Bugloss or small Bugloss (Anchusa arvensis)Bugloss fiddleneck (Amsinckia lycopsoides)Common Bugloss (Anchusa officinalis)Cretan viper's Bugloss (Echium creticum)Dyers' Bugloss (Alcanna tinctoria)

8. Pewterers, plumbers, millwrights, saddlers, Bridlers, trunkmakers and distillers Hexham Weavers Tanners and Shoemakers Skinners and Glovers Hatters Morpeth Weavers Tanners Skinners, Glovers, and Butchers Fullers and Dyers Merchant Taylors Smiths, Saddlers and Armourers Cordwainers