Use "dyads" in a sentence

1. Antipathies also appeared to include dyads in which one partner was high one school grades and the other was low, and dyads in which one partner was high on problem behavior and the other was low

2. It is also shown that the dyad is just the outer product of two vectors, and the relationship between dyads and tensors can be accordingly set up.

3. Brainwashing has been applied to influence exerted by both small and large groups of people, including religious ‘cults’ and political organizations, for example, Jim Jones' Peoples Temple movement in Jonestown where the mass suicide/massacre occurred in 1978, as well as one-to-one dyads, such as the case of Lee Boyd Malvo, the teenage sniper in the Washington, DC, suburbs in

4. The paper investigates empirically the effects of family resources, educational aspirations, parenting styles and acculturation practices on educational success with a standardized cross-sectional study with mothers and their children: Data from 720 mother-child-dyads were collected in two receiving contexts (Hamburg and Saxony) with three ethnic groups (families of Turkish, Vietnamese and German origin) and two age groups of children (transition to lower and higher secondary school).