Use "dwell on" in a sentence

1. Go dwell on it at home!

2. Let's not dwell on your past mistakes.

3. Let us not dwell on the past.

4. “I Refuse to Dwell On My Illness”

5. I'd rather not dwell on the past.

6. 4 Let's not dwell on your past mistakes.

7. 1 I'd rather not dwell on the past.

8. Ruth let her eyes dwell on the forest.

9. It does not dwell on disproving false doctrines.

10. This valuable instrument does not dwell on false doctrines.

11. It's morbid to dwell on cemeteries and such like.

12. 7 Ruth let her eyes dwell on the forest.

13. Comments in personal record cards dwell on disciplinary matters.

14. The interviewee didn't want to dwell on bad experiences.

15. David did not dwell on feelings of remorse and worthlessness.

16. That is not a subject I want to dwell on.

17. 10 I won't dwell on the new company's opening night.

18. 9 The Murphy kitchen was not something to dwell on.

19. 8 Comments in personal record cards dwell on disciplinary matters.

20. 3 It's morbid to dwell on cemeteries and such like.

21. Don't dwell on the few things that are off kilter.

22. 12 But I don't want to dwell on that too much.

23. 6 That is not a subject I want to dwell on.

24. 21 He hardly had time to dwell on such matters, however.

25. Do you complain, find fault, criticize others, dwell on negative thoughts?

26. I shut out the memory which was too painful to dwell on.

27. She tried not to dwell on why it was that she hadn't.

28. 8 And all those who dwell on the earth will worship it.

29. 15 We need not dwell on the sexist nature of such myths.

30. Sometimes his mind would dwell on the horrors he had been through.

31. Her mind sheered away from images she didn't want to dwell on.

32. 5 Sometimes his mind would dwell on the horrors he had been through.

33. So you made a mistake, but there's no need to dwell on it.

34. 24 I shut out the memory which was too painful to dwell on.

35. Her mind sheered away from images she did not wish to dwell on.

36. 11 She tried not to dwell on why it was that she hadn't.

37. So you dwell on this terrible future, and you resign yourselves to it.

38. 25 Her mind sheered away from images she didn't want to dwell on.

39. God does not dwell on our faults but remembers the good that we do.

40. FEW of us want to dwell on the subject of sexual abuse of children.

41. 22 Her mind sheered away from images she did not wish to dwell on.

42. We don't need to dwell on the burglary or the assault that you suffered.

43. 23 So you made a mistake, but there's no need to dwell on it.

44. 17 I do not want to dwell on it; we know it to be true.

45. Yoshimasa severe tongue-lashing to refuse him, and warned him not to dwell on you.

46. Many of her poems dwell on the topic of death, often with a mischievous twist.

47. “I am aware of my past mistakes, but I try not to dwell on them”

48. 14 It helped her not to dwell on negatives and improved her role as a provider.

49. Subsequently, for reasons that we need not dwell on tonight, we were adrift for many years.

50. 19 Secondly, instruments tend to dwell on deficits in performance rather than levels of higher competence.

51. It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. J. K. Rowling 

52. 18 The authors dwell on the conflicts of interest arising from the commercialization of genetics and biotechnology.

53. It can include a little about hobbies and volunteer work , but do n't dwell on these things .

54. Some have given in to this temptation by allowing their minds to dwell on what is bad.

55. * As we talk of digital progress, we must dwell on what the Fourth Industrial Revolution promises for us.

56. God’s Word does not ignore the reality of poverty, but it does not dwell on the negative aspects.

57. 2 It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. J. K. Rowling 

58. You want to dwell on the past, instead of seeing what you want, and bloody well taking it.

59. You want to dwell on the past, instead of seeing what you want and bloody well taking it.

60. He does not look at pornography, he does not dwell on sensual fantasies, and he does not flirt.

61. Brooding Expressing deep sorrow or remorse. To dwell on a misfortunate outcome of an event with regret or displeasure

62. Do not dwell on your weaknesses, allowing them to paralyze you and prevent you from applying yourself to making improvement.

63. 29 The pattern seems to be, and fast changing circumstances dictate this more than anything, not to dwell on problems.

64. Mike puts it this way: “There are a lot of things I really want, but I don’t dwell on them.”

65. 13 One need hardly dwell on the catastrophic possibility of uttering a bantering remark only to discover it wholly inappropriate.

66. 16 Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars,[] and see yourself running with them. Marcus Aurelius 

67. 30 Why a pair was so expensive just four years ago is something you could dwell on well into the night.

68. They try not to worry excessively about the uncertainties in the future or to dwell on the traumatic events of the past.

69. 26 But in her writing and speeches Shaughnessy did not dwell on this problem; perhaps that was a necessary part of salesmanship.

70. The meetings dwell on subjects like counter-terrorism, energy security, trade, culture, science and technology, regional and global cooperation, to mention a few.

71. 28 They try not to worry excessively about the uncertainties in the future or to dwell on the traumatic events of the past.

72. When you catastrophize (AKA Awfulize), you dwell on a worse-than-worst-case scenario and get overwhelmed by a growing mushroom cloud of painful emotion

73. Mariann adds, “This tends to calm the children instead of allowing them to dwell on negative thoughts or to debate who is right or wrong.”

74. And when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present, those who dwell on the earth will wonder admiringly . . .

75. It will frighten those who prefer not to dwell on the unthinkable and infuriate those who have taken refuge in stereotypes and moral Attitudinizing."—Gordon A

76. Awfulize To "Awfulize" a situation is to look at all of the worst possible outcomes and to dwell on the most negative things that could happen

77. 20 Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer. Denis Waitley 

78. (Da 7:9, 10) To leave this abode to dwell on earth and to forsake their assigned service to have fleshly relations would be rebellion against God’s laws, and perversion.

79. Hope is the virtue of a heart that doesn't lock itself into darkness, that doesn't dwell on the past, does not simply get by in the present, but is able to see a tomorrow.

80. They cooperate with the angel seen by John who “had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people.”