Use "duvalier" in a sentence

1. Congresswoman says "Andre Apaid is a Duvalier-supporter

2. That is a standard pattern: Ferdinand Marcos, Jean-Claude Duvalier, Chun Doo Hwan, Suharto and many other useful gangsters.

3. He later focused on Haiti, which had just emerged from the Duvalier dictatorship but continued to be plagued with problems.

4. Dictator François Duvalier fostered a personality cult around himself and he claimed that he was the physical embodiment of the nation.

5. After her son's bitter divorce from his wife, Simone Duvalier lived with her son in relative poverty in the suburbs of Paris.

6. 30 By late 19 Papa Doc Duvalier had passed from the scene, succeeded by his son, a portly young man whom everybody called Baby Doc.