Use "dueled" in a sentence

1. During this month, she sank 26 small waterborne logistics craft and dueled with shore batteries a number of times.

2. A geyser of lava erupted, dropping molten rock on one of the outrigger collection arms of the facility where Obi-Wan and Vader dueled.

3. 29 A geyser of lava erupted, dropping molten rock on one of the outrigger collection arms of the facility where Obi-Wan and Vader dueled.

4. Aviatrice 1 1/4 I Am Ready 1 1/2 Promise Lane 1 3/4 Broke quickly dueled urged along driving to wire (5) 1 $10,000 Year-30 Week-13 Day-5 Marathon Racecourse (SD) Condition: Sloppy