Use "dudgeon" in a sentence

1. Yorkston KM, Baylor C R, Deitz J, Dudgeon BJ, Eadie T, Miller RM, & Amtman D

2. ‘I was rather Chagrined to discover there were inquiries for puppies going right back to October last year that I hadn't answered.’ Synonyms annoyed , irritated, cross, angry, vexed, exasperated, irked, piqued, displeased, put out, fed up, disgruntled, in a bad mood, in a temper, testy, in high dudgeon, huffy, in a huff, resentful, aggrieved

3. ‘I was rather Chagrined to discover there were inquiries for puppies going right back to October last year that I hadn't answered.’ Synonyms annoyed , irritated, cross, angry, vexed, exasperated, irked, piqued, displeased, put out, fed up, disgruntled, in a bad mood, in a temper, testy, in high dudgeon, huffy, in a huff, resentful, aggrieved