Use "dude ranch" in a sentence

1. She went to a dude ranch.

2. We are not having a honeymoon at a dude ranch!

3. Maggie: No kidding you use to work on a dude ranch?

4. They gave me a gentle horse to ride at the dude ranch.

5. You can stay at a "dude ranch, " an Old West country hotel.

6. There is a dude ranch at the bottom near the camp ground.

7. And we met these wonderful people at the dude ranch we stayed at.

8. A dude ranch charges visitors money to stay and help work on the ranch.

9. Days on a dude ranch - particularly after a night like that one - tend to be restful.

10. 21 Days on a dude ranch - particularly after a night like that one - tend to be restful.

11. Maggie: I agree, he's a responsible kid. After all he spent his entire childhood cooking for a dude ranch .

12. But it was important for everyone to get all the things they would be missing about the dude ranch off their chests.

13. This took a while to agree upon, because once you've been to a dude ranch , vacationing at home is tough to imagine.

14. 29 This took a while to agree upon, because once you've been to a dude ranch , vacationing at home is tough to imagine.

15. They want the Big Scream ride at the amusement park, or sleeping under the stars at a dude ranch, or exploring a city.

16. Three cowboys spend a lazy afternoon on the dude ranch , when what should come down the hillside but a lost man, dressed in a very European suit and beret.

17. For the past 10 years, Carla has taken a summer vacation with her husband, Ted, and their two children, Scott, and Karen, at the same dude ranch in Colorado.