Use "duchies" in a sentence

1. The Duchies of Świdnica and Jawor passed to Bohemia after Bolko's death in 1368.

2. Titles in Kyivan Rus: [Baronies, Counties, Duchies, Kingdoms, Empires] = [Boyardom, Grand Boyardom, Kniazhestvo, Velikoe Kniazhestvo, Tsardom]

3. However, the other European powers pressured Prussia to withdraw its forces, and King Frederick William IV accordingly ordered Wrangel to withdraw his troops from the duchies.

4. Cisalpine Republic (sĭsăl`pīn), Italian state created by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1797 by uniting the Transpadane and Cispadane republics, which he had established (1796) N and S of the Po River.The new republic included the former duchies of Milan, Parma, and Modena, the legations of Bologna and Ferrara, and the Romagna.