Use "ducats" in a sentence

1. So Guardasoni asked his old friend Mozart, who accepted, for a fee of 250 ducats.

2. Carradine dropped a few coins - ducats, I think - into the puddle and waved the woman away.

3. Adam had run knee-deep in silver ducats and jewelled goblets full of pearls!

4. He demands a levy of 400,000 ducats for the cost of his invasion so far.

5. She takes away everything that means anything to him - his jewels, his ducats, the family religion and herself.

6. In addition, the Papacy was forced to repay many outstanding debts to the Loredan family totaling approximately 500,000 Ducats, an enormous sum of money.

7. However, when Boniface died by a fall from horse on March 25 of that year, Frederick paid 50,000 ducats to Charles in exchange for the annulment of the contract, and pushed the pope for the restoration of his earlier marriage agreement.

8. (adverb) Suleiman kept the possessions he had won by the sword, Temesvar, Szolnok, Tata and other places in Hungary; Transylvania was assigned to John Sigismund, the Habsburg claim to interference being Categorically denied; Ferdinand bound himself to pay, not only the annual tribute of 30,000 ducats, but all the arrears that had meanwhile