Use "dry spell" in a sentence

1. The dry spell blighted the crops.

2. The dry spell quickly diminished our water suply.

3. The dry spell choke off the supply of water in that area.

4. The noonday sun beat down fiercely; dusty air carried the stink of rotting garlic after a prolonged dry spell.

5. Dry spell ends in AJK The crops grow and produce vegetable very rapidly and within a period of three months it becomes unproductive due to Chillness in weather in the end of December.

6. Coffee bushes deficient in potash defoliate easily after a heavy crop or during a dry spell. Prolongedm, severe potassium deficiency results in die-back of branches or the death of the entire tree.

7. The Prohibition Era: "Alky-Cooking" During the "Dry Spell" Oxford's 20th Century Words dates Prohibition ( COHA , GB ), as it refers to this era in American history, to 1922, when the Volstead Act was passed, enforcing the 18th amendment to the Constitution, prohibiting the sale, transport, or production of alcoholic drink in the United States.

8. MIRPUR (AJK) -- The cold and chilly weather conditions are likely to persist over the next one week across the scenic mountainous Azad Jammu and Kashmir, which had already fallen in the grip of severe dry spell and Chillness.A lot of people have fallen sick suffering with flue and fever following continued dryness amidst severe Chillness since past one week particularly.