Use "drowsing" in a sentence

1. Comatose: Absolute Sleep ぜったいねむり: Game's Text: It's always drowsing and will never wake up

2. Caffeine stimulates the brain psychomotor centres, Кофеин стимулирует психомоторные центры головного мозга, provides an Analeptical action, removes drowsing and fatigue, increases physical and mental efficiency, increases the penetrability of blood-tissue interfaces, increases arterial blood

3. Caffeine stimulates the brain psychomotor centres, Кофеин стимулирует психомоторные центры головного мозга, provides an Analeptical action, removes drowsing and fatigue, increases physical and mental efficiency, increases the penetrability of blood-tissue interfaces, increases arterial blood

4. Rosy with cold, Arabesqued with snowflakes, leaning into the wind, or drowsing before the fire, their eyes large, they look and listen, as if they glimpsed the peripheries of miracle or heard a soundless music in the air