Use "drifted" in a sentence

1. He drifted.

2. before it drifted away.

3. We had drifted downstream.

4. The boat drifted slowly downstream.

5. The smoke drifted downwind.

6. The wreckage slowly drifted away.

7. 6 Five weeks drifted tediously along.

8. The boat drifted out into midstream.

9. The wind drifted the snow across my yard.

10. The conversation drifted into family chat.

11. 11 An old peddler drifted in.

12. But the man didn't quote Scripture, just drifted away.

13. The car drifted on the iced road.

14. Maybe Little Fa has drifted into prostitution.

15. The oil prices drifted slightly higher presently.

16. A gentle Mozart sonata drifted round the room.

17. 26 Her gaze drifted around the room.

18. One by one the lovers drifted off into the moonlight.

19. The party has drifted too far from its socialist ideals.

20. The logs are drifted downstream to the mill.

21. Al Maghrun airfield drifted by on the right.

22. A waft of perfume drifted into Ingrid's nostrils.

23. The conversation drifted from on topic to another.

24. 5 The boat drifted dangerously near the falls.

25. He drifted out of the mainstream of society.

26. 7 She drifted aimlessly from one job to another.

27. 5 He just drifted aimlessly from job to job.

28. The conversation drifted from one subject to another.

29. The dollar drifted lower against the yen today.

30. Smoke from burning fields drifted across nearby roads.

31. In recent years, Abkhazia has drifted closer and closer to Russia

32. Coolness drifted in the window, and a fragrance of wet grass.

33. In time, he drifted into an immoral life-style.

34. His thoughts drifted forward in time from his novitiate.

35. Baitfish may be trolled or drifted, suspended, and weighted

36. The evidence that the continents have drifted is overwhelming.

37. The body had drifted at least three miles downstream.

38. They noticed that the gear deep under water drifted eastwards.

39. Later, though, they again drifted away from pure worship.

40. Smoke drifted up from the jungle ahead of us.

41. Cold and hungry, they drifted helplessly towards the Arctic.

42. Whiffs of this world’s “air” have thus drifted your way.

43. The boat slipped its moorings and drifted out to sea.

44. She drifted off again, back to her private morphine place.

45. Steam drifted upwards; the aroma of soup permeated the air.

46. 17 Life drifted aimlessly, until a friend came visiting with her Labrador Retriever.

47. It felt as though she'd drifted into some dreamlike watery paradise.

48. 22 He drifted into one of those easygoing relationships with John. Kenmy.

49. At sundown the men drifted back from the fields exhausted and steaming.

50. Although, God knows, of late, in our hubris, we seem to have drifted away.

51. Every morning, we drifted from stack to stack, vendor to vendor.

52. And then, Yale kind of drifted more toward the liberal end.

53. They swirled about us, rumbling overhead and underfoot, then drifted past.

54. Newton created a neural bridge from garbage and Drifted with a Kaiju.

55. He just walked and his mind drifted slowly like a torpid stream.

56. The curriculum drifted to a vocational emphasis, with less focus on theoretical science.

57. A small boat drifted in during the night, with no one on board.

58. Somewhere in the background, the food dispenser drifted aimlessly, offering tasty delicacies to uninterested people.

59. He drifted about the house like a rudderless vessel a rocky stream.

60. 22 Once an old peddler drifted in, selling wretched, ill - made nameplate signs.

61. One by one, they drifted into slumber, becoming ever more difficult to rouse.

62. With the sedative, Marek drifted into sleep but he did not wake up.

63. He drifted about the house like a rudderless vessel in a rocky stream.

64. But she could smell the danger; it drifted around her like a pungent perfume.

65. Being a snake in the grass , Mr. Chen has drifted apart from his friends.

66. Buggers are universal in that they can be dead drifted, swung, or stripped like a streamer

67. And the rich, savoury smell of the hare drifted down to meet her, turning her stomach.

68. As she drifted into sleep, the doctor's face began to blur and fade.

69. 30 The wind drifted the snow into a high bank, blocking the road.

70. The damaged boat drifted for days before it was finally taken in tow.

71. The heat shimmering over the asphalt had no snap to it; time drifted by.

72. It drifted west-northwestward, and on April 21 separated from the westerly wind system.

73. But as I drifted off to sleep... something my parents said got me thinking.

74. Unseen in the wild night, the occasional wisp of smoke drifted among the trunks.

75. Synonyms for Aquaplaned include skimmed, glided, glid, drifted, sailed, slid, slidden, coasted, flowed and slipped

76. This fallout drifted into Scandinavia and eastern Europe , causing enormous damage to crops and livestock .

77. No one in the interregnum seemed to feel final responsibility, and so matters drifted along.

78. Larry and Andy had drifted from place to place, worked at this and that.

79. Not break, fall or cry each time a hateful picture drifted in front of her face.

80. Slowly but inevitably they had drifted back into a loving relationship, culminating three months ago in their engagement.