Use "dreary" in a sentence

1. She's dreary little prude.

2. Even the old, dreary classics.

3. The thin, dreary voice trailed away.

4. The song was dreary and repetitive.

5. Life has become so dreary and exhausting.

6. The sun beamed throught the dreary clouds.

7. Addressing envelopes all day long is dreary work.

8. Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit

9. I found myself being drawn into another dreary argument.

10. Instead, there was the dreary return to mutual recrimination.

11. The house looked grim and dreary in the rain.

12. It can be the dreary horror of ribbon development.

13. Nowadays, dreary old Comprehensibility is still very much around

14. She had spent another dreary day in the office.

15. Nothing like a consolation for a dreary, drafty meal.

16. 14 The house looked grim and dreary in the rain.

17. Told em they could get teary, the world looks dreary.

18. The daily papers teemed with the dreary records of secession....

19. We were dreary and would have made fools of ourselves.

20. buried... deep amongst the dreary columns of our trade finance.

21. What makes life dreary is the want of a motive.

22. What makes life dreary is the want of motive. 

23. The Brickfield is a disappointingly dreary work by a superlative writer

24. dreary or gloomy The kitchen was a dank and Cheerless room.

25. This page shows answers to the clue Cheerlessness.Cheerlessness may be defined as “A feeling of dreary or pessimistic sadness” and “Uncheerfulness a feeling of dreary or pessimistic sadness”

26. It is a dreary little town where few would choose to linger.

27. Some common synonyms of Cheerless are bleak, desolate, dismal, dreary, and gloomy

28. Dreary-minded coadunatively bklr symbiogenetic rechanging Voorheesville donorship Bloodripe angekkok Sutherland puppyfoot

29. The Governor's sanctum was a leviathan suffused with the same dreary red light.

30. She was tired of hearing the same dreary tale of drunkenness and violence.

31. has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;

32. 56 synonyms for Cheerless: gloomy, dark, depressing, dull, grim, bleak, dismal, dreary, sombre

33. You're in a dreary barn of a place, its halcyon days long gone.

34. 21 Didn't she hear it, the drone, the hum, that awful, teasing, dreary hum?

35. 61 synonyms for Bland: dull, boring, weak, plain, flat, commonplace, tedious, vanilla, dreary, tiresome

36. I was living in a dreary apartment in a run-down part of town.

37. ▪ “For many the quality of life has been reduced to dreary, monotonous drudgery.

38. Synonyms for Cheerless include dismal, bleak, miserable, dark, dreary, depressing, desolate, dull, gloomy and grim

39. Antonyms for Anthemic include boring, unexciting, dreary, dull, monotonous, quiet, staid, tedious, tiresome and uninteresting

40. Shamen island is descryibed as a dreary banishment site and as a romantic fairy place.

41. An unfinished Basement, with its concrete floor and exposed joists, may seem dreary and cold

42. You can thank your lucky stars you don't have to go to this dreary

43. The capital of Belarus is, contrary to its dreary reputation, a progressive, modern and clean place

44. As he made this dreary soliloquy, he had cantered out of Rotten Row into the park.

45. You can thank your lucky stars that you don't have to go to this dreary reception.

46. Their nightly ritual was that of trying to sleep in the dreary confines of air-raid shelters.

47. New ideas, fresh language, and unusual subject matter can keep your writing from being dreary and Banal.

48. She was a dreary, promiscuous, disorganized piece of human driftwood, who kept having babies of dubious provenance.

49. He then became a customs inspector, but he found the work dreary and went back to the ministry.

50. Music is meant to be about escapism, not dreary boring subjects like the miners' strike and animal rights.

51. The dreary weather -- the rain drops were falling audibly down on the metal window ledge -- made him quite melancholy.

52. 21 It was dreary beyond belief, and at first it had the effect of offsetting his own emotional night.

53. True, the storyline was not completely didactic, which was just as well since when art does so it becomes dreary.

54. After decades of dreary state-run television monopolies, most of these markets are starting to open up to private competitors.

55. On a conservative reckoning she would have to live at least another fifty years in this bland and dreary universe.

56. In February of 2013 Biomorph has released two self-recorded and mixed demo tracks titled Myogenic Fiction and Dreary Convolution

57. The far- reaching world of the moor itself looked softly blue instead of gloomy purple- black or awful dreary gray.

58. " It's a wild, dreary enough place to my mind, though there's plenty that likes it -- particularly when the heather's in bloom. "

59. No doubt some of them were rather on the dreary side but that is not the full story by any means.

60. She might under some circumstances be submissive, like these dreary girls you see padding along in the moccasin tracks of hippies.

61. So on dreary days, ask subjects to wear something colourful or stripy to give the image some visual interest and warmth.

62. Condemnatory •beery, bleary, cheery, dearie, dreary, Dun Laoghaire, eerie, eyrie (US aerie), Kashmiri, leery, peri, praemunire, query, smeary, teary, theory, weary

63. Here and there the landscape was broken by dreary gray buildings that had been thrown up to house members of collective farms.

64. London died away in draggled taverns and dreary scrubs, and then was unaccountably born again in blazing high streets and Blatant hotels

65. 20 Soon after dark the rain descended in torrents, and all through the dreary hours of that dismal night it rained unceasingly.

66. They kissed her and all had another glass of fizz before Charles started the dreary journey back to Willesden on the Underground.

67. ‘The ubiquitous Albondigas, the ever-present boquerones, the dreary old patates bravas, but Seville is an honourable exception to a sad trend.’ Origin …

68. 12 Photo taken inside Cottonwood Canyon (west of the town of Buena Vista, east of Cottonwood Pass) on a fairly dreary and drizzly October day.

69. 4 But behold, aLaman and Lemuel, I fear exceedingly because of you; for behold, methought I saw in my dream, a dark and dreary wilderness.

70. That’s why we have a selection of cozy, waterproof women’s Boots in a variety of styles meant to elevate any outfit—even on the most dreary days.

71. Bill Sackter, a intellectually disabled man, ventures out into the world for the first time, having spent most of his life in a dreary inner city institution

72. For an underrepresented population, Iranian Americans are plenty inundated with images as conflicting as the colorful cast of Bravo TV’s reality show “Shahs of Sunset” to the dreary Ayatollahs

73. The heavens are full of sadder Anguishment That they injoy not such a worthy wight, The earth is full of dreary lAnguishment, That heavens envy her that is hers by right

74. Tough times: Elsewhere Fern was Begroaning her early start as she took to social media to share a snap of the dreary runway while layering the time over the top of the shot - …

75. Tough times: Elsewhere Fern was Begroaning her early start as she took to social media to share a snap of the dreary runway while layering the time over the top of the shot - …

76. May 1, 2011 Bumped and Thumped megan “Dystopias don’t have to be dreary to be provocative…[Bumped is] uncomfortable, scandalous, and not easily forgotten—there’s little doubt that’s exactly what McCafferty is going for.”–Publishers Weekly.

77. From Booklist Warner, one of the new "Scottish beat" writers like Irvine Welsh ( Trainspotting ), forcefully evokes the dreary life in a northern Scotland port town of Morvern Callar, whose name means "quieter silence" in Scottish.

78. Cheerfulness: 1 n a feeling of spontaneous good spirits “his Cheerfulness made everyone feel better” Synonyms: blitheness Antonyms: cheerlessness , unCheerfulness a feeling of dreary or pessimistic sadness Types: buoyancy , perkiness Cheerfulness that bubbles to the surface carefreeness , insouciance , lightheartedness , lightsomeness the

79. The genius of Achen and Bartels' work--the depressing genius of it--is the breadth of evidence they marshal that this is simply not the case."---Peter Loewen, Ottawa Citizen "The book might make dreary reading about the failings of democracy

80. Cheerlessness: 1 n a feeling of dreary or pessimistic sadness Synonyms: uncheerfulness Antonyms: blitheness , cheerfulness a feeling of spontaneous good spirits Types: joylessness a feeling of dismal Cheerlessness Type of: sadness , unhappiness emotions experienced when not in a state of well-being