Use "dreamed" in a sentence

1. She dreamed about her baby.

2. Mist dreamed along the mountains.

3. It's just like I dreamed.

4. The moment we've both dreamed about.

5. She dreamed of becoming a chef.

6. He dreamed to be an officer.

7. “I Dreamed of Becoming a Priest”

8. I cannot change what I dreamed.

9. She dreamed the whole thing up.

10. I thought I'd only dreamed you.

11. He dreamed of humbling his opponent.

12. They dreamed of travelling to foreign lands.

13. They dreamed of owning their own home.

14. She fell asleep and dreamed strange dreams.

15. I dreamed that I was in London.

16. I never dreamed of such a thing.

17. What, do you think I dreamed Claudia Brown?

18. She dreamed of loud noises and flashing lights.

19. Ivor dreamed that he was on a bus.

20. I never dreamed of being the Springbok captain.

21. I have dreamed it for a long time.

22. I've dreamed as far as the first posting.

23. Joseph, a man who dreamed, protected, Companioned, and loved

24. I've always dreamed I'd see the real ocean someday.

25. We dreamed of having a car and a house.

26. The plot of the film is simply dreamed up.

27. I've seen Agonies that you've never dreamed of.

28. He has dreamed of a trip to Beijing.

29. She dreamed of becoming a Hollywood screen goddess.

30. Who would have dreamed that this would happen?

31. She dreamed up a new plan to save money.

32. She dreamed that one day she would be famous.

33. I too dreamed of living in London one day.

34. I've dreamed of the three of us going together.

35. Jack often dreamed of home from his prison cell.

36. That night Chrysanthemum dreamed that her name was Jane

37. 4 Colleen had dreamed of mothering a large family.

38. The scheme was dreamed up by a local businessman.

39. She dreamed of reaching the dizzy heights of stardom.

40. The girl dreamed of entering show biz through advertisement.

41. She dreamed of flying away to exotic faraway places.

42. In fact, I never dreamed of being a Springbok.

43. We dreamed of it together, being Olympic teammates in London.

44. Whoever dreamed of such a thing—“Adjudicating” ballots? Sounds like a …

45. Beyond those clouds is an island we've only dreamed of.

46. I dreamed about you again for the next three nights.

47. Mom dreamed of becoming a promising researcher in electrical engineering.

48. PEOPLE everywhere have long dreamed of a world without war.

49. This other man I had dreamed A drunken, vain-glorious lout.

50. I often dreamed of my younger brother soon after I left home.

51. Chip Baskets has always dreamed of being a classically trained clown

52. I dreamed up a plan to solve both problems at once.

53. We dreamed of it in the darkest hours of our struggle.

54. Avis always dreamed of an exotic vacation in some faraway place.

55. “I never dreamed she would be such a blabbermouth!” Allison says.

56. When I was a girl, I dreamed of a wedding like this.

57. For a long time many dreamed of and searched for this elixir.

58. An avid reader, Jo dreamed of becoming a librarian as a child.

59. The secret of what the king had dreamed was revealed to Daniel.

60. By the way, I've always dreamed of doing what you just did.

61. 24 I've long dreamed of paying a visit to the Great Wall.

62. When she was a little girl , she dreamed of becoming a ballerina.

63. I dreamed that I was lying on a beach in the Caribbean.

64. He never dreamed that he would finish up owning such a lot of property.

65. She dreamed about a handsome young prince coming to rescue her from her misery.

66. And then quite suddenly I met you and I dreamed of gay amours

67. 24 I often dreamed of my younger brother soon after I left home.

68. I skipped school often and dreamed of becoming a sailor during those days.

69. What we are doing today is something never dreamed of by our forefather.

70. “I never dreamed that five years would turn into 20 years,” Bluder said

71. And her sainted mother always dreamed of the whole mass rigmarole, but you're...

72. Don't you sit in a home or the life you dreamed will fly right pass.

73. "Young women today, " Brandon notes, "grow up in the world that Mary Wollstonecraft dreamed of.

74. As a kid, like a lot of kids, I dreamed about exploring the ocean.

75. I dreamed of being thrown into a fiery place and would wake up screaming.

76. Do you remember how I dreamed to be on the deck of your ship?

77. I couldn't have dreamed for a better day & night, and Milwaukee Airwaves was …

78. They bowed down to him, just as he had dreamed when he was young.

79. Bustees was day-dreamed of during a sunny summer spent in Venice Beach, CA

80. For centuries, man has dreamed of building a humanoid —a robot resembling a human.