Use "draw on" in a sentence

1. Carefully draw on thick blue stripes.

2. Draw on the strength of others.

3. I'll have to draw on my savings.

4. Naturally, most draw on their personal experiences.

5. Don't write or draw on the wall.

6. Draw on, large quantity food guest, come patronize!

7. I shall have to draw on my money.

8. Maltravers took a long draw on his cigarette.

9. She was a big draw on Bourbon Street.

10. I shall have to draw on my savings.

11. Sometimes I draw on them for subjects for songs.

12. She has 20 years' teaching experience to draw on.

13. Our experience is thereto draw on whenever you wish.

14. • What can we do to draw on God’s strength?

15. Our new art shall draw on the proletarian Onanism.

16. Quite often he would draw on his genealogical expertise.

17. She had a wealth of experience to draw on.

18. Everyone had two sheets of paper to draw on.

19. The research will draw on a number of research methods.

20. 18 In reimbursement of these expenses, please draw on us.

21. She was able to draw on her immense inner strength.

22. These opportunities should draw on private sector entrepreneurs and energies, too.

23. Um, I used your pen to draw on my friend's face.

24. Explanations with physical content draw on the laws of physical causality.

25. Maybe if we take a pencil... and you can draw on that...

26. They don't want to draw on the fund unless they have to.

27. I'll have to draw on my savings to pay for the car.

28. I had to draw on my savings to pay for the repairs.

29. Such theories draw on a variety of social science disciplines and approaches.

30. The current paper, however, proposes that these tasks draw on Automatized explicit knowledge

31. These devices draw on much shallower and colder resources than traditional geothermal techniques.

32. You could draw on current local and national events or international news items.

33. He had to draw on reserves of strength just to finish the race.

34. We shall have to draw on our savings if we buy a house.

35. I mean those are huge conclusions to draw on an absolute absence of information.

36. At the end of the night, I stripped and let everyone draw on me.

37. Did he draw on his background as a carpenter for some of his illustrations?

38. We need to draw on the professional expertise of a large number of teachers.

39. The assignment asked us to draw on our experiences while we were in England.

40. More generally, degrowth movements draw on the values of humanism, enlightenment, anthropology and human rights.

41. So , Anhui should adopt correspond measure, improve investment environment, draw on more foreign direct investment.

42. Egalitarian feminist psychologists draw on both feminist and psychological criticisms of gender imbalance among psychologists.

43. The mobile units needed positions of strength where they could encamp and draw on supplies.

44. For most customers, real-time Audiences draw on the most recent 30 days of data

45. Marske earned a replay against their more illustrious with a 1-1 draw on Saturday.

46. Similarly, in the crankshaft journal and crankshaft bearing clearance measurements, they can draw on such skills.

47. Teachers can draw on concepts of Andragogy to increase the effectiveness of their adult education classes.

48. The country’s Penal Code had been adapted to draw on international experience in controlling transnational crime.

49. They draw on and, in so doing, recharge the powerful myth of blood connection, shared blood connection.

50. And how can we empathise with them if we don't have an emotional vocabulary to draw on?

51. This gave them a new experience of evaporation, as well as time to draw on their prior experiences.

52. The account will be available for producers to draw on in the down years when it is needed

53. They may draw on the administrative resources of Eurojust which are necessary for the performance of their tasks.

54. I lie in the meadow, or I kiss your child I draw on feeling banked up for that time.

55. Applied microeconomics includes a range of specialized areas of study, many of which draw on methods from other fields.

56. 7 This gave them a new experience of evaporation, as well as time to draw on their prior experiences.

57. Such advice on an independent basis may also draw on a ‘broad’ or ‘more restricted’ analysis of the market.

58. Colloquialism As an informal register, comic strips characteristically draw on Colloquialisms, phonetic spellings, etc., to convey oral concepts in print

59. We will draw on our pool of global knowledge, expertise and experience to provide sound policy advice and analytical work.

60. Institutions often have their own expectations, and provided all are agreed within an institution the teacher may draw on them.

61. Today such inferences about the origins of language can draw on a vast assemblage of data and hypotheses in neighbouring disciplines.

62. The Cloakroom is proud to draw on Japan’s deep reservoir of tailoring talent to craft suits of unparalleled quality and comfort

63. Bellbird is one of those young German jazz groups that draw on the vitality and creativity of the Cologne-Berlin axis

64. 18 Qi Xianghua, draw on modern psychometric methods and means, to develop a scale of insomnia with the state of atypical dysphoria.

65. The Banians could draw on knowledge and expertise, resulting from their proximity to European commercial interests, to innovate and diversify their activities

66. It’s typically used as an exclamation: “Bet!” That has the sense of “Excellent!” or, to draw on a similar slang expression, “Word!”

67. 28 Teachers who use these books can draw on the banks of ideas they provide to extend and diversify their current practice.

68. Amati brass and woodwind instruments are made exclusively by skilled Czech craftsmen, who draw on centuries of experience and passion for music

69. The wider Cohorts team includes an established network of highly experienced specialists whose skills we draw on selectively to meet specific client needs

70. Brothers Frank and Pete Candela draw on their rich Italian heritage to translate traditional favorites and seasonal ingredients into an inviting, satisfying meal.

71. When we face difficult decisions, Jehovah wants us to draw on the vast store of wisdom he has had recorded in the Bible.

72. All 16 chapters in the book contain practical advice and, more important, draw on the Bible as a source of wisdom superior to our own.

73. It is a multilevel phenomenon that emanates as team members and teams recursively display behavioral processes and draw on and update emergent cognitive states to engage in change.

74. But often they had to draw on other sources, consulting already-existing historical accounts, genealogies or even people who were in position to supply reliable information, firsthand or otherwise.

75. DesignCurial is unique in its ability to draw on the superlative editorial resources of industry-leading sister titles Blueprint and FX, in addition to generating its own unique content.

76. Coverage of adverbials, Adjectivals, and nominals has been moved forward so that students can more readily draw on their knowledge of sentence patterns, coordination, and subordination when studying these chapters

77. Graffiti Research Lab, and they have a technology that allows them to project a light onto any surface and then, with a laser pointer, draw on it, and it just registers the negative space.

78. Collins online dictionary and reference resources draw on the wealth of reliable and authoritative information about language, thanks to the extensive use of our corpora - vast databases of language - both in English and in other

79. Abstract = "We draw on the theory of Allostasis to develop an integrative model of the current stress process that highlights the brain as a dynamically adapting interface between the changing environment and the biological self

80. Achieving the agreed objectives will draw on policy cooperation using the new open method of coordination in order to enhance the value added of European action, in accordance with Articles 149 and 150 of the Treaty.