Use "drainages" in a sentence

1. Gazetteer South America: Coastal drainages of eastern and southern Brazil and Uruguay.

2. Hoplias Aimara occurs in the drainages of Rio Tocantins, Rio Xingu, Rio Tapaj6s, Rio Jari, and Rio Trombetas, in coastal drainages of the Guyanas, Suriname, and state of Amapa, Brazil

3. Blueheads are also found at Snake River above Shoshone Falls and Bear/Weber River drainages

4. Lowlands, particularly level to gently sloping plains associated with major drainages, alluvial deposits along the shorelines on islands of major rivers, and sheltered mesic depressions along valley slopes; shorelines and islands of small and large drainages.

5. Utah, like other western states, is conducting general Adjudications of all of the water rights within several major drainages

6. Located almost always in alluvial plains along major drainages; thaw lakes and channels in marine silts and glacio-lacustrine deposits.

7. However, these Carp escaped captivity during floods and began appearing in major river drainages of the midwest and southern United States in the early 1980s.

8. Flooding and pollution caused by wastewater have also been addressed, through improvements of retention lakes, drainages and sewer system and construction of Wastewater Treatment Plants.

9. Auricled twayblade is found at the high flood line in moist alluvial sand under alders, along small stream drainages near the bare sand and on rocky ledges of the shoreline

10. It is native to most of Canada and the northern United States and is found in all three major river drainages in Montana. Burbot, also known as ling, are usually found in larger streams and cold, deep lakes and reservoirs