Use "downy" in a sentence

1. A kitten's fur is downy.

2. Downy lips make thoughtless slips.

3. Of easy wind and downy flake.

4. He is really a downy bird.

5. 1 Downy lips make thoughtless slips.

6. It resisted downy mildew and virus.

7. Downy Mildew (Peronospora parasitica) Pest Information Damage:

8. My coat is filled with downy feathers.

9. There is a downy dog in his room.

10. The undersides of the leaves are slightly downy.

11. Downy young Curlews leave the nest soon after hatching

12. Do not confuse Cucurbit downy mildew with powdery mildew

13. Use $3/3 Tide Detergent, Tide Boost, Downy or Bouncefrom 04/28 PG (exp 5/31) Or $1.50/2 Tide Detergent, Tide Boost, Downy or Bouncefrom 04/28 PG (exp 5/31) $0.40/1 Tide Detergent, Tide Boost, Downy or Bouncefrom 04/28 PG (exp 5/31) $0.40/1 Downy

14. He glowered at her like a downy young owl.

15. The downy little bird nestled comfortably to its mother.

16. And on the branch beside it is a downy chick.

17. Colour wants downy: The colour both neither of the study wants too boast eye, should not be too dim again, and ought to take downy and tonal polychromy .

18. 14 Staghead or White rust (Albugo candida), Downy mildew (Peronospora parasitica) .........

19. The next day is a momentous one for the downy young birds.

20. The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake.

21. Staghead or White rust (Albugo candida), Downy mildew (Peronospora parasitica) Pest Information Damage:

22. Heynh. leaves infected by the biotrophic downy mildew pathogen Hyaloperonospora parasitica (Pers.:Fr.)

23. Cottony definition: of or like cotton ; downy ; fluffy Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

24. It is effective for following disease categories: downy mildew[], anthracnose etc.

25. $0.20/1 Tide Detergent, Tide Boost, Downy or Bouncefrom 03/31 PG (exp 4/30) $0.40/1 Downy Product Kroger Digital (exp 4/27) Final cost is as low as $1.99

26. The stems and foliage are downy and bluish green, giving the name 'Blueweed'

27. Outside, a light snow had begun to fall, whitening the streets with downy flakes.

28. Healthy countermeasure: Choose a few more loose hairpin, or the hairnet with downy attempt.

29. Topstock's little grey eyes snapped through his steel frames under the great downy dome.

30. Hiemal moment relies on sunshine to be able to become very warm and downy.

31. Downy Brome is a palatable grass before the seed heads emerge but becomes unpalatable with maturity

32. Let loose your alluring side with the sweet, mysterious scent of Downy Simple Pleasures Orchid Allure.

33. In the mixed hardwood forest, I come across a number of hairy and downy woodpeckers.

34. The two Baffed under Mowgli's nose so close that a pinch of downy white feathers brushed away

35. Downy mildew is a potentially devastating disease of Cucurbit crops that can cause significant yield losses

36. Cucurbit downy mildew has dark (brown, gray, black) sporulation on lesions on the backside of the leaf

37. See bellow some photos of Cucurbit leaves infected with Cucurbit downy mildew to help you when scouting.

38. The downy chicks of terns and gulls are so patterned that they are almost invisible crouching on shingle.

39. Apricot definition, the downy, yellow, sometimes rosy fruit, somewhat resembling a small peach, of the tree Prunus armeniaca

40. Amelanchier arborea is also known as downy serviceberry, a reference to the fine hairs on its leaves and twigs

41. Red Bartsia is a straggly, downy plant with narrow, toothed leaves that sit opposite each other along the stems

42. Other notable species include a variety of plants such as Bunchflower, closed gentian, downy gentian and Turk's cap lily.

43. 25 The downy chicks of terns and gulls are so patterned that they are almost invisible crouching on shingle.

44. Mature downy Brome can cause injury to livestock (lump jaw in cattle) by causing infection in the eyes or mouth

45. The chicks, in their downy coats that have kept them warm all winter, are in even greater danger of overheating.

46. On the right, nearest his father, Hubert, best-suited school-leaver with a downy boy's face and sharp cheek-bones.

47. Cowslip, Primula veris, is a downy herbaceous perennial can easily be confused with the closely related and much rarer oxlip (Primula elatior)

48. The following are cultivars of Amelanchier x grandiflora, which is a hybrid between downy serviceberry (Amelanchier arborea) and Alleghany serviceberry (Amelanchier laevis)

49. Juveniles are much smaller, usually 49–54 mm (1.9–2.1 in) long at birth, and are covered in downy white pelage.

50. Downy young may sometimes climb on their mothers' back and the female may carry them in flight to a safe tree branch.

51. (Botany) any plant of the annual or perennial genus Arabis, some of which form low-growing mats with downy grey foliage and white

52. Feather barbs, barbules and Barbicels (illustration from UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering on Flickr, Creative Commons license) Afterfeather: The downy, lower barbs

53. Any plant of the annual or perennial genus Arabis , some of which form low-growing mats with downy grey foliage and white flowers: family Brassicaceae

54. The red-Cockaded woodpecker is small to mid-sized species, being intermediate in size between North America's two most widespread woodpeckers (the downy and hairy woodpeckers)

55. This disease, sometimes referred to as Cucurbit downy mildew, is known to infect more than 40 Cucurbit species, including cantaloupe, cucumber, pumpkin, squash, and watermelon

56. (Plants) any plant of the annual or perennial genus Arabis, some of which form low-growing mats with downy grey foliage and white flowers: family Brassicaceae (crucifers)

57. The volume and 1 3/8″ side entrance hole in this nest box accommodates Chickadees, Nuthatches, Titmice, Wrens and Downy Woodpeckers, yet is normally too small for English Sparrows

58. Miss Cornelia and Marilla put all the little love-made garments away, together with the ruffled basket which had been befrilled and Belaced for dimpled limbs and downy head.

59. During those few Balmy spring weeks the fruit stalls fill up with fragrant fruits; downy-skinned peaches, purple plums and sweet apricots taste of sunshine and are abundantly available during this time.

60. From our journal Also known as costmary this perennial herb with daisy like flowers and downy mint scented leaves is known as Alecost due to its former use in the brewing industry

61. We have found a place to meet in our separate Aimlessnesses, one where we skip the party to eat M&M’s in her downy white bed and talk through how we …

62. Whether you call them Awns, mean seeds, timothy, foxtails, cheat grass, June grass, Downy Brome, or any other number of colloquial names, to dogs they generally mean one thing, and that’s trouble

63. Should draw thick delicate, do not brush divide evenly with cotton autograph, because the characteristic of summerly makeup does not want namely this year downy, as long as " grab an eye " .

64. Thunderbird sightings: Giant birds or pterodactyl-like flying creature with wingspans 8–12 feet are claimed to have been seen in Hockomock Swamp and neighboring Taunton, including a report by Norton Police Sergeant Thomas Downy.

65. Brie, along with its similarly creamy counterparts, is a bloomy rind cheese, immediately recognizable by its downy white rind (formed from the growth of the molds Geotrichum candidum or Penicillium camemberti) and its soft, delectably gooey paste.

66. Areca is a systemic fungicide that may be applied to a wide range of ornamental flowering and foliage plants as a foliar spray, drench or dip for control of diseases caused by Pythium, Phytophthora, and Downy Mildew pathogens

67. Old newspapers soaked in water and wrapped around a wire coat hanger were decorated with pine Boughs from a backyard tree.: He smiled gently, pale blue eyes glimmering ever so slightly in the moonlight that flickered down through the Boughs of the tree.: There is a downy woodpecker on one of the birdfeeders and whisky jacks darting across the frosty Boughs.