Use "douglas fir" in a sentence

1. An example is the Douglas fir Adelgid, which has generations that alternate between Douglas fir and Sitka spruce

2. How were paper birch and Douglas fir communicating?

3. Anapaestically More pretty colors! New poem up! Douglas fir cone

4. This a 1923 wooden tugboat, made completely out of Douglas fir.

5. We use Sugar Pine, Western Red Cedar, and Douglas Fir to make our Beehives and beekeeping supplies

6. This Adelgid is a serious pest of spruce trees (Picea) and can damage Douglas Fir trees as well

7. Warren Wilson's 57.5° approximation did not hold for the Douglas-fir canopy, which had distinct foliage clumping features.

8. In northwestern coniferous forest, these off-site are the mils that infatuate and orate, in their soft-finned northwestern coniferous forest map, the miltonic Douglas fir, as administrable the Coexistents in unmindfully northern coniferous forest and northwestern coniferous forest climate ham and institutionalize gram-negative Douglas fir.

9. 24 Sparkle's hull was built of two laminates of diagonally laid red cedar on an inner core of longitudinal Douglas fir.

10. All of our riding Arenas feature high-quality cedar and Douglas fir siding, durable wooden posts and angle-iron steel trusses

11. Spindle-thin trunks of Douglas fir and western larch stood in Anemic, dying thickets, toppling like the flagpoles of small, failed nations.

12. The C-13 and C-14 was showing me that paper birch and Douglas fir were in a lively two-way conversation.

13. 12 As the rodents scurry about eating Douglas fir seed, their droppings are distributed widely in the burned area of a forest.

14. Coast Douglas-fir is one of the world's best timber producers and yields more timber than any other tree in North America.

15. 27 Currently,( the bridge towers sit on concrete foundations that are anchored to bay soils by 85-foot Douglas fir timbers.

16. They had a 50 foot tall Douglas fir in back, alive, with Conks from about head level and to about 25 feet high.

17. The setting of the campground is in a mixed ponderosa pine and Douglas fir conifer forest at the base of Bonaparte Mountain

18. Douglas-fir and white fir are still a part of the native forest, so a spruce Budworm outbreak is not the end of the world

19. Differences between the species were observed in greater absolute height growth for pine, whereas Douglas-fir invested in greater stem growth, especially in the larger individuals.

20. Other species associated with Arbutus communities include Garry oak, Douglas-fir, lodgepole pine, oceanspray, hairy manzanita (a type of low growing evergreen berry producing plant), salal and

21. The effect of soil water deficits on net photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal activity, twig xylem pressure potentials, and cambial growth were studied in large, field-grown Douglas-fir (Pseudotsugamenziesii (Mirb.)

22. Franco). Abnormally high soil and tree water deficits were periodically induced during the summer by withholding supplementary irrigation water from a 28-m Douglas-fir contained in a weighing lysimeter.

23. Northern Arizona features forests of pine, Douglas fir, and spruce trees; the Colorado Plateau; some mountain ranges (such as the San Francisco Mountains); as well as large, deep canyons, with much more moderate summer temperatures and significant winter snowfalls.

24. Arboreally yours, Michael Oxman Welcome! If you like trees, you're in the right place! Hurricane Ridge Climb A beautiful 9' DBH Fir in Olympic National Park September, 2002 Photo-essay w/5 pics Oregon Caves Fir Climb This is the former champion Douglas fir

25. Two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) was used to classify the data, resulting in eight forest cover types: ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), whitebark pine – subalpine larch (Pinus albicaulis – Larix lyallii), mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana), Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), and hardwood forest.