Use "doubly" in a sentence

1. You are doubly mistaken.

2. Bisinuate (not comparable) doubly sinuat

3. You must be doubly careful.

4. Doubly ac-excited variable-speed reluctance motor

5. That may be doubly true in stepfamilies.

6. So it was doubly doleful to me.

7. And Clint Schneider had become doubly incontinent.

8. It would be a doubly beneficial act.

9. Be doubly careful when driving in fog.

10. He is doubly troubled, by illness and poverty.

11. It's made doubly difficult because of her blindness.

12. In pregnancy a high fibre diet is doubly important.

13. Fitting wheel locks or clamps can make doubly sure.

14. Well, then you are doubly welcome, my dear Denisov.

15. It was plain that she must work doubly hard.

16. Here too, the doubly forbidden relationship had its penalties.

17. Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.

18. They were doubly confident after this that he would win.

19. 13 Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.

20. Oh[], how doubly difficult it was for them both.

21. 3(b) for the doubly Apertured model structure of Fig

22. Set the zero on the absorbence scale with doubly distilled water

23. Set the zero on the absorbence scale with doubly distilled water.

24. She is doubly gifted: as a writer and as an artist.

25. A doubly achromatic magnetic deflection system with three sector magnet is described.

26. Last night's intimacy seemed doubly incongruous in contrast to this fraught hostility.

27. Part - time workers, the majority of whom are women, are doubly disadvantaged.

28. And it is doubly gratifying to see over 60,000 busy Witnesses there now.

29. I was doubly attracted to the house-by its size and its location.

30. I made doubly sure I locked all the doors when I went out.

31. Her disability made taking care of the home and raising a family doubly difficult.

32. I was lucky, and doubly lucky to be later reunited with my birth parents.

33. But it's the right that has led this bitter crusade to doubly punish criminals.

34. Mid 17th century from Latin Bifidus, from bi- ‘doubly’ + fidus (from findere ‘to split’).

35. Key words: ab initio calculations, beryllium dimer, doubly excited states, electronic transitions, potential curves.

36. Conformability is defined here as the ability to fit a doubly curved surface without folding

37. 14 The Coulomb repulsion results in the potential maximum of doubly and triply diatomic ions.

38. Props who can play on either head can be doubly useful on a bruising tour.

39. Some stories claim the incubus has two penises, so he can doubly penetrate his victim.

40. The rate increase is doubly painful for societies with large loss-making estate agency chains.

41. When he found Fern Cottage in darkness and Seb missing he had been doubly sure.

42. Multiples of 4 are called doubly even, since they can be divided by 2 twice.

43. The new tax and the drop in house values make homeowners feel doubly penalised.

44. Electron transitions from these levels in doubly ionized oxygen give rise to the 500.7 nm line.

45. Be doubly careful. I'm sure all manner of stupid mousetrap await our toes in the dark.

46. For modes propagating along thec*-direction both the LA and the doubly degenerate TA branches were measured.

47. The PDMS analysis also indicated the presence of singly and doubly Alkylated peptide in the recovered material

48. 16 Therefore, in the therapy of dysmenorrhea,( supplemented by Medicated Gruel The former can be doubly effective.

49. All mountains are intriguing, but Bunya Mountains Queensland doubly so because of their strong Aboriginal heritage and stories.

50. Bill Cosby once said he was doubly proud of his son because of the obstacles he had overcome.

51. According to the above structure, the present invention can doubly save energy required to cool/dehumidify and reheat air.

52. 10 When reflected from a rough surface, singly and doubly reflected waves intermingle,[] and the signal is depolarized.

53. This second token is doubly encrypted, and users pass it along after peeling off one layer of encryption.

54. Identifying Autocratization early, given the almost clandestine methods that have been adopted to achieve authoritarian governance, is doubly difficult

55. A set of keys concentrating on the Alate morph and without recourse to plant host information is doubly welcome

56. This means that those who make their living from legal produce are doubly penalized, because their earning ability is reduced.

57. For Nicholson, success in this quarter is doubly gratifying - displaying his ability to attract women by means other than looks.

58. What is doubly distressing, however, is that the Attorney General's misreading of Robert Kennedy's Attorney generalship was followed days later …

59. He was a doubly adulterine child, as both his father and mother were married at the time of his birth.

60. For any woman seeking power in the public arena, these questions would be unavoidable, doubly so for a feminist.

61. The bombastic, vainglorious Nivelle had virtually announced to the world his grandiose expectations, making the dreadful defeat doubly damaging.

62. Of a leaf shape; having doubly pinnate leaflets (as ferns) Familiarity information: Bipinnate used as an adjective is very rare.

63. Due to his identity as a black man and a disabled individual, Crooks is doubly marginalized by the people around him.

64. 13 For Nicholson, success in this quarter is doubly gratifying - displaying his ability to attract women by means other than looks.

65. Bipinnate: 1 adj of a leaf shape; having doubly pinnate leaflets (as ferns) Synonyms: compound composed of more than one part

66. Hassium-270 is now believed to be a doubly magic deformed nucleus, with deformed magic numbers Z = 108 and N = 162.

67. This was doubly damaging because Mr Biden, like the man whose identity he tried to purloin, is a notorious wind-bag.

68. 20 For any woman seeking power in the public arena, these questions would be unavoidable,( doubly so for a feminist.

69. The popular image of Mrs Beeton as a middle-aged housewife given to the confection of extravagant recipes is doubly mistaken.

70. The Automata are a fairly powerful race, especially at low levels (and this is doubly true for the Sigrún model)

71. 18 The popular image of Mrs Beeton as a middle-aged housewife given to the confection of extravagant recipes is doubly mistaken.

72. Unexpected interferences on the key Analytesas and Se, caused by the formation of doubly charged rare earth element ions (specifically Nd

73. An osculation method for the conformal mapping of a doubly connected region onto an annulus and corresponding numerical experiments are described.

74. After all, new citizens who may have voted erroneously in 1996 will be doubly sure to get things right next time.

75. In that connection he cited the criminalization of abortion, even in case of rape, in which a woman ended up being doubly victimized

76. 30 Using the optical temperature control accessory, silica peak height signal was enhanced doubly, reducing atomization time, extending useful time of graphite tube.

77. A second treatment with the product you have used a week later will make doubly sure the lice have all been eradicated.sentencedict .com

78. An important method of synthesizing Alcohols is reduction of a carbonyl group, which is an oxygen atom doubly bonded to a carbon atom.

79. It is hard to imagine what it is like to sleep rough at any time, but doubly so in the current freezing weather.

80. In that connection he cited the criminalization of abortion, even in case of rape, in which a woman ended up being doubly victimized.