Use "dotes" in a sentence

1. She dotes on her youngest daughter.

2. She dotes on her grandchildren.

3. 2 She dotes on her youngest daughter.

4. Did you see how he dotes on her?

5. The King’s Orders Make for One Hell of a Brain teaser (Difficulty: Easy) King Nupe of the kingdom Catan dotes on his two daughters so much that he …

6. See synonyms for: anecdote / Anecdotes on noun, plural an·ec·dotes or, for 2, an·ec·do·ta [an-ik-doh-tuh]

7. See synonyms for: Anecdote / Anecdotes on noun, plural an·ec·dotes or, for 2, an·ec·do·ta [an-ik-doh-tuh]

8. Even though he gives off an impression of a grumpy old man, he actually dotes on his grandchildren a lot, in particular Momo, and aims to live long enough to send them away for their marriages.

9. An Academically gifted child un niño con grandes dotes intelectuales; Academically, the boy is below average en los estudios el chico está por debajo del promedio; she's outstanding Academically es muy brillante desde el punto de vista académico; an Academically renowned professor un catedrático de renombre en círculos universitarios; an Academically sound argument un argumento sólido