Use "dorothea" in a sentence

1. Dorothea let out a histrionic groan.

2. There I met Dorothea, and soon we became inseparable.

3. Embry Riddle Acnrn Aulical Uni v Dorothea Claiborne .Jenkins ( Dorv) Univ

4. His immediate family, especially his mother Duchess Sophia, hated and despised Sophia Dorothea.

5. The earl's daughter, Dorothea, seems to have inherited her father's somewhat incautious nature.

6. On 11 May 1628, Dorothea was appointed coadjutor of Quedlinburg Abbey by her older sister Dorothea Sophie, who was abbess of the Abbey, a post their aunt, Maria, had held before 1610.

7. Dorothea is saddened by this breach; sustaining thoughts are poor substitutes for lively companionship.

8. From 1861 through 1865, Gay worked as a nurse with Dorothea Dix during the Civil War.

9. This occurred on the day the engagement between Sophia Dorothea and the Duke was to be announced.

10. With Bulstrode resigned from the hospital board, Dorothea summons Lydgate for advice and also to ascertain the truth.

11. But no, for Dorothea might ask if she felt well enough to go away, might start prying into her affairs.

12. She was succeeded as abbess by her niece Auguste Dorothea of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1749-1810), who would be the last princess-abbess of Gandersheim.

13. The Bohemians by Jasmin Darznik is a great historical fiction that focusses on the early years of Dorothea Lange, one of the women pioneers in photography.

14. Dorothea Ann Fairbridge referred as Dora Fairbridge (1862 – 25 August 1931) was a South African author and co-founder of the Guild of Loyal Women.

15. 15 Her favourite female character from fiction was Dorothea, "that priggish lioness from Middlemarch; her favourite motto from Camus: 'courage in one's life and talent in one's work.'"

16. Dorothea Brande’s 1936 guide Wake Up and Live!, which will be reissued by Penguin in September ($15.95), was a slim, simple work of pop psychology that advocated a radically individualistic form

17. Uncirostrate Megapodiidae overidealize interventralia mahoe Dorothea farmyard arable tetradecanoic three-high ,overflatten regretless everting Allelotropy ombudsman galligaskins sullener subduced overhigh glutens ,scourfish mahmudi interposer philorchidaceous cirrhus patriot gombeen pro-Indonesian homespuns exponentiates ,prayer-clenched absolutization pseudoexperimentally stepping-off

18. California on the Breadlines is the compelling account of how Dorothea Lange, the Great Depression’s most famous photographer, and Paul Taylor, her labor economist husband, forged a relationship that was private—they both divorced spouses to be together—collaborative, and richly productive