Use "donnas" in a sentence

1. There were no prima donnas!

2. Bitching may refer to: A form of the word Bitch (slang) The album Bitchin' by the Donnas

3. We are at Como, on the lake-that spot so beloved of opera dancers-the day-dream of prima donnas-the Elysium of retired Barytones! And with what reason should this be the Paradise of all who have lived and sighed, and warbled and

4. We are at Como, on the lake-that spot so beloved of opera dancers-the day-dream of prima donnas-the Elysium of retired Barytones! And with what reason should this be the Paradise of all who have lived and sighed, and warbled and

5. ‎We are at Como, on the lake—that spot so beloved of opera dancers—the day-dream of prima donnas—the Elysium of retired Barytones! And with what reason should this be the Paradise of all who have lived and sighed, and warbled and pirouetted, within the charmed circle of …