Use "domini" in a sentence

1. Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariæ…)

2. Anno Domini softens a man.

3. Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini

4. Inc., a social research firm for Domini.

5. Listen to In Adventu Domini: Vocal Christmas Music on Spotify

6. Benedictus Lyrics: Soprano: Benedictus / Tenor: Benedictus / Alto: Qui venit in nomine Domini / Bass: Benedictus qui venit in nomine domini / Tutti: Hosanna in excelsis / Hosanna in excelsis

7. First signal broadcast is in Morse code: In nomine Domini, amen.

8. The reader ended by singing, "Verbum Domini" ("The Word of the Lord.")

9. The Ambrosian is: "Adventus Domini inchoatur Dominica proxima post Festum S

10. The Ambrosian is: "Adventus Domini inchoatur Dominica proxima post Festum S

11. In gracia et misericordia dei hic jacent corpora Nicholai Carew Armigeri et domini quondam hujus ville Isabelle uxoris sue et Thome filii corundum qui quidem Nicholas senex et plenus dierum in pace quievit quarto die mensis Septembris anno domini mccccxxxii.

12. Bernard of Clairvaux (Sermo 5, In Adventu Domini, 1-3: Opera Omnia, Edit

13. Benedicite, omnia opera Domini, Domino; laudate et superexaltate eum in saecula.: BLESS the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, praise and exalt Him above all forever.: Benedicite, caeli, Domino, Benedicite, angeli Domini, Domino

14. Prima primi uxor Ade post primam hominis Creationem primo peccato prima solvit ieiunia contra preceptum Domini

15. Recitation of the Angelus Domini (Nicosia, 6 June 2010) (Video) [English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]

16. 1640 Antiphonar Plainchant Original Gregorian Chant For Epiphania Domini This Is An Original, Not A Reproduction Antiphonal

17. C.E. denotes “Common Era,” often called A.D., for anno Domini, meaning “in the year of our Lord.”

18. è il leader di mercato in Italia per domini, hosting, cloud, server dedicati, e-security e pratiche online

19. 224 rows  · Example: "Obiit anno Domini MDCXXXVI o (tricensimo sexto), [anno] Aetatis suae XXV o …

20. Verba autem mysterium fidei, de contextu verbοrum Christi Domini deducta, atque a sacerdote prolata, ad fidelium Acclamationem veluti aditum aperiunt

21. Verba autem mysterium fidei, de contextu verbοrum Christi Domini deducta, atque a sacerdote prolata, ad fidelium Acclamationem veluti aditum aperiunt

22. Verba autem mysterium fidei, de contextu verbοrum Christi Domini deducta, atque a sacerdote prolata, ad fidelium Acclamationem veluti aditum aperiunt

23. Korea, geographically near China, produced Sino-Korean words by adopting Chinese Characters as its own national characters early before Anno Domini.

24. Christendom measures time by the Anno Domini calendar, the Year of the Lord era, this starting with the year designated A.D. 1.

25. For centuries Christian devotion has recalled every day, with the recitation of the Angelus Domini, God’s entrance into the history of man.

26. The Anno Domini system of reckoning years was originally based on setting year 1 as the first full year of Jesus' life.

27. Verba Mysterium fidei, quae e contextu verborum Domini deducta sunt et post consecrationem posita, « ad fidelium Acclamationem veluti aditum aperiunt » (Cf

28. (Ecclesiastical Terms) a short canticle beginning Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini in Latin and Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord in English 2

29. Dominicae maiores excludunt Assignationem perpetuam cuiusvis Festi Duplicis etiam I classis: Dominicae vero minores Assignationem excludunt cuiuscumque Duplicis maioris aut minoris, nisi sit Festum Domini

30. His episcopal motto is: Per timorem Domini et sancti Spiritus Consolationem – Through the fear of the Lord and the comfort of the Holy Spirit (cf Acts 9:31)

31. AD (or A.d.) is an abbreviation for the Latin expression "Anno Domini", which translates to "the Year of Our Lord", and equivalent to C.E

32. An ut, quoniam sicut potuimus inquinationem et Aggravationem animae consideravimus, videamus quaenam illi actio divinitus imperetur, qua purgata atque exonerata revolet ad quietem, et intret in gaudium Domini sui? D

33. Common abbreviations took new meanings in his eyes, and had sole reference to them. A. D. had no concern with Anno Domini, but stood for anno Dombei and Son.

34. An ut, quoniam sicut potuimus inquinationem et Aggravationem animae consideravimus, videamus quaenam illi actio divinitus imperetur, qua purgata atque exonerata revolet ad quietem, et intret in gaudium Domini sui? Discipulus - Ita fiat.

35. Cumque predictus rex ab eis tributum solitum expeteret, precipiens insuper ut in armis vel in angaria aliqua deservirent, illi super Aggravationem manus domini sui conquerentes, inierunt pluries consilium utrum eis simpliciter obedirent, an ei prout possent obviarent

36. Noun The canticle or hymn beginning in Latin “Benedicite omnia opera Domini,” and in English “O all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord,” taken from “The Song of the Three Holy Children” forming part of the Apocrypha in the English Bible

37. A canticle that originated as part of the Song of the Three Holy Children in the secondary addition to the Book of Daniel, beginning Benedicite omnia opera Domini Domino in Latin, and O all ye Works of the …

38. Ego Mechtilidis de Neitperg scire cupio universos, ad quos pervenit praesens scriptum, quod partem Castri Lufftenberg me Contingentem una cum possessionibus et omnibus pertinentibus ad eandem Gundaccaro Fratri meo cum voluntate Domini Gotschalcki Mariti mei tradiderim exceptis bonis etc

39. Noun Christianity a canticle that originated as part of the Song of the Three Holy Children in the secondary addition to the Book of Daniel, beginning Benedicite omnia opera Domini Domino in Latin, and O all ye Works of the Lord in English

40. Abbot abridged Acta Sanctorum Albani Martyris Amen Amphibali Anglorum anno appears Apud Archiepiscopi auctore Batav Bibl Bibliotheca Bishop Bodl Book Brigidæ Brit Britain called Cant Capgrave's Nova Legenda Catalogue cent century Christi church circa Colgan Coll collection Confessoris contains copy Cott David dble Deus died Domini du Roi

41. Haec statuta sic renovata sunt in visitatione Domini edwardi regis sexti per Assignationem et praeceptum Visitatorum Regiorum et demandatum est hoc opus Wilhelmo Maye legum doctori et Matthaeo Parker sacrae theologie professori, qui partim ex veteri libro statutorum istas constitutiones sic ordinarunt

42. Verborum Christi Domini deducta, atque asacerdote prolata, ad fidelium Acclamationem: C.6: fore confidimus, ut hoc ipsum achristifidelibus quasi subsidium ad mutuam : C.13: hac Nostra praescripsimus vigere incipient adie xxx proximi mensis Novembris: C.14: Novembris hoc anno, id est aDominica I Adventus

43. Benedicite n (Christianity) a canticle that originated as part of the Song of the Three Holy Children in the secondary addition to the Book of Daniel, beginning Benedicite omnia opera Domini Domino in Latin, and O all ye Works of the Lord in English

44. N (Ecclesiastical Terms) Christianity a canticle that originated as part of the Song of the Three Holy Children in the secondary addition to the Book of Daniel, beginning Benedicite omnia opera Domini Domino in Latin, and O all ye Works of the Lord in English

45. Gujus petitionibus eo cessimus libentius quo riostrae utilitati profuturum perspexitnus amplius, et ob Domini nostri jhesu Christi suaeque vit;ginis Marie amorem atque ob utrarumque eclesiarum olim a paganis devastatarum in vicem emeliorationem et utilissime nobis in salutem populi christiani a genitrice virgine prolis Attributionem, hoc

46. Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel ― Blessed be the Lord God of Israel Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini ― Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord· (music) The music that accompanies these canticles.··A male given name, equivalent to English Benedict.

47. “B.C.” stands for the English phrase “before Christ,” but “A.d.” stands confusingly for a Latin phrase: anno domini (“in the year of the Lord”—the year Jesus was born).If the calendar actually changed with Jesus’ death, then what would we do with the years during which he lived?

48. The Morming Canticle Benedicite omnia opera Domini or Canticum trium puerorum is drawn from the Song in the Fiery Furnace in the book of Daniel 3:57-88 (in the Septuagint, usually omitted in protestant bibles) and is associated with the Office of Lauds as well as with Anglican Morning Prayer..

49. The Benedicite (also Benedicite, omnia opera Domini or A Song of Creation) is a canticle that is used in the Roman Catholic Liturgy of the Hours, and is also used in Anglican and Lutheran worship.The text is either verses 35–65 or verses 35–66 of The Song of the Three Children

50. The following inscription is on his tomb in the chapel: "Hic Jacet Edmundus Beaupre, Armigeri, Filius et Heres Nicholai de Beaupre, Armigeri et Margaretre uxoris ejus unius flliarum et here du Thomae Ffodringaie quondam De Brockley in Commitatus Suffolke, Armigeri, qui obit quarto decimo die menses Februari Anno Domini, Millesimo Quingentesimo

51. The short canticle or hymn beginning in Latin Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini, and in English “Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” the canticle or hymn beginning in Latin Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel, and in English “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel.” a musical setting of a Benedictus.

52. The relevant passage from the Vita describing a cross formed by the souls of martyrs reads as follows: "vidit caelum apertum, et Crucem Domini aureo Coruscantem fulgore, et ex utraque parte lapidibus pretiosis ornatam: et audivit vocem sibi dicentem: Haec quae cernis, animae sunt Sanctorum, qui pro Christo Domino stolas suas in sanguine agni

53. Papers relating to the lives and lamentable deaths of the late Lord Durisdeer, and his elder brother James, commonly called Master of Ballantrae, Attainted in the troubles: entrusted into the hands of John M'Brair in the Lawnmarket of Edinburgh, W.S.; this 20th day of September Anno Domini 1789; by him to be kept secret until the revolution of

54. Memores estote Mosi servi Domini qui Amalech Confidentem in virtute sua et in potentia sua et in exercitu suo et in clypeis suis et in curribus suis et in equitibus suis non ferro pugnando sed precibus sanctis orando deiecit: 4: 14: So they being moved by this exhortation of his, prayed to the Lord, and continued in the sight of the Lord.

55. (12) The manuscript contains the complete text of the earliest version of the AWand is only one of two manuscripts that preserves material from the Wooing Group, together with the Apostles' Creed and two later Latin pieces, a short poem on death and a brief prose piece on the Cross, the Sermo de Cruce Domini--all pieces, naturally, of practical value to an Anchoritic reader.