Use "dolphin" in a sentence

1. ( Dolphin whistling noises )

2. It's a dolphin!

3. Delphinus, the dolphin.

4. Two species of dolphin can be found in the delta: the Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) and the Ganges river dolphin (Platanista gangetica gangetica).

5. The Eagle and the Dolphin.

6. Cozi Zuehlsdorff, Actress: Dolphin Tale

7. The dolphin is an intelligent animal.

8. I only buy dolphin-safe tuna.

9. A dolphin leapt out of the water.

10. Dolphin sounds are unintelligible to humans.

11. The dolphin flipped over onto its back.

12. 3 Dolphin sounds are unintelligible to humans.

13. The dolphin has evolved a highly developed jaw.

14. The Bowsprit is the "face" of the Dolphin designed by Captain Olimar and gives the Dolphin its sleek shape.

15. Dolphin literally just came up parallel to it.

16. 4 A dolphin leapt out of the water.

17. And you can't get more alien than the dolphin.

18. Shaved legs in the rain: beautiful like dolphin skin.

19. What is the difference between a dolphin and porpoise ?

20. Mr. Enslin, I'm Gerald Olin, manager of the Dolphin.

21. As the demand grows, so does the dolphin kill.

22. The dolphin population has been decimated by tuna fishing.

23. The striped dolphin was described by Franz Meyen in 1833. .

24. The dolphin had become entangled in/with the fishing nets.

25. It oscillates its tail up and down like a dolphin.

26. A dying dolphin was found washed up on the shore.

27. Some whale and dolphin species are more prone to mass Beachings.

28. Beluga whales are unlike any other whale, dolphin or porpoise

29. Neptune and Amphitrite married and as a reward for his help, Neptune placed the image of the dolphin among the stars as the constellation Dolphinus, the Dolphin

30. Even though they were labeled whale meat, they were dolphin meat.

31. And at this age, my personal idol was Flipper the dolphin.

32. Gray's initial analysis included the Atlantic spotted dolphin in this species.

33. Baretta is a 30-year-old bottlenose dolphin living at SeaWorld Orlando

34. Dolphin Study Applet; Analyzing Two Quantitative Variables ; Theory-based Inference; Multiple Variables

35. Where else will you be cast in the role of a dolphin?

36. This particular dolphin is noted for its distinctive black and white markings.

37. He was so happy communing with the dolphin in Dingle Bay.

38. A newly identified species of river dolphin found nowhere else on Earth.

39. Bows of HMS Victory: three parallel Bobstays, separate dolphin-striker with martingale stays.

40. The story describes the extraordinary encounter between a man and a dolphin.

41. 8 Inside were grouper, dolphin fish, conch, and lobster on the bottom.

42. It is also thought that the dolphin-like ichthyosaurs survived largely on Belemnites.

43. The dolphin was near enough for me to reach out and touch it.

44. 22 Northridge and Pilleri list many more instances of dolphin entanglement in set-nets.

45. Baretta was born at Dolphin Point to Cometta and Kai at SeaWorld San Diego

46. And those dolphin parts had a huge load of PCBs, dioxins and heavy metals.

47. The dolphin has the capacity to remain almost constantly in motion, even when resting.

48. Examples: Sale of tigers, shark fins, elephant ivory, tiger skins, rhino horn, dolphin oil

49. Delighted shoppers looked on as the dancers weaved their way past Darlington Dolphin Centre.

50. Somehow, this baby bottle-nosed dolphin got the idea of using milk to represent smoke.

51. The controversy created by the research suddenly put Hector's dolphin firmly in the public eye.

52. The symbols of Apollo were the wolf, swan, raven, stag, dolphin, laurel, and lyre.

53. Diana Reiss: You may think you're looking through a window at a dolphin spinning playfully, but what you're actually looking through is a two-way mirror at a dolphin looking at itself spinning playfully.

54. However, now the dolphin is in this channel, the crew can try a different tack.

55. The club's Burgee is a red dolphin on a blue background with a white cross.

56. Surely not ... She ran upstairs again, heedless of the dolphin thrashing wetly on the upper landing.

57. Backwater Cat Adventure Amelia navigates the beautiful Backwaters showcasing dolphin, wild horses, beautiful architecture, and much more

58. "Dolphin Steel and our investment today is proof of our confidence in the future of the Miramichi."

59. The pleasure and satisfaction of belonging to one of the world's leading whale and dolphin conservation groups.

60. (1996) Working with fishers to reduce Bycatch: the tuna–dolphin problem in the eastern Pacific Ocean

61. The Dolphin Centre has maintained its usual popularity with attendances again breaking the one million barrier.

62. A Breasting dolphin is a marine structure that is used to allow ships to tie up alongside securely

63. Ancience's national animal is the dolphin, which can occasionally be seen avoiding garbage in the nation's murky oceans

64. Suddenly there was a commotion in the water and Tim appeared, dipping and diving like a young dolphin.

65. Beluga skin is ten times thicker than dolphin skin and one hundred times thicker than terrestrial mammal skin

66. If this bad weather continues, the crew may not be able to get back out to the dolphin.

67. 22 It was a dorado or dolphin fish,[] a voracious predator which feeds mostly on flying fish.

68. Curious pals: Fungie the dolphin and Jack the terrier jump into ecstasy when they meet in Dingle Bay.

69. Much of the old scientific data in the field combine data about the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin and the common bottlenose dolphin into a single group, making it effectively useless in determining the structural differences between the two species.

70. The Basilosaurus is a dolphin-like creature that primarily dwells along the shallow areas of the ocean

71. The South End Rowing Club, established in 1873, and the Dolphin Club maintain a friendly rivalry between members.

72. Now, the signature whistle is a whistle that's specific to an individual dolphin, and it's like a name.

73. Isaac Newton and Edmond Halley once dissected a dolphin on the table of a coffee house in London.

74. There they found two boats tied up alongside the wharf, waiting to unload their cargo of dolphin corpses.

75. The larger Countermark shows a wild boar with a dolphin beneath, and the letters L•X•F above

76. If this forest can hide a new species of dolphin what else might there be here, awaiting discovery?

77. 9 His small,( glistening secretary plunged along in front of him like a dolphin under the bowsprit.

78. On 19 May 2014, the Dolphin Team announced that 32-bit support for Windows and Linux would be dropped.

79. Dolphin sounds are unintelligible to humans, and cover a larger range of frequencies than we can hear or differentiate.

80. The 2003 Act of Accession introduced sprat and dolphin-fish and added new marketing sizes for Baltic herring.