Use "dogmatic" in a sentence

1. Her staff find her bossy and dogmatic.

2. Her employees find her bossy and dogmatic.

3. You can't is dogmatic in matters of taste.

4. That is just my dogmatic economism talking.

5. And both are gripped by the same dogmatic delusion.

6. Many writers at this time held rigidly dogmatic views.

7. You can't be dogmatic in matters of taste.

8. One who instructs in a pedantic or dogmatic manner.

9. Fortunately, there is nothing dogmatic or rash about Jospin.

10. He was strident and dogmatic in giving his opinions.

11. 12 Many writers at this time held rigidly dogmatic views.

12. His opponents viewed him as stubborn, dogmatic, and inflexible.

13. They should therefore caution us against being overly dogmatic.

14. There is a danger of becoming too dogmatic about teaching methods.

15. The rationalist finally will be of dogmatic temper in his affirmations.

16. His opponents viewed him as stubborn, dogmatic, and inflexible.

17. Advaita vedanta does not advocate dogmatic blind belief based on scriptural evidence

18. His opponents viewed him as stubborn, dogmatic,[sentencedict .com] and inflexible.

19. We must take exception, however, to your dogmatic advice of total abstinence.”

20. A common misconception about Atheists is that they are dogmatic or necessarily philosophically motivated

21. I am no pedant and avoid being dogmatic concerning English grammar and expression.

22. How can we avoid adopting rigid, dogmatic viewpoints when it comes to entertainment?

23. Humanism is a response to the widespread demand for an alternative to dogmatic religion.

24. 14 I am no pedant and avoid being dogmatic concerning English grammar and expression.

25. 5 He was as much of an appeaser as Chamberlain, but less dogmatic and self-righteous.

26. Clinton is boldly poaching many Republican issues, reframing them somewhat to sound slightly less dogmatic.

27. The_Word_of_God_as_truthmaker_for_Church.docx - The Word of God as truthmaker for church proclamation an analytic Barthian approach to the dogmatic task

28. In 1648 appeared his Novum Auctarium Graeco-Latinae Bibliothecae Patrum in two parts, exegitical and historico-dogmatic

29. This is a controversial subject for which not enough data are available to make a dogmatic statement.

30. 18 He was as much of an appeaser as Chamberlain, but less dogmatic and self-righteous.

31. Assertive definition, confidently aggressive or self-assured; positive: aggressive; dogmatic: He is too Assertive as a salesman

32. It is therefore impossible to be dogmatic about the precise beginnings of modern democratic thinking and politics.

33. People adhere to astrology with a dogmatic frame of mind rather than having a sceptical, critical approach.

34. Materialism is the one dogmatic explanation of the universe which could in any sense justify an Atheistic position

35. 5 I only know there was a father who was both idolised and undoubtedly feared, a dogmatic and overbearing Catholic.

36. Many accept a non-dogmatic position, patiently waiting for the events themselves to unfold the prophetic programme.”

37. Religion is pictured as old-fashioned, Atavistic and dogmatic, defending superstition by burning scientific martyrs at the stake

38. Bigot: noun die-hard , doctrinaire , dogmatic theorist , dogmatist, dogmatizer , energumen , extremist, fanatic , infatuate, intolerant , ipse dixit , know-all , know

39. Such wide variance undercuts the dogmatic assertions often made about the age of ancient artifacts, especially when these contradict Bible chronology.

40. He was seen as an enlightened despot pursuing liberal policies in the face of dogmatic reaction from priests and landlords.

41. In 1867 he was appointed professor of dogmatic and moral theology at Maynooth, in 1878 vice-president, and in 1880 president.

42. What does literature say?: the problem of dogmatic closure--from romanticism to Northrop Frye I'm an extrapolator, an Anatomizer, an embellisher.

43. 18 I only know there was a father who was both idolised and undoubtedly feared, a dogmatic and overbearing Catholic.

44. It may be tempting to break the silence, but you can only do that by being more dogmatic or by compromising.

45. 20 He was seen as an enlightened despot pursuing liberal policies in the face of dogmatic reaction from priests and landlords.

46. Some of my more notable relatives (all since deceased) Apostatised, either to protect themselves during the war or for other similarly non-dogmatic reasons

47. Some were referred to as agitprop films ("The Factory"), while others were labeled excessively dogmatic in their presentation of views or characterized by the "talking heads" formula of television.

48. Of some things we cannot be dogmatic; but we know this for sure-God has no halfway house between heaven and hell where He takes us to fumigate us!

49. 1 Atheism is against God-based religion which is illusive, mysterious and dogmatic, and which has convinced people to believe in something that is imaginative, incomprehensive and inconceivable. Dr T.P.Chia 

50. In Part III of the series, which ran March 14, 1936, Flanner superbly Anatomizes Hitler’s dogmatic persona: Lacking the cerebral faculty of creating new public ideologies, as a fanatic [Hitler

51. Atheism is against God-based religion which is illusive, mysterious and dogmatic, and which has convinced people to believe in something that is imaginative, incomprehensive and inconceivable. Dr T.P.Chia 

52. Athwart - beveled - Biassed - bigoted - canting - colored - crooked - garbled - leaning - listing - one-eyed - partial - pitched - slanted - sloping - tilting - tipping - twisted 8 letter words BENDWISE - BIASWISE - DIAGONAL - DISPOSED - DOCTORED - DOGMATIC - INCLINED - INVOLVED - LOP-SIDED - LOPSIDED - ONE-SIDED - PARTISAN - SHELVING

53. Although the Hijazis, who are Sunnis but not Wahhabis, are not viewed as heretics, they are marginalized because the Islam they practice has Sufi leanings--and tolerant Sufiism is anathema to the austerely dogmatic Wahhabis.

54. * Contrary to the views of the conservatives in the council, who were accustomed to Pius XII’s (1939-58) type of absolute monarchy, the liberals finally managed to get the council’s approval of the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Latin title, Lumen Gentium, Light of the Nations).

55. To investigative studies: archeology, history, Indology, Egyptology, linguistics, exobiology, etc., where particular groups form an Antibiont alliance, assume a dogmatic position, which serves only their purpose, their twisted, crooked point-of-view and paints any others proposing an alternative perspective as fringe elements, nonacademic

56. Academisme) is an art movement in painting and sculpture, which was based on ancient Greek aesthetics, the traditions of antiquity and the dogmatic imitation of classical art forms.Academic artists preferred naturalism, accuracy and technicality of creating, considering them more important than inspiration and creative approach to the subject.

57. ‘Frequently, the Antecedent history is a narration of events of salvation; in later texts, it may be a list of exemplary figures or a dogmatic statement about the activity of God with the world.’ ‘Professor Dyson, on the other hand, will ‘offer more sophisticated and subtle analyses of …

58. ‘Frequently, the Antecedent history is a narration of events of salvation; in later texts, it may be a list of exemplary figures or a dogmatic statement about the activity of God with the world.’ ‘Professor Dyson, on the other hand, will ‘offer more sophisticated and subtle analyses of …

59. Nowadays, Curmudgeon is likely to refer to anyone who hates hypocrisy, cant, sham, dogmatic ideologies, the pretenses and evasions of euphemism, and has the nerve to point out unpleasant facts and takes the trouble to impale these sins on the skewer of humor and roast them over the fires of empiric fact, common sense, and native intelligence.