Use "doctor of the church" in a sentence

1. Saint Ambrose was a 4th-century theologian and bishop of Milan, who is considered a Doctor of the Church

2. St. Ambrose, Latin Ambrosius, (born 339 ce, Augusta Treverorum, Belgica, Gaul [now Trier, Germany]—died 397, Milan [Italy]; feast day December 7), bishop of Milan, biblical critic, doctor of the church, and initiator of ideas that provided a model for medieval conceptions of church–state relations.

3. ‘In 1761 Clement XIII approved his beatification; John XXIII Canonized him in 1960.’ ‘He was Canonized in 1494 and named a Doctor of the Church in 1720.’ ‘Most intriguing are the author's speculations as to why Joan was finally Canonized in 1920.’ ‘There was an outcry when he was canonised by …