Use "dizygotic" in a sentence

1. All dizygotic, or fraternal, twins are diChorionic

2. There was no significant difference in the asymmetry and non-congruence between monozygotic and dizygotic twins.

3. Dizygotic (Binovular) Twins Diazygotic or double ova twins develop from the fertilization of two ovum and two spermatozoa and are more common than monoazygotic twins

4. Amblyope 1 point 2 points 3 points 8 years ago I believe it depends on whether or not the egg split (monozygotic) or two eggs were fertilized (dizygotic)

5. Purpose: Binovular follicles including a pair of conjoined oocytes within a common zona pellucida or their fusion in the zonal region gained some attentions due to its possible role in dizygotic twins