Use "dividends" in a sentence

1. Dividends File - Reports dividends as declared to Toronto Stock Exchange.

2. for issuers of shares, dividends computation and ability to pay dividends

3. Who Share the Dividends?

4. Godly Training Pays Dividends

5. • (i) remove or change prejudicially rights to accrued dividends or rights to cumulative dividends,

6. This will pay dividends.

7. The imperative was to raise dividends.

8. Nothing pays richer dividends than magnanimity.

9. The dividends are usually paid in priority to dividends on all other shares except for preference shares.

10. PATIENCE does indeed bring rich dividends.

11. But it pays far higher dividends.

12. Cash Receipts from Interests and Dividends.

13. The new Biosensor is already paying dividends

14. Wanted: country to pioneer carbon dividends plan.

15. Interest and dividends are paid with regularity.

16. Dividends in Arrears must be paid in full before the company sets aside any money for dividends awarded to common shareholders

17. Covered calls, stock holding periods, and qualified dividends

18. <tot_tx_elg_dvamt></tot_tx_elg_dvamt> Total taxable amount of eligible dividends -accumulated total of taxable amounts of eligible dividends, as reported on the

19. Carmignac Gestion’s UCITS are accumulation funds (dividends included).

20. Ordinary shares do not guarantee paying-off dividends .

21. Distributions from partnerships are not taxed as dividends.

22. * Accrued interest payable on deposits. * Dividends to be paid.

23. Some quid pro quo on withholding tax and dividends?

24. That is, all dividends that were "skipped" must be paid to Cumulative preferred stockholders before any dividends are paid to common stock holders

25. The greatest dividends come from the duplication of payroll checks

26. Dividends paid out will decrease book value and book/sh.

27. John's exploration policies (see below) also paid great dividends.

28. These versions differ in how dividends are accounted for.

29. Spending time with your family pays long-term dividends.

30. Good eating habits will pay dividends later on in life.

31. Well, our carbon dividends solution is based on four pillars.

32. It was a smart move that 's paying serious dividends .

33. This success is paying economic dividends as oil prices skyrocket.

34. And this big mental paid dividends to the food bank.

35. Among stocks, only the railroads paid dividends on a regular basis.

36. Dividends of a company depend on its profitability and spare cash .

37. The company reaped rich dividends with its new strategy for packaging holidays.

38. Getting some qualifications now will pay dividends in the long term.

39. It makes no difference whether dividends are paid quarterly or annually.

40. Are the members of my family reaping spiritual dividends from my example?

41. Companies have been increasing their Buybacks and dividends to please investors for years

42. Even though it takes time to learn Angular, the investment pays dividends in …

43. Balancing other activities in our busy life with spiritual pursuits brings rich dividends

44. It is an investment that should pay dividends even at an early time.

45. Suppose Country A adopts a carbon dividends plan, and Country B does not.

46. (Psalm 73:12) In reality, though, honesty eventually pays the finest dividends.

47. Champion said remaining holders of preferred stock agreed to waive future dividends.

48. Steps taken now to maximise your health will pay dividends later on.

49. Partnership in their future will bring long term dividends for our countries.

50. Interest on debt and dividends on preferred shares are accrued when receivable.

51. While Digital Technologies Have Spread Fast Worldwide, Their Digital Dividends Have Not

52. 11 That means investors generally can reinvest their dividends at fair prices.

53. As of December dividends in arrears on the cumulative preferred stock total $

54. 12 It makes no difference whether dividends are paid quarterly or annually.

55. dividends paid (aggregate or per share) separately for ordinary shares and other shares

56. Foreign dividends and interest income are translated at the rates prevailing when accrued.

57. Cumulative A preferred stock where the publicly-traded company must pay all dividends

58. Only time will tell if India's adroit diplomatic strategy yields the appropriate dividends.

59. If they are useful, could you develop them so as to produce dividends?

60. In actuality, the person who is genuinely interested in his neighbor gains rich dividends.

61. Crime and drugs are paying fat dividends to people all over the world.

62. How does a company remit its profits and dividends and repatriate capital abroad?

63. dividends paid (aggregate or per share) separately for ordinary shares and other shares.

64. De Oriol of Iberdrola was less sanguine about the possibility of increased dividends.

65. The shareholders are betting on future dividends and would rather forego them today.

66. In 19 the darkest days of Macintosh, the evangelizing began to pay dividends.

67. Participating preferred stock entitles the holder to receive extra dividends when earnings permit.

68. (f) dividends paid (aggregate or per share) separately for ordinary shares and other shares.

69. Retained Earnings Net profits kept to accumulate in a business after dividends are paid.

70. Significantly lower rates apply after 2003 to capital gains and qualifying dividends (see below).

71. <tot_actl_elg_dvamt></tot_actl_elg_dvamt> Total actual amount of eligible dividends -accumulated total of actual amounts of eligible dividends, as reported on the T3 slip records filed with this T3 Summary.

72. Debt, poverty, ruined work habits, shattered families —these are the dismal dividends of gambling.

73. interest, dividends or other income on or value accruing from or generated by assets;

74. Direct Taxes Individuals pay income tax on earnings from labour, rents, dividends, and interest.

75. Making tough choices now will pay dividends in the far-off days of summer.

76. Many Member States operating a schedular system apply it to both domestic and inbound dividends.

77. Digital technologies are spreading rapidly, but digital dividends – growth, jobs and services – have lagged behind.

78. Blue chip refers to firms with long track records for turning profits and paying dividends.

79. (f) dividends paid (aggregate or per share) separately for ordinary shares and other shares;

80. If they are given a vote of confidence this season it could bring dividends.