Use "diverge" in a sentence

1. Our opinions diverge on politics.

2. Opinions diverge greatly on this issue.

3. Our opinions diverge from each other.

4. The leaves of the electroscope slowly diverge.

5. This can cause an echo Canceller to diverge

6. Where three roads diverge take the middle branch.

7. I'm afraid our opinions diverge from each other.

8. The spokes of the wheel diverge from the nub.

9. Individuals within each may well diverge from the norm.

10. This is where our opinions diverge from each other.

11. This country's interests diverge considerably from those of other European countries.

12. When the aims of the partners begin to diverge, there'strouble.

13. The recollection cannot diverge, looks like the shadow to remain.

14. This is where our paths diverge - no middle ground is possible.

15. Anabaptist groups diverge sharply on the question of a devoted sacred space

16. These come to light especially where languages of the same family diverge.

17. I'm afraid our opinions diverge from each other on the direction of investment.

18. The Blackbuck horns corkscrew upwards and diverge in a v-shape with several spirals

19. From there, Archosaurs diverge into two separate lineages: crocodile-line and bird-line Archosaurs

20. This is where the stories offered by the State and the boy diverge slightly.

21. Male and female do appear to diverge in certain identifiable and significant ways.

22. Russia does not intend to diverge from the United Nations position on this issue.

23. Key words: freeway safety, collision modelling, merge and diverge areas, acceleration lanes, deceleration lanes.

24. These two thousand reactions diverge and converge at top speed, without ever becoming tangled.’”

25. If r = 1, the ratio test is inconclusive, and the series may converge or diverge.

26. In one aspect Kip and I did diverge in our thinking about Los Alamos.

27. Contrarians who diverge get terrible results if they’re wrong but extraordinary results if they’re right

28. If r = 1, the root test is inconclusive, and the series may converge or diverge.

29. Administrative boundaries at city and town level frequently diverge from the economic geography of the region.

30. They have three or five parallel veins that diverge in the wider part of the leaf.

31. And curiously, in these systems, as they grow larger, the systems don't converge; they diverge more.

32. The "Patent-Drehscheibe" mainly was used to connect storage tracks that diverge at a right angle.

33. Zollner's illusion makes parallel lines seem to diverge by placing them on a zigzag striped background.

34. For species, as for nations, descent with modification builds obstacles, almost as an afterthought, as populations diverge.

35. About 7 million years ago the ancestors of mankind began to diverge from the ancestors of modern chimpanzees.

36. Anticyclone (High) • Which way does the wind blow? --> anti-cyclonic = clockwise! • Does air diverge or converge at the surface? -->Diverges! • Does air converge or diverge above the high? -->Converges! Anticyclones (Highs) Anticyclones (Highs) • Generally boring weather - clear, calm

37. As with Calvinism, there are many types of Arminian theologies that diverge significantly from Arminius’s own teachings

38. Lens Light rays converge when passing through a Biconvex lens and diverge when passing through a biconcave lens .f …

39. The agendas of the press and the Republican electorate diverge dramatically during primary season, but not because of ideology.

40. 12 The snowy owl and tawny owl assemblages diverge most greatly from this, with fewer complete mandibles than maxillae.

41. In third and fourth years, the degree programmes progressively diverge from a set of core modules common to all.

42. Nicholas's son had to decide whether and to what extent he was prepared to diverge from his father's methods.

43. The lines diverge in many traits-flower colour, plant height, pea shape and the colour of the pea included.

44. Belying definition: be in contradiction with synonyms: depart, contradict, vary, negate, deviate, diverge antonyms: conform, strain, sedate, de-energise, unstrain

45. Belied definition: be in contradiction with synonyms: depart, contradict, vary, negate, deviate, diverge antonyms: conform, strain, sedate, de-energise, unstrain

46. The bird, widespread as it is, has resisted the temptation to diverge into numerous kinds found among many nest parasites.

47. But they tend to diverge into two types with respect to the information about features that is thought to be important.

48. Hence, for p∈[0.01,0.1], Cliquishness and path length diverge, creating a small world region in the space of network structures.

49. They diverge in their justifications for the subjection of individuals to the exercise of state power during the enforcement of contractual obligations.

50. Cladogenesis, by contrast, describes the splitting of a species into two or more groups that subsequently diverge in their traits through Anagenesis

51. Coma can also cause the meridional and sagital lines to diverge from each other (as can a comatic or Astigmic color errors)

52. The partial sums of 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ⋯ are 1, 3, 7, 15, ...; since these diverge to infinity, so does the series.

53. Branching means you diverge from the main line of development and continue to do work without messing with that main line

54. 26 They diverge in their justifications for the subjection of individuals to the exercise of state power during the enforcement of contractual obligations.

55. Once slip occurs, results will diverge as the Averaged mode assumes the stepper speed controller detects slip and adjusts the demand to maintain synchronous operation.

56. Many Christian denominations trace their roots to John Calvin and the Reformation movement, but some following the tenets of Arminianism, diverge from Calvin's theology on predestination.

57. The Brachial artery may diverge from its usual course along the medial aspect of the biceps and run more medially towards the medial epicondyle of the humerus

58. The horns rise vertically from the forehead at a steep angle with little divergence in the initial growth then twist and diverge outward at right angles to the body.

59. (500) The transparent sealing film may have a concave surface (510) over the air-gap (422) to diverge light away from the air- gap into adjacent color filters.

60. Afferents from this longitudinal strip on the superior temporal gyrus diverge to a wide variety of other cortical processing areas, including Wernicke’s area in the parietal lobe where speech is processed

61. However, when the child is grown and has left home, or become more independent, the Alters once again diverge into their separate identities and purposes, and may suddenly appear in a more covert manner

62. In keeping with the elements of British Isles folklore that seems to have been a design goal for the Bretons, in some ways, there are some elements that differ or diverge from the usual man-mer

63. In such a transportation system, vehicles diverge from a source lane and merge into a target lane aerially either above or below the tracks, through the empty space between the left guideway and the right guideway.

64. Date: Thursday, September 26, 2018 Description: The Counterespionage showdown you have all been waiting for: Insider Threat in one corner, and Counterintelligence in the other! Join CDSE as we discuss the Venn of Counterespionage, where Counterintelligence and Insider Threat merge and diverge (in a …

65. Alethic fault has to be kept distinct from the kind of epistemic fault associated with the normative function(s) that justification exerts on judgements—this is because truth and justification potentially diverge in extension (it may happen that a belief is true but unjustified or false but justified).

66. “In this case, we see green Anoles moving higher in the trees to avoid competition, and adaptively evolving larger toe pads.” That rapid evolution, Stuart said, is a textbook example of “character displacement,” an important evolutionary process that allows two closely related species to diverge and take advantage of separate niches.

67. Conform: 1 v be similar, be in line with Antonyms: depart , deviate , diverge , vary be at variance with; be out of line with Types: scan Conform to a metrical pattern v adapt or Conform oneself to new or different conditions Synonyms: adapt , adjust Types: show 12 types hide 12 types readapt , readjust adjust anew readapt adapt anew

68. The primordial Anthropoid was probably, in this respect, on much the same footing as his pithecoid kin.: The crura in other monkeys do not diverge so much as in man and Anthropoid apes.: A white foam dripped from the chattering lips of the Anthropoid.: Bentley rose and looked down at the Anthropoid for several seconds.: From these last, Anthropoid apes and man have, he believes, been evolved.

69. More particularly, the microrefractometer of the present invention comprises: a target at which a target microfluid and a standard fluid, the refractive index of which is already known, are positioned; an objective lens receiving incident light that has been emitted from a light source and that has passed through the target; an aperture comprising a plurality of pin holes which diverge a light path of the incident light on the objective lens; and a camera capturing a defocusing image formed on an image plane of a refractometer by means of the light that has passed through the aperture.