Use "disuse" in a sentence

1. Words fall off by disuse.

2. 7 Words fall off by disuse.

3. 4 The building eventually fell into disuse .

4. The pattern is allowed to atrophy through disuse.

5. The room smelt of disuse and mouldering books.

6. 5 Her muscles had become weak through disuse.

7. Superhighways that crisscross the landscape would fall into disuse.

8. The church was recently restored after decades of disuse.

9. 8 The pattern is allowed to atrophy through disuse.

10. 3 The room smelt of disuse and mouldering books.

11. 2 The factory fell into disuse twenty years ago.

12. As Apterygota is considered paraphyletic, it may fall into disuse

13. Conversely , the disuse of other parts leads to their atrophy .

14. 6 The tramway fell into disuse in the 1920 s.

15. 1 The church was recently restored after decades of disuse.

16. 10 A lot of farmland fell into disuse during the war.

17. 26 The National Association of Gay Switchboards has fallen into disuse.

18. 19 This and all the other alternative orifices fell into disuse.

19. 15 The route was once much travelled but has fallen into disuse.

20. 17 That law on the right of inheritance has fallen into disuse.

21. The Augures were originally called auspices, but, while auspex fell into disuse and

22. The history of penal practice is replete with particular sanctions falling into disuse.

23. Through simple disuse and lack of feedback, she may stop conjuring up stories.

24. 25 It was a commentary on heroism and how it has fallen into disuse.

25. 23 The history of penal practice is replete with particular sanctions falling into disuse.

26. 13 Through simple disuse and lack of feedback, she may stop conjuring up stories.

27. 13 It was a commentary on heroism and how it has fallen into disuse.

28. 9 Following a period of disuse,[] its machinery and water wheel were removed.

29. Its Victorian replacement, with long drives and a portico of columns, has fallen into disuse.

30. 27 Electrodiathermy to cauterize the cervix requires a general anaesthetic and is falling into disuse.

31. Atrophied definition is - having wasted away or decreased in size (as from disease or disuse)

32. 21 The railway tracks were lifted in the 1960s, and the bridge fell into disuse.

33. 12 Early in 1922 the tramway fell into disuse for the second and final time.

34. Disuse Atrophy Atrophy of a tissue or organ as a result of inactivity or diminished function

35. Recognition of Belligerency either “ fell into desuetude ” or is in a state of “ current total disuse

36. 12 The room was festooned with cobwebs, the air musty and thick with dust and disuse.

37. 22 The room was festooned with cobwebs, the air musty and thick with dust and disuse.

38. 20 It was originally a public well, but fell into disuse in the late sixteenth-century.

39. 16 A new bridge was built ten years ago and the old one has fallen into disuse.

40. The workforce has shrunk to less than a thousand and much of the plant is in disuse.

41. That is why Shildt used the term “Creaky” — as in a gate hinge gone rusty from disuse

42. 29 After they left, Belvedere saw various periods of use and disuse but, by the 1970s, stood empty.

43. For the latter two applications, access, speed and stability are not ideal and cause frustration contributing to disuse.

44. 14 The workforce has shrunk to less than a thousand and much of the plant is in disuse.

45. 28 In fact there were complaints from upper crust visitors about the din, so the cells fell into disuse.

46. 30 Now the workforce has shrunk to less than a thousand, and much of the plant is in disuse.

47. 18 Door buzzers and security cameras, rusty from 17 months' of disuse, are ringing and clicking again at bars.

48. 24 As a result there was water, water everywhere except in the Bath House, which fell into disuse and subsequently burned.

49. A flat or small socket weak muscles stretchy ligaments periods of disuse and loss of normal coordination may contribute to Atraumatic instability

50. Abeyance - A state of temporary inactivity, disuse or suspension My current New Zealand Visitor’s Visa expires in 3 weeks on February 25

51. 11 Eventually these theories fell into disuse, largely because they were unable to explain the whole range of different types of learning.

52. Although the churches and monasteries have fallen into disuse, the life-style of the local people has changed little over the centuries.

53. APPEARANCES GOLDSWORTHY LOWES DICKINSON Bereft of Juliet, thrown back upon himself, the best part of his nature was slowly Atrophying from disuse

54. The loss of voluntary muscle tissues is evidently due to disuse of muscles and setting in of atrophy rather than loss of muscle fibres .

55. 27 AIM:To set up muscle disuse atrophy rat models and observe the effect of electrical stimulation(ES)on muscular strength of quadriceps femoris and electromyogram(EMG).

56. In particular, a study showed that disuse of the Achilles tendon in rats resulted in a decrease in the average thickness of the collagen fiber bundles comprising the tendon.

57. EVERY BOY'S BOOK: A COMPLETE ENCYCLOPDIA OF SPORTS AND AMUSEMENTS VARIOUS In fact, the hazard feature of the American game is rapidly falling into disuse, the four ball Carom …

58. Bandstands had been a feature of the British way of life for well over a century but after the Second World War an increasing number had fallen into disuse and were neglected

59. The reasons which might be pleaded by Anthropophagists against the disuse of human flesh in their customary diet would be as well-founded as those urged by ordinary flesh-eaters to-day

60. My memory banks are not what they were you know, and any word which falls into disuse for a few zillion years has to get shifted down into auxiliary memory back-up.

61. Benefic (Benefic Aspects; Benefic Planets) (religion, spiritualism, and occult) Benefic is a traditional term that, after falling into disuse among modern astrologers, has experienced a revival with the renewed interest in classical astrology

62. Atrophy is a degeneration of either all or one part of the body, and is often referred to as "wasting." It can occur for many reasons, but the two main causes are disuse and disease

63. Aesthesia has fallen into disuse as an independent term, with the words sensation and sensibility filling the lexical gap; however, the root form, -Aesthesia (as in anaethesia, parAesthesia, etc.), is in common active use in the working medical parlance.

64. Aesthesia has fallen into disuse as an independent term, with the words sensation and sensibility filling the lexical gap; however, the root form, -Aesthesia (as in anaethesia, parAesthesia, etc.), is in common active use in the working medical parlance

65. ‘This awkward Anachronism came about when a couple of hundred prefabricated bungalows, built to house workers on an irrigation project in the 1960s, fell into disuse.’ ‘It is another Anachronism to think that the author of his plays must have been a nobleman.’ ‘There is a major sin in history writing, that of Anachronism.’