Use "distributed control" in a sentence

1. Distributed pulse width modulation control device and method

2. Automatic gain control configuration for a wideband distributed antenna system

3. Moreover, policy control operations can be distributed among different active nodes.

4. Scheduling and control in a power aggregation system for distributed electric resources

5. Distributed decoupling dynamic matrix control strategy is obtained for linear unconstrained systems.

6. Apparatus for providing access to field devices in a distributed control system

7. 15 A set of distributed control system ( DCS ) in land plaster is introduced.

8. Distributed control of ain and non-ain switches and resources in an advanced intelligent network

9. But you add distributed computing and powerful encryption -- that's very, very hard to censor and control.

10. 10 The distributed file server consists of one central control unit and multiple local file servers.

11. This allows a virtual machine to be distributed and the VMware ACE Management Server to control.

12. An optimal operation for products subject to spoilage is studied with the distributed parameter control theory.

13. In the human management of distributed control, hierarchies of a certain type will proliferate rather than diminish.

14. In particular, his paper "Self-stabilizing Systems in Spite of Distributed Control" (1974) started the sub-field of self-stabilization.

15. He launched a booklet on Yoga Protocol for Diabetes control, and distributed prizes to winners of the ‘Know India’ Quiz.

16. Bamboo alleviates the pain found at the intersection of continuous integration (CI) and distributed version control systems like Git and Mercurial

17. Acarina for Biological Control of Phytophagous Mites (Ixodidae) Dermacentor variabilis (Say), American dog tick.-- This species is widely distributed in the U.S

18. 26 The system transmits the various distributed brake control unit information through CAN bus to the comp uter for analysis and treatment.

19. Method for acquiring diversity gain according to distributed resource allocation for controlling downlink control channel in wireless communication system, and apparatus for same

20. A fairly comprehensive description is given of a computer based total distributed control system for an oil field dehydration and oil transfer station.

21. Power is chaotically distributed.

22. Distributed by: Actar Publishers

23. These books are distributed freely.

24. Distributed: My Submission To Contemplate

25. The population is unevenly distributed.

26. 24 To a ground source heat pump system in Tianjin, designs a three stage distributed computer supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system adopting DCS.

27. Method and system for providing distributed programming environment using distributed spaces, and computer readable recording medium

28. The newspaper is distributed free.

29. 29 Aiming at the situation of different and separate distributed control systems existing in large paper-factory, the interlinking DCS of the whole plant is developed.

30. To illustrate how Arterioles can control the manner in which the blood flow is distributed, consider a man, a dolphin, or a duck swimming under water

31. The company also distributed independent films.

32. Fuel resources are very unevenly distributed.

33. The contribution demonstrates that the theory of distributed parameters, originally developed in control theory, can be adapted very usefully for analysis and simulation of such biological systems.

34. Apache Kafka: A Distributed Streaming Platform

35. Airborne computers, central or distributed systems

36. Smokers were distributed randomly among subgroups.

37. Pamphlets were distributed among the audience.

38. Students shouted slogans and distributed leaflets.

39. Shochiku distributed the film in Japan.

40. He took the land you distributed.

41. The new release addresses some important developer issues like distributed schema for building families of applications in distributed environments.

42. Virginianus(northern Bobwhite ), distributed through much of

43. Magnesium Aspartate is distributed in breast milk.

44. The demonstrators distributed leaflets to passers-by.

45. The farmers distributed seeds over the field.

46. Bazil -- a distributed, weakly-connected, file system

47. Interface for distributed procesing of scsi tasks

48. The magazine was distributed by Time Warner.

49. They distributed political pamphlets in the hall.

50. The process was distributed into four stages.

51. Barytes is widely distributed throughout the world

52. Bonito tune - distributed tuning of network hyperparameters

53. Power and resources would be distributed fairly.

54. In one month, they distributed 229 copies.

55. What does Allotted mean? Distributed or apportioned

56. An efficient dynamic and distributed cryptographic accumulator

57. Consul is a distributed, highly available, and data center aware solution to connect and configure applications across dynamic, distributed infrastructure

58. Bremen Township distributed 1,000 Masks and Produce

59. Aliquoted Divided into, or distributed in, aliquots.

60. Memorial Invitations to Be Distributed Earth Wide!

61. He distributed his possessions among his heirs.

62. Make sure the weight is evenly distributed.

63. Small distributed capacitance and high resonance frequency.

64. 23 Authority and prestige are not equally distributed.

65. The company distributed its profits among its workers.

66. The Actinomycetes are diversely distributed microorganisms in nature

67. Distributed antenna wlan access-point system and method

68. Now, it remains patchily distributed within historical limits.

69. Their teacher distributed a review for the exam.

70. Make sure that your weight is evenly distributed.

71. Distributed digital loop carrier system using coaxial cable

72. An example is IBM's Distributed Data Management Architecture.

73. Higher education is unequally distributed across social classes.

74. Blogosphere magazine is an internationally distributed print pu

75. Computer operating programs with accompanying accessories distributed therewith

76. 18 The farmers distributed seeds over the field.

77. Those atoms were randomly distributed in the environment.

78. 7 Alms were distributed to those in need.

79. Wealth is not evenly distributed between age groups.

80. Blockchain is a young but rapidly growing area of technology, which uses distributed ledgers that are decentralized and distributed with no single administrator