Use "distracted" in a sentence

1. You're distracted, you're withdrawn.

2. Don’t Be Distracted and Deceived

3. He was distracted with fear.

4. She was distracted with anxiety.

5. He was distracted by anxiety.

6. Well... absent-minded, distracted.

7. Hinds seemed more subdued, distracted.

8. He was distracted with business.

9. Children are so easily distracted.

10. A noise outside momentarily distracted her.

11. He distracted her with talk.

12. He's easily distracted from his work.

13. Cumbered To be distracted with cares

14. She was distracted at some occurrence.

15. She was distracted from her original interest.

16. The music distracted the students from their studies.

17. Try not to be distracted by incidental details.

18. I was distracted by that enormous flying-

19. The chairman was distracted between different opinions.

20. The music distracted her from her work.

21. My attentions are distracted from my study.

22. And I won't be distracted by what's fashionable.

23. The overall result is a very distracted youngster.

24. She was easily distracted and forgetful at school.

25. He was distracted with an unhappy love affair.

26. Noise outside distracted her mind from her studies.

27. The distracted Aunts didn’t exactly provide much advice

28. The lesson: I became distracted with other things.

29. They would be distracted and become “weighed down.”

30. Don't let yourself be distracted by fashionable theories.

31. They were not distracted by his status or position.

32. Aliyah's may sometimes get distracted while completing tasks

33. A disturbance in the street distracted my attention.

34. Don't talk to her-she's very easily distracted.

35. Not the type to be bribed, nor distracted easily.

36. She was distracted at a quarrel with her boyfriend.

37. It would have distracted the reader from the central theme.

38. She came back from the telephone booth quickly, looking distracted.

39. The noise in the street distracted me from my reading.

40. She seemed less like a poetess than a distracted housewife.

41. But his Assiduousness is strange, as if distracted from itself

42. Something Amiss in the arrangements had distracted the staff.

43. I can't let myself be distracted by those things.

44. Once, Martha was distracted with the preparation of a large meal.

45. If you're really too distracted to speak, then reschedule the call.

46. Arbusterol These modern and cute cute card! Distracted with scissors

47. Choking can happen when a child is distracted by something else

48. They'll be so distracted by Evan's accent, they won't ask questions.

49. I'm not sure how long Quill can keep him distracted!

50. Leah’s dad is distracted —and thus unaware of her frustration.

51. No wonder she was easily distracted and forgetful at school.

52. Everyone seemed cool and distracted, uninterested in trade or cultural exchanges.

53. Try not to be distracted by the cleavage and the hairspray.

54. Today, Bon seemed distracted and not really interested in the meeting.

55. Those who are easily discouraged or distracted may hardly experience it.

56. The school students were distracted by the noise outside the classroom.

57. Try not to be distracted by the frivolities of the world.

58. 32 synonyms for Abstracted: preoccupied, withdrawn, remote, absorbed, intent, absent, distracted

59. No one suggests that the workaholic Harrison dallied or became distracted.

60. We need to keep or minds on the molecules and not get distracted by the theater, not get distracted by the cognitive dissonance of the green possibilities that are out there.

61. Somehow I got distracted and forgot to fill up my truck with sod.

62. Winehouse was reported to be tired, distracted and "tipsy" during the performance.

63. A distracted defector has subtracted some compact extract from the impacted interaction.

64. This article explains how we can avoid being distracted from our watchfulness.

65. The damsel distracted the Asuras, while the Devas secretly drank the Nectar.

66. In his rare public appearances, the crown prince looks frail and distracted.

67. In the United States, automobile crashes due to distracted driving are increasing.

68. Recognising the tenderness inherent in the small caresses, Luke looked momentarily distracted.

69. Never should we underestimate the value of demonstrations, perhaps allowing ourselves to become distracted.

70. Loving, distracted, indulgent, my parents would never follow through on threats to ground me.

71. Just then, however, came an interruption which distracted the thoughts of every man there.

72. Such comments have distracted attention from a long-awaited improvement in the economy.

73. How can the missionaries stay focused and not get distracted from their work?

74. She looked rather as the Duchess of Windsor did in distracted old age.

75. A savanna full of predators, after all, was not a place to get distracted.

76. But by dashing up he distracted its attention and it turned on him.

77. 1, 2. (a) What serious situation has resulted from a person’s being distracted while driving?

78. Banks was distracted by the Red River Campaign and failed to move on Mobile.

79. Gill seems rather distracted at the moment - I think she's worried about her exams.

80. KJV: But Martha was Cumbered about much INT: but Martha was distracted about much