Use "distally" in a sentence

1. (25gx5/8”) Point needle slightly Abaxial and distally

2. The Bronchioles have no alveoli; alveoli are acquired more distally in the pulmonary acinus

3. The Bronchioles have no alveoli; alveoli are acquired more distally in the pulmonary acinus

4. The rank of a tiny feather distally of the 4th alula quill is discussed.

5. During the analysed downstroke the geometrical angle of attack generally decreased with increasing distance distally along the wing.

6. Condyle The ventral epiCondyle is enlarged, extending distally to below the level of the dorsal and ventral Condyles

7. It attaches distally at the costal cartilages of ribs 5-7 and the xiphoid process of the sternum.

8. The core portion moves distally simultaneously with the clamping action of the arms to provide a distal seal.

9. Coxa Uppermost joint of the leg of an insect, which articulates with the thorax proximally, and with the trochanter distally

10. Ctenanthe Eichler: Antitropic leaves; corolla tube very short and wide; bracts long-persistent; two outer staminodes slightly unequal; callose staminode distally petaloid and showy

11. Identification: In adult females of this Copepod the distal segment of the 5th leg exhibits one spine, located distally or subdistally

12. Antidromic method was used in which recording of compound nerve action potential was done distally and stimulation of the nerve proximally

13. In 8 out of 10 experiments the anastomosis was functioning spontaneous as nervous action potentials could be recorded distally from the site of the connection.

14. The portion of the wire extending distally from the distal end of the catheter forms an adjustable loop that can be used to ensnare a radial notch formed on the intravascular filter.

15. Centralising devices were introduced to ensure that the prosthesis is implanted in a neutral position and that a cement mantle of optimal thickness is achieved proximally and distally

16. A passage (132) that at the adjoining cavity is radially offset from the central axis of the circular cavity extends distally to a distal end of the spring cage.

17. The posterior column is characterized by the dense bone at the greater sciatic notch and follows the dotted line distally through the center of the Acetabulum, the obturator foramen, and the inferior pubic ramus

18. A microdialysis probe comprises a tubiform probe body, a tubiform dialysis membrane disposed distally of the probe body, and flexible conduits for adducing and abducing dialysis fluid, distal end portions of which are disposed in the probe body.

19. The palm Creases are named as follows, starting distally and working proximally (toward the wrist): Palmar digital crease; Distal palmar crease; Proximal palmar crease; The major crease at the wrist on the palm side is simply called the wrist flexion crease

20. This Avicularium proportionally large (0.095– 0.137 mm long), extending from spiramen to peristome, orientated distally or slightly obliquely, straight or weakly curving, the rostrum acute, elongate-triangular, delimited by a pair of minute condyles; opesial portion of Avicularium smooth.

21. Catadromously arranged, or sometimes anadromous at base and catadromous distally; stipe often not articulate but sometimes articu- late at base, with 3 or more vascular bundles arranged in a semicircle or circle, scaly, sulcate adaxially, not hairy or sometimes hairy;

22. Spondylosoma absconditum (Ladinian, Middle Triassic) lacks certain Dinosauriformes-Dinosauria characters (sigmoid curve and epipophyses in neck, distally placed deltopectoral crest on humerus) and those present (accessary hyposphene-hypantra vertebral articulations, three sacral vertebrae, elongate pubis) also occur in the Rauisuchia (Crurotarsi, Suchia, Rauisuchiformes).

23. Abducted Distally angulated; said of an extremity away from the midline of the body in a transverse plane and away from a sagittal plane, passing through the proximal aspect of the foot or part, or away from some other specified reference point

24. For these stereotyped responses it was the location of the stimulus which played a major role rather than the different distribution of muscle tonus or the segmental dermatomo-myotomal correspondence: in the trunk and limb girdles, the sensitive (reflexogenic) zones were localized directly over the respective muscle bellies; in the extremities they were more distally over the tendons and for the finger and/or toe movements, they were shifted toward the acral skin areas of the extremities.