Use "dissents" in a sentence

1. No one dissents from the decision to unify.

2. Toward the end of his career, he wrote more dissents than majority opinions.

3. Antonyms for Acquiesces include resists, challenges, defies, opposes, contests, disagrees, forbears, dissents, fights and refuses

4. Kolàr’s own subsets of collage — reportage, ventillage, Confrontage, rollage — seem less revelatory than nimble dissents from meaning

5. From the beginning, dissenting justices have been heard and their dissents published alongside the majority opinion (or opinions).

6. Two dissents were authored by a collection of judges Appointed by former presidents Ronald Reagan, Bush, and Donald Trump

7. It Anathematises and tries to silence anyone who dissents from its dogma that all cultures are of equal value to each other — which makes the defence of …

8. By contrast, Grove characterizes both Bostock dissenting opinions as engaging in “flexible textualism”—because the dissents relied on Atextual considerations including public views about homosexuality in 1964, other statutes enacted after Title VII, and the “far-reaching” consequences of construing Title VII to cover discrimination