Use "dissented" in a sentence

1. The barrister member, Miss Anne Rafferty, dissented.

2. Long-podded cradles dissented turn-sick Bepuddle

3. 13 Three of the justices dissented from the majority decision.

4. Later that day Mashruwala told me he vehemently dissented from this view.

5. Justice Frank Murphy dissented separately and voted to affirm the conviction.

6. He and I dissented from each other in choosing a suitable candidate.

7. Some critics have dissented from the view of Dylan as a visionary figure in popular music.

8. Nobody dissented and the company stood to recite the opening chapter of the Koran under the leadership of the al-Sharifi.

9. Observing that there is a conflict between the Military Service Law and the constitution’s recognition of freedom of conscience, two of the nine justices dissented and called for a system of alternative civilian service.

10. Of or pertaining to the Covenanters: as, the Covenanting cause.; Belonging to the extreme party of Presbyterians, known as Covenanters, who dissented from the final settlement of the matters at issue between the Scottish church and the king, and afterward formed the Reformed Presbyterian