Use "dissent" in a sentence

1. I wish to dissent .

2. We must dissent from the apathy.

3. We must dissent from the indifference.

4. Two jurors signified their dissent.

5. Political dissent is not tolerated.

6. Capitol “Investigation” Criminalizes Political Dissent

7. The teacher laughed her dissent.

8. Few historians would dissent from this view.

9. I respectfully dissent and would reverse.

10. However, considerable dissent developed within XFree86.

11. The regime ruthlessly suppresses all dissent.

12. Bodie ignored the sounds of dissent.

13. Even the Japanese dissent indiscreet ways.

14. I dissent altogether from such an unwise idea.

15. Commodify Your Dissent Salvos from The Baffler

16. We do not dissent from that proposition.

17. The voices of dissent were effectively smothered.

18. There are many ways of expressing dissent.

19. The present government is even less tolerant of dissent.

20. Concurrence, Thomas [Thomas Concurrence] [PDF] Concurrence, Breyer [Breyer Concurrence] [PDF] Dissent, Scalia [Scalia Dissent] [PDF] Dissent, Sotomayor [Sotomayor Dissent] [PDF] NOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as is being done in connection with this case, at the time the opinion is issued.

21. Third, the student plays a role of dissent.

22. These voices of dissent grew louder and louder.

23. Voices of dissent began to rise against the bomb.

24. Challenge: a feeling or declaration of disapproval or dissent

25. 2020 What the Appellees and dissent seek is an

26. However, Suharto also disbanded Aspri to appease popular dissent.

27. Religious dissent is, indeed, one source of civil unrest.

28. Instead, internal dissent worsened, and a new civil war broke out.

29. But critics have accused him of being autocratic and intolerant of dissent.

30. There were murmurs of both Assent and dissent from the crowd

31. Your dissent on Godfrey v. Kent was brilliant, by the way.

32. Saddam Hussein's police state ruthlessly eliminates anyone who dares to dissent.

33. Caviling: See: contentious , critical , criticism , disaccord , disapprobation , dissension , dissent , dissenting , fractious

34. You've accused the players of dirty tactics... cheating, dissent, foul play.

35. Stability only exists in the country because dissent has been suppressed.

36. Anti-war dissent was increasing by the time Nixon took office.

37. The only freedoms of the truly enslaved are subtle subversion and private dissent.

38. Commodify your Dissent is a collection of essays from the Baffler magazine

39. Commodify your dissent : salvos from The Baffler / edited by Thomas Frank and Matt Weiland

40. These will contribute to develop greater tolerance towards dissent and acceptance of different views.

41. Where Silence Rules: The Suppression of Dissent in Malawi, Human Rights Watch.

42. Anyone wishing to dissent from the motion should now raise their hand.

43. Voter Abstention is seen as the only real form of dissent in elections.

44. Voter Abstention is seen as the only real form of dissent in elections

45. Second, we need to create the space for what I call "managed dissent."

46. Voter abstention is seen as the only real form of dissent in elections.

47. 27 But critics have accused him of being autocratic and intolerant of dissent.

48. Soon these combined winds of dissent would grow into a twister of protest.

49. The globalization of mercenaries to crack down on dissent is also proceeding apace.

50. He wouldn't have granted the cart, and he had a very interesting dissent.

51. At no time, however, did they use such draconian measures to stifle dissent.

52. To the extent that it purports to do anything else, I respectfully dissent.

53. 11 For there is a clear distinction between tolerating dissent and propagating it.

54. A judge may dissent ( disagree with the majority opinion ) and write a " dissenting opinion. "

55. He is the toughest military ruler yet and has responded harshly to any dissent.

56. Some 1,000 U.S. diplomats signed a dissent cable opposing the order, setting a record.

57. 30 The argument led to charges that the national organization is intolerant of dissent.

58. In incredible dissent, federal judge launches Broadside attack on SCOTUS precedent protecting left-wing press News

59. It also risks obscuring the shining strand of dissent, so your diarist pipes up.

60. It was on the cards that he should be drawn into the circle of dissent.

61. By mid-March, several protests had occurred and there was open dissent in the army.

62. Voices of dissent began to rise against the established authority in the 1950s and 1960s.

63. These determined sects emerged in the time of toleration as the early centres of Dissent.

64. With this absolute power, the colonial government moved to maintain social stability, while suppressing dissent.

65. Universities are centres of student dissent, and the White Rose movement is once again active.

66. No dissent from or criticism of Kim Il Sung, his tenets, or his decisions was permitted.

67. Otherwise, dissent and investigative journalism are going to become even more difficult in even more places.

68. Not to be outdone, Kim put through a new constitution in the North, also without objection or dissent.

69. Which acts Antipolitically by focusing on problem-solving mechanisms and shutting down spaces for debate and dissent

70. Burundians are now faced with the task of quelling ethnic dissent, promoting unity, and rebuilding the country

71. Their "city upon a hill" was a theocracy that Brooked no dissent, religious or political

72. Since Jammeh took power, he has routinely and ruthlessly repressed all forms of dissent in the country.

73. “Joe Biden and the Democrats talk about unity but are Brazenly trying to silence dissent," Hawley said

74. • Reformists Allege that the killings were part of a campaign by state-sponsored death squads to silence dissent

75. Summary of "Commodify Your Dissent" Thomas Frank bases his article on the countercultural idea of the 1950s

76. Rather than enacting privacy as concealment, Adnauseam provides a means for users to express, in plain sight, their dissent

77. By day, Tripoli is effectively in a security lockdown and there are no outright signs of protest or dissent.

78. Chapter 6 compares efforts to explain the origins, characteristics, and impact of non-violent political dissent and social movement activity.

79. His deceptively simple judgments dealt only with the essential points, stated the law tersely and clearly, and rarely provoked dissent.

80. Domestic Threats in Conjunction with Lawful Advocacy, Protest and Dissent Report #2002-04 BACKGROUND Historically, the Committee has taken special interest in Service investigations involving threat-related activities that occur at the same time or in the same location as legitimate political advocacy and dissent.