Use "dissect" in a sentence

1. Anatomise definition: dissect in order to analyze synonyms: dissect, anatomize antonyms: synthesize

2. To avoid hemorrhage ,[] dissect subperiosteally.

3. Your assignment is to dissect the poem.

4. The world is going to dissect his response.

5. Dissect the text and find the author's meaning.

6. The biology students had to dissect a rat.

7. The blood can dissect up or down the aorta.

8. In biology class we had to dissect a frog.

9. You kind of dissect it and write grammar stuff.

10. People want to dissect his work and question his motives.

11. In spite of this some brave scientists did dissect bodies.

12. This is Bigfooting, where believers marvel, skeptics dissect, and cynics snicker

13. I want to dissect one, but they evaporate when they die.

14. The words break down and dissect are common synonyms of Analyze

15. He would rather dissect human emotions at the most personal level.

16. Segments are like dynamic filters that allow you to dissect traffic quickly.

17. 20 synonyms for Analyze: anatomize, break down, dissect, resolve, examine, inspect, investigate, analyse

18. To understand Blair, one must first dissect his relationship with the Labour party.

19. You gonna chop me up, dissect me, feed me to a giant juicer?

20. Students in medical schools study and dissect Cadavers as part of their education

21. Then you dissect the results in order to draw some conclusions for taking countermeasures.

22. He watched her peel and dissect a pear neatly, no mess, no sticky fingers.

23. Oh, Agent Starling, you think you can dissect me with this blunt little tool?

24. We had to dissect a worm and a frog in our biology practical today.

25. Critical thinking is essentially negative as it seeks to dissect and not to build.

26. But it is possible to dissect most crises and examine each component in turn.

27. Objective To discuss the relation of dissect variation and iatrogenic biliary duct injury.sentencedict .com

28. You want us to dissect eight years of medical history with grunting in the differential?

29. They examine abandoned nests for prey remains, dissect pellets and talk frequently to local shepherds.

30. Four single black females dissect the failings of the modern male in a riotously rude fashion.

31. The authors' purpose in this paper was to attempt to dissect psychiatric symptoms and cognition in schizophrenia.

32. Using only his whole hand, he had to dissect his dumpling with the edge of the fork.

33. 21 Using only his whole hand, he had to dissect his dumpling with the edge of the fork.

34. He assured us all that those who wished to dissect it later would only find an unblemished record.

35. In addition, further pulses of volts can be used to dissect the molecule or to remove it altogether.

36. The Financial Apologist will teach children and families to engage in biblical discussions and to dissect various financial worldviews

37. Thus, Adaxial/abaxial patterning provides a unique opportunity to dissect the roles of small regulatory RNAs as developmental signals.

38. Cameras and spectrographs, some as big as a telephone booth dissect and register the light from distant cosmic shores.

39. Anatomise: 1 v dissect in order to analyze Synonyms: anatomize Type of: dissect cut open or cut apart v analyze down to the smallest detail Synonyms: anatomize Type of: analyse , analyze , canvas , canvass , examine , study consider in detail and subject to an analysis in …

40. Botanize definition: collect and study plants synonyms: take apart, analyze, analyse, break down, botanise, dissect antonyms: synthesize, assemble, function

41. This is a sweeping statement which makes little obvious sense on first reading, so let us dissect it more carefully.

42. Before I explain why Azure Arc is A game changer, let me dissect the architecture and the design for you

43. The assembly divided itself into five committees and 26 sub-committees to dissect the 131 draft proposals it has received.

44. Anatomize definition is - to cut in pieces in order to display or examine the structure and use of the parts : dissect

45. We have the ability to investigate, dissect and come up with Clear cut solutions to your problems from start to finish

46. Anatomize definition is - to cut in pieces in order to display or examine the structure and use of the parts : dissect

47. 157: Hodgkin had just returned from his second visit to Paris, where he had learned to prepare and dissect Cadaveric specimens.

48. Anatomize Meaning: "to dissect, investigate by dissection," early 15c., from Medieval Latin anatomizare, from Greek… See definitions of Anatomize.

49. Instead of accepting revelation, they want to dissect it and add dimensions and variations of meaning that distort its beautiful truths.

50. Break down, consider, study, separate, divide, resolve, dissolve, dissect, think through, assay, anatomize We haven't had time to Analyse those samples yet.

51. This study exemplifies the combined use of human and mouse genetics to dissect human genetic diseases involving multiple genes and complex phenotypes.

52. Its reduction is a major goal, and the primary purpose of this study was to dissect the genetic basis of grain Chalkiness.

53. Summit Declarations have a tremendous political value in communicating Allies' views and intentions to third parties, who scrutinise them Avidly and dissect the …

54. Anatomize: 1 v dissect in order to analyze “ anatomize the bodies of the victims of this strange disease” Synonyms: Anatomise Type of: dissect cut open or cut apart v analyze down to the smallest detail “This writer anatomized the depth of human behavior” Synonyms: Anatomise Type of: analyse , analyze , canvas , canvass , examine , study

55. Anatomize: 1 v dissect in order to analyze “ Anatomize the bodies of the victims of this strange disease” Synonyms: anatomise Type of: dissect cut open or cut apart v analyze down to the smallest detail “This writer Anatomized the depth of human behavior” Synonyms: anatomise Type of: analyse , analyze , canvas , canvass , examine , study

56. Anatomize: 1 v dissect in order to analyze “ anatomize the bodies of the victims of this strange disease” Synonyms: anatomise Type of: dissect cut open or cut apart v analyze down to the smallest detail “This writer Anatomized the depth of human behavior” Synonyms: anatomise Type of: analyse , analyze , canvas , canvass , examine , study

57. Anatomize definition, to cut apart (an animal or plant) to show or examine the position, structure, and relation of the parts; display the anatomy of; dissect

58. Bachelor Nation fan favorites Tayshia Adams, Joe Amabile and Natasha Parker dissect the wildest, most ridiculous and bizarre headlines of the week in pop culture, breaking down all the Clickbait …

59. Botanise: 1 v collect and study plants Synonyms: botanize Type of: analyse , analyze , break down , dissect , take apart make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features

60. Blitzkrieg is the fine art of strategy, but with much more finesse! Dissect your enemy with surgical precision, halt the enemy's advance with strategic tank and air assaults, and maintain your offensive momentum

61. Botanize: 1 v collect and study plants Synonyms: botanise Type of: analyse , analyze , break down , dissect , take apart make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features

62. Blitzkrieg is the fine art of strategy: instead of blind hits with a huge club, you dissect the enemy with a thin blade of a sword! Halt the enemy’s position with strategic tank and air assaults

63. ‘The blast from the now Atomized ship at the beginning of the battle damaged the section that Justin was in to an extent that if he had wanted to go back, he couldn't.’ Synonyms separate , divide, break down, dissect, atomize, dissolve, resolve, reduce

64. Both "dissect" and " Anatomize " are derived from Latin and Greek verbs, respectively, meaning "to cut." This definition seems to have been first used by John of Alexandria (first half of the seventh century), an early commentator on Galen (20)

65. An aortic aneurysm is a balloon-like bulge in the aorta, the large artery that carries blood from the heart through the chest and torso. Aortic Aneurysms can dissect or rupture: The force of blood pumping can split the layers of the artery wall, allowing blood to leak in between them

66. An Aortic aneurysm is a balloon-like bulge in the aorta, the large artery that carries blood from the heart through the chest and torso. Aortic aneurysms can dissect or rupture: The force of blood pumping can split the layers of the artery wall, allowing blood to leak in between them

67. In the absence of robust polarization methodology, any statement about the rooting of the ToL shouldbe considered suspect or subject of Apriorism.Here we show that information derived from a genomic structural and functional census of millions of encoded proteins and RNAs coupled with process models that comply with Weston's generality criterion provide the means to dissect the origins of