Use "dispraise" in a sentence

1. There are many synonyms of Affronting which include Abuse, Anger, Annoy, Confront, Criticize, Displease, Dispraise, Encounter, Face, Meet, Offend, Outrage, Pique, Slander, Slight, Taunt, Vex, Provoke, Put Down, Dump On, Hit Where One Lives, Give The Cold Shoulder, Give A Zinger, etc.

2. Belittling: 1 adj tending to diminish or disparage “ Belittling comments” Synonyms: deprecating , deprecative , deprecatory , depreciative , depreciatory , slighting uncomplimentary tending to (or intended to) detract or disparage n the act of Belittling Type of: disparagement , dispraise the act of speaking contemptuously of n a Belittling