Use "dispose of" in a sentence

1. Dispose of these old newspapers.

2. Betowel Dispose sewage properly

3. Please dispose of this wrapper carefully.

4. She tried to dispose of the evidence.

5. They had to dispose of the opposition.

6. How did they dispose of the body?

7. He used to dispose of something perfunctorily.

8. Safely dispose of rags soaked with oil.

9. Be careful to dispose of your litter properly.

10. Dispose of the Belongings of Jennifers late spouse Marion

11. Plots to dispose of him came to nothing.

12. Have you any secondhand books to dispose of?

13. Empty bottles are the Bulkiest items to dispose of

14. They decided to dispose of much of their property.

15. To cover up or to dispose of stolen goods.

16. Let's dispose of this matter once and for all.

17. There just remains the matter of funding to dispose of.

18. The United States tried to dispose of its grain surpluses.

19. • helps dispose of these Byproducts in an ecologically sound manner.

20. 1 Let's dispose of this matter once and for all.

21. We'll have to dispose of the mice in the house .

22. He doesn't know how to dispose of his spare time.

23. However, it is important immediately to dispose of one popular fallacy.

24. We will have to dispose of the mice in the attic.

25. - Sixty percent of households dispose of wastewater using a public sewerage system.

26. We have to dispose of this pile of old papers and magazines.

27. They have no way to dispose of the hazardous waste they produce.

28. English words for Comerse include eat up, devour and dispose of

29. He requested permission to dispose of some of his dirt in our attic.

30. Dispose of your phone, battery, and accessories according to local environmental regulations.

31. It took her a mere 20 minutes to dispose of her opponent.

32. Until you do , ensure that you dispose of ash and stubs safely .

33. Some farms have had to dispose of strawberries in response to the crisis.

34. Just fold up the nappy and dispose of it in the normal manner.

35. I am still not sure how best to dispose of the shares.

36. Dispose of your phone, battery and accessories according to local environmental regulations.

37. Finally, the authorities were forced to take action and dispose of the corpse.

38. 10 They have no way to dispose of the hazardous waste they produce.

39. Suspicions dispose kings to tyranny and husbands to jealousy.

40. Mites and beetles dispose of dead wood, and fungi feed on the bark.

41. Segregate hazardous waste and dispose of an authorized manner ( report to your supervisor ).

42. (j) Recommendations on how to dispose of the lamp at its end of life.

43. Each time she helped her son dispose of a poached salmon she felt good.

44. If you wish to minimize spreading, remove the Bulbils and dispose of them

45. The suspect was taken unawares, without the chance to dispose of the evidence.

46. 18 In due course she would dispose of it, but not just yet.

47. Saltwater crocodiles dispose of excess salt in their bodies through specialized salt glands.

48. His criminal records do not dispose me to trust him.

49. 4 Suspicions dispose kings to tyranny and husbands to jealousy.

50. Because of their stability, they are hard to dispose of and are persistent environmental contaminants.

51. Unable to dispose of the poisonous waste, the yeasts shut down and become dormant.

52. Before the event occurs)..Collapse('dispose') Destroys an element’s Collapse

53. 10 One basic function of systems is to internalize the externalities and dispose social conflicts.

54. Until quite recent times, the pig was kept in order to dispose of human waste.

55. The four dissenting justices wanted to dispose of the case without considering the constitutional question.

56. The suspect was taken unawares[], without the chance to dispose of the evidence.

57. The low salary did not dispose him to accept the position.

58. (b) What part do the angels then play, and how do they dispose of the “fish”?

59. In particular it may acquire and dispose of real property and chattels and institute legal proceedings.

60. Personal property managers acquire, distribute, and store supplies, and may sell or dispose of surplus property.

61. Store Biodiesel soaked rags or spill absorbents in approved safety containers and dispose of properly

62. 26 Unable to dispose of the poisonous waste, the yeasts shut down and become dormant.

63. Some, in particular American, airlines are taking this opportunity to dispose of their oldest aircraft.

64. They, and they alone, have the right to dispose of a case involving a child.

65. We dispose of a great range of wastes, as long as these comply with our acceptance criteria.

66. She sighed crossly, was about to dispose of the paper when a wicked thought possessed her.

67. Adagio dispose du plus grand réseau d'aparthotels avec + 120 adresses

68. One of the more intractable problems was how to dispose of the effluent in an ecologically acceptable way.

69. All rooms dispose of shower and WC, terrace or balcony, phone, satellite TV and internet access.

70. He was able to retrieve the body and dispose of the car before the authorities arrived.

71. If your dog vomits up Ascarids, contact your veterinarian with how best to dispose of them

72. However, the Fund may dispose of commodity stocks only pursuant to Article 17 (15) to (17).

73. a) acts or omissions of the shipper, the consignee or the person entitled to dispose of the goods;

74. His rudeness when we first met didn't dispose me very kindly to/towards him.

75. Gathering up the debris, she stuffed it into her pocket to dispose of in the galley bin below.

76. Avoid inhaling sawdust of pressure-treated wood, and do not burn any scraps; dispose of both in the trash.

77. All the rooms are acoustically insulated, non-smoking and dispose of a flatscreen television with integrated DVD player.

78. I was able to dispose of that bomb just in time and shield myself behind these iron pipes.

79. To put into a specific order or relation; dispose: Arrange shoes in a neat row

80. Butler County is up on the ChemSweep schedule, meaning farms can dispose of old or unused pesticides free of charge