Use "displace" in a sentence

1. Please don't displace my dictionaries.

2. Supermarkets Displace Traditional Shops

3. Italy; they were displace by Latin.

4. Redistributive struggles displace productive ones.

5. Yet traditions are difficult to displace.

6. Those resources can displace nuclear power.

7. Weeds tend to displace other plants.

8. 8 Those resources can displace nuclear power.

9. The UN estimates this will displace another 500,000 people.

10. Displace the body weight to the opposite side.

11. Will ethanol displace gasoline feed from our animals?

12. I'm trying to displace him in his job.

13. They seldom displace the purely indicating thermometers for direct.

14. Vapors displace air and can cause asphyxiation in confined spaces.

15. But we do not need to let our fears displace our faith.

16. Renewable resource: Biomethane is a renewable resource that can displace fossil fuel by 100%

17. This dam is going to displace (Sentence dictionary)000 Kurds in a war region.

18. Flooding caused by the dam may displace up to a million people.

19. We let the Germans take them, we're gonna lose our foothold and have to displace.

20. ABMs were ready to displace branch banking, if telephone banking did not do so first.

21. The building of a new dam will displace thousands of people who live in this area.

22. The positional fixing device allows the glass panel (1) to pivot and displace to a certain extent.

23. 18 or, he will displace Reason with Appetite, such as the unsatiable greed for riches or power.

24. CO2 may also displace methane in some coal beds and adsorb (stick) to the coal.

25. Such attitudes not only displace others from paid employment but also lead to family breakdown.

26. Blasting, primarily trench and ditch Blasting, can displace rock and damage adjacent pavement and underground utilities

27. Accordingly, Congress simply lacks power under the Commerce Clause to displace state regulation of this kind.

28. If the king goes to g2 trying to displace the white king, White moves the bishop.

29. Later, when brown-egg commercial hybrids appeared, they began to displace the traditional breed in many households.

30. The movable coupling allows the toe section to pivot downward and the heel section to simultaneously displace forward.

31. Displace the water with 2000 ml isopropanol/water mixture (4.3.3) at a rate of 10-30 ml/min.

32. In one, Daniel describes a number of symbolic animals that displace one another on the world scene.

33. The diffusion gas is allowed to diffuse throughout the chamber (24) to displace sterilization gas from the load.

34. According to the interference theory, animals forget things not because memory fades but because other memories displace them.

35. Water droplets do the same, vaporizing and expanding 1,700 times their original volume to displace the oxygen.

36. Do surveillance cameras actually reduce crime, or do they simply displace it to areas not under surveillance?

37. Thus they will displace those firms that finance the social security systems, and will undermine established safety regulations.

38. In fact, with this kind of Blither she will probably displace Rush as the leading spokesperson for the party.

39. That money actually went to displace fishermen and those who worked on the boats but did not own licences

40. From the Market Plot, there is some indication that Bio gas could actually displace GHG's through the production of electricity.

41. Other hopes have centred on ethanol taking the place of petroleum - but fuel crops must not displace food.

42. Thus several measures are available to displace natural gas for a higher use as a facilitator of coal combustion.

43. Airscrew (propeller), a propulsion device in which radially mounted blades displace air by revolving, thus creating a propulsive force (thrust)

44. These began to displace the conifers during the Tertiary era (66 to 2 million years ago) when forests covered the globe.

45. To struggle was only to weaken himself; he could not displace the weight or break the grip that held him down.

46. If a larger bird is low in the queue, why does it not displace the bird at the head?

47. When trade diversion arises, higher cost supplies from the union partner displace lower cost supplies from the rest of the world.

48. The Left Party could displace the CDU as the Social Democrats' governing partner in the eastern state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania.

49. Apart from the metabolic interactions, highly protein bound drugs can displace warfarin from serum albumin and cause an increase in the INR.

50. Brilliants is a flexible game where players alternatively plays one action: either lay an egg, move an ant or displace a predator

51. At very high concentrations in air, hydrogen is a simple Asphyxiant gas because of its ability to displace oxygen and cause hypoxia (ACGIH 1991)

52. Acetylide anions are strong bases and strong nucleophiles. Therefore, they are able to displace halides and other leaving groups in substitution reactions

53. Acetylide anions are strong bases and strong nucleophiles. Therefore, they are able to displace halides and other leaving groups in substitution reactions

54. Simple Asphyxiants displace oxygen from the lungs, whereas systemic Asphyxiants interfere with transport of oxygen by hemoglobin or with mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation

55. To answer that it is a matter of potentiality and actuality may do no more than displace the question by one step.

56. She became notable for her activism in opposing Arcelor Mittal's steel plant in Eastern Jharkhand that tribal activists say would displace forty villages.

57. • Cormorants consume commercially reared fish • Cormorants destroy trees and natural vegetation • Cormorants can displace desired nesting birds and animals • Cormorants pose hazards to aircraft

58. The technology is overlaid on a pre-existing matrix of relationships that we have, and those relationships are what the technology doesn't quite displace.

59. Companies that Ark believes are capitalizing on disruptive innovation and developing technologies to displace older technologies or create new mArkets may not in fact do so

60. The threaded spindle is displaceable in a substantially axial direction between an advanced position and a retracted position so as to displace the control device.

61. To operate or control by automation. to displace or make obsolete by automation (often followed by out): The unskilled jobs are going to be Automated …

62. ‘Western Cartographic conventions began to displace indigenous traditions in most of Asia.’ ‘Two historical circumstances render this questioning especially relevant to an understanding of the Cartographic rhetoric of Ulysses.’

63. Tidal Barrages alter the flow of saltwater in and out of estuaries, which can alter the quality of the seawater and thus negatively impact and displace marine life in the area

64. What is Aquaplaning? Aquaplaning – sometimes known as hydroplaning – is when water builds up in front of your tyres faster than the weight of your car can displace it

65. Though both types of Autoclaves sterilize through high-temperature steam and use pressure as a means to allow steam to displace ambient air in the chamber to penetrate sterilization …

66. Couching (plural Couchings) The act of one who couches. quotations ▼ (ophthalmology) An early, largely obsolete, method of treating a cataract by using a sharp object to displace the opaque lens in the eye

67. For example, if a 10 liter object is placed in water, you will displace 10 liters of water, so the Boyant force on the object is equal to the weight of …

68. Mutual attraction: mating hard & soft materials takes the right chemistry Because water Adheres strongly to the surface and forms so thin a film, it creeps under oily spots to displace them, Fujishima says.

69. The recurrence of armed violence arising from the proliferation of light weapons in border areas, roadblocks and acts of piracy displace entire populations, making them more vulnerable and their situation more precarious.

70. The spirits can be invoked from beneath the Great Water, responding to the rhythm of the dance to momentarily displace the soul of the living, so that for that brief shining moment, the acolyte becomes the god.

71. ‘Battens were secured to the central rafter, allowing the weight of the tiles to displace the Battens, causing the tiles to slip.’ ‘Like a woven basket, the meshing together of the various elements - ribs, Battens and shingles - creates a strong, stable, composite structure.’

72. Avert estimates the potential of energy efficiency/renewable energy (EE/RE) programs to displace electricity system-related fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) sulfur dioxide (SO 2), nitrogen oxides (NO x), and carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions in the contiguous 48 states and …

73. With the hollow toner cup stationary, rotation of the sleeve-cap causes the agitator element to displace toner contained within the cartridge toward the mouth portion of the cartridge for egress of the toner through the mouth portion to toner receiving apparatus.

74. When revolutionaries or insurgents, broadly defined, indiscriminately attack civilians, they generally attack “Complicitous civilians,” i.e., those categories of noncombatants which the revolutionaries see as benefiting from, supporting and/or having a substantial capacity to influence the states that the revolutionaries are attempting to displace or overthrow.

75. It is precisely because of this that I can now visit my ancestral hometown and talk to the people who now live in the house in which I was born--because they do not feel threatened, because they know I don't want to displace them or take their house.''

76. Crimping IS A reliable process, provided design and process engineers follow the crimp supplier's guidelines on crimp wire capacity and the crimp tool settings. A Bad Crimp--and a Worse One: The wrong tool, or wrong procedures, is typically to blame This oxide film is an electrical insulator and is difficult to displace during Crimping.

77. In computer graphics, A heightmap or heightfield is a raster image used mainly as Discrete Global Grid in secondary elevation modeling.Each pixel stores values, such as surface elevation data, for display in 3D computer graphics.A heightmap can be used in bump mapping to calculate where this 3D data would create shadow in a material, in displacement mapping to displace the actual geometric

78. , "Bumping" or "bump" shall mean the right of an employee, based upon seniority within a series, to displace a less senior employee in a lower Classification within the Series.No employee shall have the right to Bump into a Classification for which the employee does not possess the minimum qualifications such as specialized education, training or experience.

79. One feature that garnered initial interest in a French context (which propagated rather quickly to scholars of French literature and philosophy working in American universities) was Derrida's efforts to displace the understanding of Heidegger's work that had been prevalent in France from the period of the ban against Heidegger teaching in German universities, which amounts in part to an almost wholesale rejection of the influence of Jean-Paul Sartre and existentialist terms. In Derrida's view, deconstruction is a tradition inherited via Heidegger (the French term "déconstruction" is a term coined to translate Heidegger's use of the words "Destruktion" - literally "destruction" - and "Abbau" - more literally "de-building").