Use "disparities" in a sentence

1. This problem create large disparities between Angolans

2. Disparities are leading to social tensions.

3. Comparison of the two accounts revealed numerous disparities.

4. Economic disparities grow ever greater and more intractable.

5. It would not address disparities, coordination or surge capacity.

6. Women at NCAA tournament Allege weight room disparities

7. Subject: Disparities in ADSL pricing for European citizens

8. n References Coulombe, S. Regional Disparities in Canada:

9. Gender disparities have been eliminated in the younger age groups.

10. The Arkansas Center for Health Disparities (Archd) was awarded a five-year research training grant in 2020 by the National Institute of Minority Health and Disparities.

11. Wealth disparities are corroding Japan's meritocracy and poverty is rising.

12. The second rebalancing entails a structural transformation to reduce income disparities .

13. Health disparities commonly relate to typical categories such as class and race.

14. ‘Cancer in Iowa’ report Analyzes racial disparities in incidence, mortality of disease

15. Regional disparities and income inequality are a feature of the Mexican economy.

16. In addition there are substantial regional and sub-regional disparities in labour market performance.

17. 2 days ago · Valley policing town hall Confronts disparities during traffic stops

18. Colorism is a social phenomenon that, like racism, leads to disparities and inequalities between groups

19. Housing and schools remain segregated and unequal. Economic disparities grow ever greater and more intractable.

20. Economic disparities are accentuated by lack of access to education, health and food security.

21. Inequalities based on gender biases as well as economic disparities have to be redressed.

22. In a socialist society, it was asked, were such gross disparities and inequalities permissible?

23. Disparities between boys and girls in primary education have closed in almost all countries.

24. In addition, special attention shall be given to positive actions addressing major gender disparities.

25. The mission of Archd is to advance the science of minority health and health disparities by conducting transdisciplinary, multi-level research that reduces chronic disease risk factors for which there are significant health disparities among socially disadvantaged communities with a goal of improving health and quality of life and ultimately eliminating health disparities and provide research …

26. Indeed the abstract and general nature of the criteria for decision may even exacerbate regional disparities.

27. Figure 2 further illustrates the clear disparities between Inuit, First Nations and Other Canadian communities.

28. Disparities, and ensure the well-being of every Baltimorean through education, advocacy, and direct service delivery

29. Assimilationists believe that both discrimination and black people themselves are to blame for racial disparities.

30. To examine disparities in risk factors for stillbirths and its occurrence in the Antepartum versus intrapartum periods

31. Discussion and debate concerning the reasons for the disparities remains active in the judicial and academic communities

32. Given present quantitative disparities between East and West, incremental performance improvements do provide something to worry about.

33. Disparities in Absenteeism rates are observed by racial and ethnic background, income, and special education status

34. Disparities along gender and regional lines create categories of children whose access to education is limited

35. Since there have been disparities in opinions on the issue for many years, unprejudiced research and study are needed.

36. Cares is one of ACS's core strategies for combating racial disparities in child welfare and promoting social justice

37. While Acclinate launched before COVID, the pandemic put a spotlight on disparities within pharmaceutical and medical clinical trials

38. The decrease in financial insecurity among the population occurred with a relatively low level of personal income disparities.

39. Although Caries has significantly decreased for most Americans over the past four decades, disparities remain among some population groups.

40. San Francisco, although it has done better than many cities at providing preschool options for poorer children, still faces disparities.

41. Three Categories: Segregationists, Assimilationists, and Antiracists A group we can call segregationists has blamed Black people themselves for the racial disparities

42. Marked disparities exist in organization and philosophy, curriculum and pedagogy, funding levels, governance and accountability of early childhood care and education.

43. 8 Raising the minimum wage would ratchet up real incomes where disparities are at their worst and need is most clustered.

44. It is a method that assures perpetuation of disparities in power and of inequities in every form of day-to-day existence.

45. Mozambique was marked by large disparities between the wealthy Portuguese and the majority of the large rural indigenous African population.

46. Raising the minimum wage would ratchet up real incomes where disparities are at their worst and need is most clustered.

47. The other serious agricultural problem for the Common Market lies in the disparities in production and prices as between different member States.

48. Since health literacy is a primary contributing factor to health disparities, it is a continued and increasing concern for health professionals.

49. Healthcare leaders: disorganization, disparities Characterized health crisis Reflecting on lessons learned from the pandemic, healthcare leaders pointed to the lack of coordination and glaring

50. In addition the government would be more able to pursue policies designed to rescue collapsing firms and to reduce regional disparities of income.

51. From a macroeconomic perspective, labour mobility helps address unemployment disparities between EU Member States and contributes to a more efficient allocation of human resources.

52. Every teaching of Guru Nanak Dev preached that a campaign should be carried on to abolish superstitions, social disparities and social evils from the society.

53. The claim of ‘Systemic Racism’ in policing is Contradicted by science - A detailed new report shows no racial disparities in crimes committed versus arrests made.

54. A new report highlighting economic disparities and their impact on community health pointed out that Billionaires collectively have become nearly $1 trillion richer during the novel coronavirus

55. Being Antiracist means learning about and identifying inequities and disparities that give, in particular, white people, or any racial group, material advantages over people of color

56. IN·Clued: Inclusive Healthcare – Youth & Providers Empowered is an LGBTQ-centered program that addresses the sexual health disparities affecting LGBTQ youth across the United States.

57. Fourth part:‘so as to avoid excessive wage disparities, to support aggregate demand and economic recovery and to underpin upward social convergence;’ without the word ‘upward’

58. The links below provide access to upcoming and archived NIMHD Conferences, workshops, meetings and other events, as well as events related to minority health and health disparities

59. Failure to act on a broader scale than that already envisaged, may well acerbate the already grave economic disparities that exist amongst the regions of the Union.

60. Health Becomes Key Issue in New York City Mayoral Race Public healthcare option, more equitable vaccine distribution are among proposals to address disparities laid bare by Covid-19 pandemic

61. Education-related disparities in mortality were measured using regression-based indices to determine both absolute and relative levels of inequality at each timepoint and also the changes over the decade.

62. IN·Clued: Inclusive Healthcare – Youth & Providers Empowered is an LGBTQ-centered and evidence-based program that addresses the sexual health disparities affecting LGBTQ youth across the United States

63. His Antiracism center’s research team aims to answer those questions by creating the nation’s largest racial inequity database and using its findings to inform the public about racial disparities.

64. The social programs (called "missions" in Venezuela) that came into being during the term of Hugo Chávez sought to reduce social disparities and were funded in large part by oil revenues.

65. “Aunt Bertha is an essential tool for Redwood Community Health Coalition and our member health centers to strengthen community and clinical linkages and advance health equity by prioritizing populations that experience the greatest disparities.

66. IN·Clued is an inclusive education program that addresses the sexual health disparities affecting LGBTQ youth across the United States by combining LGBTQ youth-friendly health services with direct, relevant sex education

67. The two researchers say that, due to economic disparities among Member States, the actual level of unemployment benefits that can be exported differs significantly and can expose mobile EU jobseekers to exploitation.

68. Biological factors including genetics, sex differences, developmental abnormalities, nutritional status, sensory impairments, and compromised immunological status that help account for, or may serve to reduce health disparities and the vulnerabilities of disadvantaged groups.

69. Biological factors including genetics, sex differences, developmental abnormalities, nutritional status, sensory impairments, cardiovascular health, and compromised immunological status that help account for, or may serve to reduce health disparities and the vulnerabilities of disadvantaged groups.

70. These disparities primarily reflect underlying economic, demographic and cultural realities such as: the relative poverty or affluence of different regions; the degree of urbanization; the population density; or the ethnic composition (Statistics Canada 2000).

71. Stresses, however, that despite the progress made in convergence across the EU, disparities in absolute terms remain high, as do the variations in prosperity levels between Member States, with some tending to diverege; Or. pt

72. The ultimate Ken Jacobs The disparities of power in men are superficial; and all frank and searching conversation, in which a man lays himself open to his brother, Apprizes each of their radical unity.

73. If measures are not put in place to develop the skills base, training, and commercial practices favourable to global trading, the wider diffusion of ICTs could accentuate, rather than reduce, existing disparities in income, wealth, and opportunity.

74. The Healthcare Innovation Event, sponsored by Amgen in partnership with Colorado Bioscience Association will engage with Colorado's life sciences and healthcare ecosystem to feature speakers addressing healthcare disparities of underrepresented populations in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

75. Specifically, Affirmatively furthering fair housing means taking meaningful actions that, taken together, address significant disparities in housing needs and in access to opportunity, replacing segregated living patterns with truly integrated and balanced living patterns, transforming racially and ethnically concentrated areas of poverty into

76. We still have in us this old stuff about superiority and it is causing us to embed those further into our institutions and our society and generations, and it is making for despair and disparities and a devastating devaluing of young black men.

77. An a-la-carte approach to deal with risks that are too large for individuals, their families, and communities to handle - and that Balkanizes Americans into groups that “deserve” help from the government and those that do not - will see disparities in income and overall inequality worsen

78. Afurther decline in India’s sex ratio because of sex selective abortion and other abuses against girls and womenpoints to the economic and social disparities that lead families to prefer sons over daughters, and the government’s need to expand educational and economic opportunities for women.

79. Compadre is a multifaceted program that aims to reduce health disparities by transforming the physician workforce – to be better prepared, more equitably distributed and more deeply connected to underserved communities. More specifically, Compadre will: Fundamentally change how learners are selected into UME and GME

80. Amendment by Pedro Guerreiro, Kyriacos Triantaphyllides Amendment 60 Paragraph 5a (new) 5a. Stresses, however, that despite the progress made in convergence across the EU, disparities in absolute terms remain high, as do the variations in prosperity levels between Member States, with some tending to diverege; Or. pt