Use "disoriented" in a sentence

1. I am disoriented, but captivated.

2. Tired, disoriented, or Bleary-eyed

3. He was disoriented in transport, Tron.

4. The anesthetic left her completely disoriented.

5. Addlebrained Confused, bewildered, or disoriented

6. Whales become disoriented in shallow water.

7. I feel dizzy and disoriented.

8. 9 I feel dizzy and disoriented.

9. AddleBrained Confused, bewildered, or disoriented

10. They got disoriented in the wood.

11. He sat up, feeling weak, disoriented.

12. Jean-Pierre felt faintly disoriented by it.

13. I come out of the theater feeling disoriented.

14. I am disoriented,[sentencedict .com] but captivated.

15. 3 Whales become disoriented in shallow water.

16. I'm quite disoriented. Which way is north?

17. Society has been disoriented by changing values.

18. 8 He sat up, feeling weak,( disoriented.

19. 2 Society has been disoriented by changing values.

20. He was afebrile, disoriented, tachypneic, and in atrial fibrillation.

21. 7 I come out of the theater feeling disoriented.

22. At first, the fire had left them shocked and disoriented.

23. Her head still hurt, and she felt slightly dizzy and disoriented.

24. The drumming disoriented him, the darkness frightened him; he shouted out.

25. When he emerged into the street, he was completely disoriented.

26. The pilot became disoriented in bad weather over the ocean.

27. When he came up out of the subway, he was momentarily disoriented.

28. Fearful Attachment (1-5%): This also is called ‘disoriented’ or ‘disorganized’ Attachment

29. 11 Everybody is exhausted and disoriented after three weeks on the road.

30. Now, during the interview, he slurred his words, he sounded disoriented...

31. Everybody is exhausted and disoriented after three weeks on the road.

32. 23 At first, the fire had left them shocked and disoriented.

33. 20 When he emerged into the street, he was completely disoriented.

34. 13 The pilot became disoriented in bad weather over the ocean.

35. 18 When he came up out of the subway, he was momentarily disoriented.

36. In what ways do those in spiritual darkness show that they are disoriented?

37. Travellers who come to view the stalactites without guides often become disoriented.

38. 19 Her head still hurt, and she felt slightly dizzy and disoriented.

39. Standing proved to be a mistake and left me woozy and disoriented.

40. The next thing I knew I Was waking up in a hospital bed, bleary and disoriented.

41. Mrs Roberts, indeed, who felt completely disoriented, clung on absurdly to the reality of Martin Parr.

42. I stumbled from the room dazed and confused, completely disoriented by what had just happened.

43. He is an example of some one who has become lost or disoriented on the new frontier.

44. Living in an unfamiliar environment, surrounded by strangers, people felt uneasy, lost, and disoriented.

45. And it's known that migrating birds, for example, get very disoriented because of these offshore platforms.

46. When he regained consciousness he was disoriented and not sure how he had gotten there.

47. 6 When he regained consciousness he was disoriented and not sure how he had gotten there.

48. Wearing dark glasses, with one arm in a sling, she seemed disoriented and distanced from events.

49. They now more often appear staring vacantly or seeming disoriented, being psychologically removed from their situation.

50. However , another theory is that a violent thunderstorm could have disoriented a roost of blackbirds .

51. After the presents are opened, long-term planners are disoriented and must find new work.

52. Treated insects exhibit leg tremors, rapid wing motion, stylet withdrawal (aphids), disoriented movement, paralysis and death.

53. 24 Commuting between Time and eternity, Iyer helps us to understand the disoriented, directionless contemporary condition.

54. 21 I stumbled from the room dazed and confused, completely disoriented by what had just happened.

55. Lacking any understanding about an event or situation results in Bafflement, when you're so disoriented that your head spins.

56. 28 When he regained consciousness he was disoriented and not sure how he had gotten there.

57. Prisoners were disoriented because the "main gate" meant the entrance to the American side of the camp.

58. Lacking any understanding about an event or situation results in Bafflement, when you're so disoriented that your head spins.

59. Disoriented, Bleary passengers departing from the red-eye Recent Examples on the Web Dutcher gave a brief speech to his Bleary …

60. 10 But at that time, biologists also saw sick, disoriented manatees acting strangely by curling their lips and arching their backs.

61. 22 The few who have seen Durdiyev lately describe him as disoriented, raising concern that he may have been force-fed medication.

62. That the Assistant Manager emerged later in the day at the same door similarly disoriented is not in doubt either.

63. 12 He felt strangely disoriented and feebly guilty and for a moment could not remember the crux of his sermon for tomorrow.

64. No one observed how he had arrived there, and he was disoriented and confused standing in the middle of an intersection.

65. 11 That the Assistant Manager emerged later in the day at the same door similarly disoriented is not in doubt either.

66. He felt strangely disoriented and feebly guilty and for a moment could not remember the crux of his sermon for tomorrow.

67. By Wednesday morning she was disoriented most of the time, and her resting heart rate was 170, way above the normal of about 70.

68. It is normal for a recently bereaved person to feel disoriented and lost, but adhering to your customary schedule and activities will help.

69. Perhaps Mom or Dad has fallen and broken a hip, has become disoriented and wandered off, or has been diagnosed with a serious medical condition.

70. Anomie As the old ways of doing things are undermined, people who placed their faith in tradition become disoriented (technically speaking, they suffer from "Anomie").

71. As a Bullfighter, you also have the serious duty of keeping angry bulls from harming bull riders, some of whom become disoriented or injured after a ride

72. 19 Since boasting in Jehovah is so important in this confused and disoriented world, what can assist us to maintain a wholesome pride in our God and a strong sense of Christian identity?

73. Faith, already put to the test by the challenges of our times, is sometimes disoriented by erroneous theological views, the spread of which is abetted by the crisis of obedience vis-à-vis the Church's Magisterium.

74. [it] is pure genre, but that is not to say that its genre is pure, given how deftly it Ambiguates itself between being a story of ghostly vengeance and a tale of psychological breakdown, while leaving the disoriented viewer to call the difference.

75. Consternation is a noun that can stop you in your tracks because it means "a sudden, alarming amazement or dread that results in utter confusion; dismay." If you have a sense of Consternation you have become afraid, disoriented, or completely befuddled.

76. Consternation is a noun that can stop you in your tracks because it means "a sudden, alarming amazement or dread that results in utter confusion; dismay." If you have a sense of Consternation you have become afraid, disoriented, or completely befuddled