Use "dismissive" in a sentence

1. They were sneeringly dismissive.

2. Even Marxist critics are generally dismissive.

3. Weinbaum said with a dismissive wave.

4. Her manner was coldly dismissive.

5. She was very dismissive of his achievements.

6. Her voice was cool and dismissive.

7. Don't be so dismissive of her talent.

8. Her voice will drop to a dismissive whisper.

9. He's so dismissive of anybody else's suggestions.

10. So dismissive a judgment requires further explanation.

11. Some historians have been dismissive of this argument.

12. Doctor Bordy was extremely rude and dismissive

13. Toward others, he could be dismissive, insensitive, rude.

14. Cath spread both hands in a dismissive gesture.

15. Linda could not blame Chrissy for her dismissive attitude.

16. 22 Some historians have been dismissive of this argument.

17. 3 Cath spread both hands in a dismissive gesture.

18. The young artist seems to have the same dismissive outlook.

19. Reviewers were dismissive, and the play closed within a week.

20. She was always dismissive of other women in the office.

21. His dismissive attitude towards the rich is just inverted snobbery.

22. 9 His dismissive attitude towards the rich is just inverted snobbery.

23. Mr Jones was dismissive of the report, saying it was riddled with inaccuracies.

24. But we can not afford to be so self-indulgent and dismissive.

25. Someone who is Cavalier has a dismissive attitude and regards other people as inferior

26. When he did acknowledge her existence he talked in dismissive and unrealistic terms.

27. Traditional monetarist theory is also dismissive of the need to control local spending.

28. What does Cupcake mean? An attractive young woman: often a patronizing or dismissive term

29. She makes a small, dismissive, explosion with her lips, like a gentle fart.

30. Pentecostals have endured more than their share of dismissive scholarship, condescending analysis, and popular disdain.

31. Don't respond in ways that are abusive, hateful, dismissive, or that threaten or harass others.

32. However, he took a rather dismissive view of her depression and offered her simplistic solutions.

33. Perhaps, because the film was so unrelieved, I tended to be dismissive of its power.

34. She might have been less dismissive of my talents if he could have seen my latest achievements.

35. In public he appears brusque and dismissive, but he is in fact a very caring person.

36. It's so weak, so dismissive, like the girl's body was a cupcake and you took a nibble.

37. Then she smiled at me in a brusque, dismissive manner and directed me to the railway station.

38. Some of those who are dismissive of food intolerance, see hyperventilation as a widespread cause of vague, multiple symptoms.

39. Unlike dismissive Attachers, fearful Attachers realize that a healthy level of dependence on another person is a good

40. As the previous chapter showed, many aspects of growing up in today's world encourage such a dismissive attitude to religion.

41. She gained prominence when she overcame the dismissive attitude of veteran commanders and lifted the siege in only nine days.

42. Mr. Kemp is entitled to his opinions but why he chooses to express them in such flippant and dismissive manner is puzzling.

43. And he paused, looked down on me with cold, dismissive eyes, and he said, "Hugh, no one gives a funk about foreign aid."

44. Astilbe, translated from Greek, means “without brilliance.” Maybe the wild Astilbes that earned this dismissive genus name were drab, but today’s cultivars offer …

45. The lack of accuracy and the dismissive character of the Syrian Government’s response raise, in the source’s view, doubts concerning its truthfulness.

46. 27 Mr. Kemp is entitled to his opinions but why he chooses to express them in such flippant and dismissive manner is puzzling.

47. Mod Selection claims the distributor, named Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits, subjected the rapper to “Browbeating and dismissive treatment” after he agreed to lend his name, likeness, and

48. Anxious Attachers typically have a low view of themselves and dismissive Attachers typically have a low view of others; fearful Attachers experience the worst of both worlds

49. The Chinese authorities remain Acutely aware of Ai's complex and innovative heresy and in China, an "edgy" artist has to face greater challenges than mockery or dismissive critics.

50. Some of the Animosity is personal: Republicans in both chambers and K Street attorneys say Jackson and her staff are too dismissive of opposing views and other stakeholders.

51. The video incident was the worst offense in a litany of sexist Affronts to Andrews during her career as a sideline reporter: endless commentary on her appearance, dismissive remarks by other

52. He is a brusque person who has a tendency to be dismissive, but he is Accentuating the winning side of his personality, he is trying to convince people that he is a candidate with mass appeal

53. I have a curious question, do the dismissive Avoidants ever truly fall in love / feel real love with anyone!? Do they just go from one relationship to the next without feeling or falling in true love

54. Marathon MP shows pace to corner thieves; POLITICS Since Keisling presided over the establishment of Oregon's vote-by-mail system (VBM), his umbrage at Rubin's " Casually dismissive half-sentence" characterizing VBM as a "terribly insecure system

55. In contrast to this dismissive tone, De Vries (1985:219) refers to this episode and the consequent meeting between Elijah and Ahab as a meeting between ―the representative of institutional power – the Baalizing king and the representative of spiritual power – the humble, spirit-filled prophet‖ (italics mine).

56. Because dismissive-Avoidants are aggressively independent, they honestly believe that most people use relationships to fill gaps or fulfill needs that they should be filling or meeting on their own (translation: most people are dependent, needy and clingy), and are deeply disturbed by displays of ‘neediness’ or out of control emotions.

57. ‘The plutocratic Autocracy that is the White House has been imperiously dismissive of America's Constitutional systems of checks and balances, attempting to govern by executive fiat.’ ‘The proper name for its workers is ‘associates,’ a term that connotes higher status and collegiality and that actually means lower pay and workplace

58. After a full 30 min of sitting with the menus still in front of us, the head waiter came by to tell us in the Brusquest, most dismissive tone ever, that they were no longer serving bubble tea And then immediately turned on his heel and walked away without so much as a halfhearted apology!

59. "to dismiss lightly and Contemptuously," literally "to turn aside with an exclamation of 'pooh,'" 1827, a slang reduplication of dismissive expression pooh.Among the many 19th century theories of the origin of language was the Pooh-pooh theory (1860), which held that language grew from natural expressions of surprise, joy, pain, or grief.

60. Avoidants are known to be viscerally effected by events that would normally trigger conscious emotions — such events are often reflected in a racing heart, disturbed digestion, and poor sleep even when the Dismissive-Avoidant consciously feels nothing — and will tell you he or she doesn’t really mind that their partner is gone since it’s such a great opportunity to get more work done