Use "disgusted with" in a sentence

1. I am completely disgusted with her.

2. Everybody is disgusted with his pride.

3. I'm totally disgusted with your behaviour.

4. I was thoroughly disgusted with her behaviour.

5. I disgusted with him at his vulgarity.

6. And Cibelli is disgusted with the brouhaha.

7. 5 I disgusted with him at his vulgarity.

8. I am disgusted with his way of speaking.

9. I'm disgusted with the way that he was treated.

10. I was disgusted with myself for eating so much.

11. He was disgusted with the stodgy pizzas on sale in London.

12. All the people in the party were disgusted with his bawdy jokes.

13. 3 He was disgusted with the stodgy pizzas on sale in London.

14. It continued: “They are disgusted with finding indecision and corruption when they look for direction.”

15. I was disgusted with the two egotistical Kims, as were most people I knew.

16. She was disgusted with herself and says: “I did a lot of praying and studying.”

17. Some say he'd been sleeping through the ages... that he'd retreated from a world he'd become disgusted with.

18. Maria eyed the man and said, "Why are you not disgusted with yourselves when you use such shameful words?

19. 46 After that Re·bekʹah kept saying to Isaac: “I am disgusted with my life because of the daughters of Heth.

20. Disgusted with the entire system of things, as were other youths of the time, I quit school and pursued a hippie lifestyle.

21. John Cassian, a monk and theologian wrote in the early 5th century about an ancient Greek emotion called Acedia. A mind “seized” by this emotion is “horrified at where he is, disgusted with

22. What about if the Badmouthing is from a peer to other peers, and the others come to you because they have had enough? This has gotten to the point that the others are disgusted with the words used & came to me, saying that there is no valid reason for the Badmouthing. They want me to …